For You Fans Of Korean Girls

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Too funny JJ. I blew it up for you.

OK, I am off to look for some more. Originally Posted by Mokoa
+1 OMG! TOO "Duckin' Funny, JJ! Epic Find!
Thanks Big M for, well, making it Big, M!

Go OU! Showing that the US got's Sexy of it's own!

(reference back to bullet #3 - 23 looks good no matter what Race you are looking at! Yum!)
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WoW! I can't tell whether I like the Waveya cover better or the original. Both are EXCELLENTLY danced - SO Sharp.
LOVE These outfits though! SO original and sexy! Yum!
.....these darn things are so damn addictive - thanx guys!!
FYI, PSY will be performing his fascinating "Gangnam Style" dance tonight on the MTV Video Music Awards. Tune in, I'm sure he'll have his girls with him....

St. C
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
WoW! MTV (from something just released in July) Amazing. Thanks for the info St. C!

This is such a great era we live in. I'm so happy about the evolution of "global markets", "global culture", and "internationalization". It's so cool that I can log on to iTunes and buy a song published in Korea or Morocco or Spain. I can get on YouTube and see beautiful women of all races, nationalities, from all over the world. The World is wonderous! I'm glad it is finally opening up.

P.S. Not only are the videos addicting, I find the music addicting as well. I actually bought Bubble Pop today! And as much as I thought I liked it here, it is AWESOME through headphones! Bubble Bubble Bubble Pop!

Did you know Hyuna is only 20? Two of her videos were banned from "normal" television for "Being too sexy!" LOL! WTF?? "Oh my god, that girl is shaking her ass, Quick turn the TV off!" Seriously?? No nuditiy, nothin' = BAN. Jealous people try to ruin everything....