You know, there's a bunch of silly people making arguments leading this topic to where it has degraded. Let's keep our eye on the ball.
I want to make it as hard as possible for whoever in whatever condition who feels the need to kick in my front door to do so while carrying an assault rifle rigged up with a HCM and dressed in body armor. That's not really a lot to ask. That's also why an assembled assault rifle and other "enahncements" should never leave the confines of the owner's property.
And, while we're at it, let's get people trained enough to do someting other than shoot first and ask questions later - even if it is in their own home. And, yes, there's a way to do it if you know how. That doesn't mean that we should change the laws regarding self defense, but it does mean that we, as a society, need to face up to the fact that someone could die whenever any gun is purchased and that some who may die may not have necessarily been up to no good. Training, training, training.
I know this flies in the face of Teawipe policy, but when did thorough knowledge become a bad thing? Once upon a time, even the NRA thought it was smart.
Don't be led down the rabbit hole by the anecdotal tales of rare occurrences. It's about making it hard.