BDD stalker? Please explain as you seem psycho.

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-27-2013, 01:03 PM
In the movie they gave frankenhooker super crac* it was the only way to stop her.
chicagoboy's Avatar
I don't really care. I felt uneasy and made a alert. I'm done here. As I said block is great. Happy Monday all Originally Posted by bustyamy
Now thats funny shit. I'm out. Done with this. I said all I needed to say, everyone have a great day! Originally Posted by bustyamy
One of these days, she'll mean it.
but it was just her allergies! Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
That seems to be going around LOL. Are we supposed to believe that all of BA's ex-hommies have allergies or are all drunks or stalkers? Personally, I find it a bit hard to believe being the Tee-toter she says she is she runs with that "sort". It's all terribly unsubstantiated peppered with some good old fashioned flip-flop. First the PM's now seems everybody but the lady in question is some kind of skid-row looser.

Lesson for the day: Don't take a giant shit in your cherio's!!!! Originally Posted by novacain
Unless you just like to wallow in shit.
Last week me and my enemy were told to keep peace and leave each other alone, we both agreed. Noone wants to get banned for stupid shit. Thats when the "pawn" started being rude and disrespectful. Yes ladies and gentlemen, he is posting on her behalf. Evedently she figures she will use this guy like a tampon, and without a doubt soon as everyone agreed to be peaceful here he comes to save the honor of his "girlfriend". He is a lonely guy who now gets to be part of the action. This thread was to call him on his shit. I have many rave reviews and never had a problem with anyone. Needless to say, never had a problem with him either as he said himself we have been cordial to each other. She can't say anything to me, so he plays the hero and does so when he should had stayed out of it and left things peaceful as they were suppose to be. Thats the 360 I was talking about. I have never had a problem with BDD, but its not in his own honor that he post, guess he is hoping for some brownie points. I would not bring a client of mine to do that, I was more than willing to make and keep peace, then "she under BDD handle shows up again", and just won't stop! If I'm good enough to see 6x and ask out 3x (his words), why else would this person come at me like this. He is so excited a hooker will give him some time, he will evedently do anything for her. Kinda sweet, but leave me alone and bring her flowers. I'm really done with this worthless thread again. BDD, I'm publicly asking you to leave me alone. How else do I say it. I did nothing to you, and you "girlfriend" and I's problems are just that, none of your business. At the end of the day, just pay and stop working so hard for free pussy. Peace Originally Posted by bustyamy
Then why didn't you just say this from the get-go! This is why your whole story breaks down. You can't flip-flop. You can't accuse someone one of a crime [stalking]; then go and say "Bitches be cra."; then, thank you very fucking much, now he's The Pawn. Your story breaks down. He didn't stalk you and he doesn't have allergies. You just admitted it in this comment. As an aside, I'm actually not sure who has doesn't carry Kleenexes around in this scenario because it's a meandering mess.

Get a clue lady! THIS isn't how to earn a living. Be sweet. Do your job. Have a drink or a potato off the clock. Smile a bit perhaps. But drama-lovin' hate ain't the way to get er'dun. Oh, and for the love of God use paragraphs! Overlooking bad grammar and typos is easy, but reading a diatribe without paragraph breaks is HARD!!
Adabear's Avatar
*Point of order....if he did a 360...he would be going the way he started. You had it right in your earlier posts, it would be a 180.

** Point or Order 2.......If you say someone is just like someone else who is a know drug abuser, isn't that the same as saying that person is on drugs?

***Point of Order 3.....For the record, this is why some people lurk and do not post often. This drama is nuts. If it was a real alert...then I would have no issue. However, BDD put out one hell of a rebuttal that was not argued (other than # of times they saw each other). Doesn't that mean that she is saying he is right and in turn this was a false allegation?

Is there anything that happens to someone who lies blatantly about another member?

Olivia....I really need to meet you. Love your posts. I may not agree all the time but, you cut right through the BS. I are retired. I will buy you a cup of coffee or the clock ;-)

Back to lurking
Olivia....I really need to meet you. Love your posts. I may not agree all the time but, you cut right through the BS. I are retired. I will buy you a cup of coffee or the clock ;-)

Back to lurking Originally Posted by Adabear
LOL, hells to the ya, and I'm buying !

I like BA. I really do. But this is actually serious.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 08-27-2013, 06:21 PM
One of these days, she'll mean it. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
No, she will not! She's lovin' every minute of this crap.
Wakeup's Avatar
Last week me and my enemy were told to keep peace and leave each other alone, we both agreed. Originally Posted by bustyamy
...and this is how you two "keep peace and leave each other alone"?

I would say "I told you so" to the Houston moderators...but I'll wait to see if they enforce their "ultimatum" or puss out...
Amy, the best way to deal with idiots is to ignore them. Originally Posted by blowpop
Or dont create a threAD accusing someone for something and then try to blame another person when it is not going your way

One of these days, she'll mean it. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
CB you got jokes

BA first you imagine stalking and now your saying it is Sexy Cassandra and BDD. What's next someone took control of your handle to make the thread
chicagoboy's Avatar
CB you got jokes Originally Posted by Thatdude
Please, it's cb (not to be confused with CDB).
dearhunter's Avatar
The sad part of this is that this demonstrates how much stock can be put in what someone posts on other matters
junglemonkey's Avatar
Yep, I'm expecting the "someone hacked my account" threAD in 3..2..1..
Sarunga's Avatar
** Point or Order 2.......If you say someone is just like someone else who has one of the greatest singing voices of all time, isn't that the same as saying that person has one of the greatest singing voices of all time? Originally Posted by Adabear
Excellent point.

Nah, there's really no need for a lock here........the thread is on track and hasn't become a haven for infractions so it doesn't look least at the moment. Originally Posted by mojojo213
IMHO, this still stands.
poppy71's Avatar
Yep, I'm expecting the "someone hacked my account" threAD in 3..2..1.. Originally Posted by junglemonkey
With anyone else I would agree but this one needs the attention. She said to check his post history but check hers. I made a comment on another thread mentioning no names and it was not directed to her but she even made that - and then the thread - about her. It's what she does. She has the biggest "look at me look at me" attitude of any provider on this board and we have some super thirsty attention whores on here.

The "enemy" has been quiet. The "stalker" has been quiet. The "victim" has been screaming. I've never met the "enemy", the "stalker", or the "victim" but just off of posts and public persona the victim sure does live for the drama - and she admits it in many threads - and she gets fed drama meals over and over again.

I think Valeria summed up this thread in the best possible way using a single word....this thread should die.