Provider, Escort, Hooker, Concubine, Sugar Baby, Mistress, Prostitute, Call Girl, Streetwalker, Courtesan, Trollop, Strumpet, Penis Enthusiast, Sperm Evacuation Specialist, Orgasm Administrator, Horizontal Mambo Technician…. BUT NOT “WHORE”

chicagoboy's Avatar
Still Looking's Avatar
I , VERY PERSONALLY, albeit my awareness that NOTHING AT ALL is personal ANYWAY, ANYWHERE, ANYMOre, do not mind the coined title WHORE. I just ad AL after it and assume you are all from north carolina. WOUld THE real who please open the m.f door ? There.. I even used in a phrase.

you can put a dash.. between the drop site and the carpet pad... but then someone would have to clean it up and all that mess wouldn't be worth it considering you peoples are so opressed and provictive nowadays, NOBODY is even on the same grid. But what wood a grid be if everyone was ON IT.

face of the EARTH declines and regresses... but the heart grows with every deposit of negativity. Its a real live V NECK with a crochodeal apliquaed'ad ( app lick caid ) to the breast area.

Your post in this nationally viewed virtual assembly makes about as much sence to a lay girl.. (layman's last call ) as translating trash to compost, german to directions or viki to a viking.

But you knew that was I scream ... and you made me deliver my core to the eel's keeper ( or so it seems ) for 15 years while I came to understand that a LEGEND... can occur on any map, anywhere anytime and as often as one presents.

I do appreciate.. you do depreciate, and got only knows that noone I know knows where the F george is anyway... and we wish we didn't care.


TRY 2.

go cowboys. this game will be the icing on the chocolate red hot cake.

OVER OUT BR549'D AND DUMBER THAN DUMB CAN EVER BE. Originally Posted by _Jayne_

There's only one thing to say....
Still Looking's Avatar
Originally Posted by chicagoboy
And that was the other thing...
the ones most offended by terms are the ones who can't admit what they do here. if you have to elevate yourself to feel better about the job, maybe it's not for you. sure there are all types of escorts from street walkers to the high enders and they all have something different to sell as far as package goes, but in the end they all sell pussy regardless of how nicely they want to package it.

girls i respect in this business are those who are not ignorant and can do without a man taking care of them all the tme. by that i mean, they can go get a job tomorrow when they decide this is enough. i have no respect for those who use and manipulate because they are too stupid to do anything else in life and need a man to pay their bills forever. the same providers who can fuck 5 guys a day for years on end, are too lazy to go out and work that same 40 hours a week at a real job, and that never made sense to me. if you can have the dedication to suck that many dicks, you can apply that rule to education, or a career.

so i don't care what you call them as long as it's a girl who is not an idiot. i spent half my time in Houston and Nola, and what guys call intelligent in those areas, is hilarious.
Still Looking's Avatar
LD Bump!
bojulay's Avatar
What about "soiled dove"? Originally Posted by Rogue_Gent
That makes me think of a BP damage control comercial
where they are using Dawn soap to try and clean up
some oil soaked wildlife.

Whore to me just sounds cheap and without style.

Like in a back ally or something, with the crack paraphernalia
falling out of her purse when she is digging around in it for
a condom.
sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me...