That's the way you operate, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Your ignorant, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass "doesn't care" about obvious facts when they inconveniently show you for a lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Despite your lame-ass protests, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, CBJ7 is obviously ridiculing the officers' equipment in almost every post, e.g.:
I don't CARE where the photo came from, tranny fucker. EVERY photo on this board came from somewhere else.
You projected your own stupid thoughts onto CJ7 and started another flame war.
Keep up the OCD arguing, tranny fucker. Originally Posted by ExNYer
gotta love those bicycle helmets with NO face sheilds ... every riot cop should have one
Originally Posted by CJ7
I sure wouldn't go into battle against those guys without a knee shield Originally Posted by CJ7
the brother on the right of the pic tucked his bike pants in his Reebok Hi Tops Originally Posted by CJ7
riot cops dressed for some shit ,including riot BATONS
not so much
see the difference ?
JD , the quintessential idiot, still refuses to accept the fact there were NO 90 year old vets at the memorial ... Originally Posted by CJ7As usual, it looks like your wrong again, CBJ7.
The visit by the Dallas-area group, with veterans 84 to 96 years old, was arranged by the Honor Flights Network. The groups have become the most visible symbol of friction in Washington since the shutdown began at midnight Monday. And fingers are pointing in both directions.
WASHINGTON -- Tears filled John Lichko's eyes as he thought of the Army Air Corps comrades he served with in England and France. The memories flooded back as he posed for a picture under a pillar at the World War II Memorial that commemorates the contributions of Pennsylvania veterans.
"Being here really makes you miss your buddies. Some of the guys I served with for three years," said Mr. Lichko, 90.
“I find it disappointing and disgusting for our country to have to go through this,” said Bob Hunter, 90, of Gulfport, Miss., who survived a plane crash and climbed the Eiffel Tower to post a radio transmitter on top as a member of the Army Signal Corps in World War II.
“I feel like we deserve better,”
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Sorry chimpmaster it is from walking into the shit. We try but your head is too dense.Yep, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, you're an incontinent old fuck when you get kicked in the ass.Originally Posted by i'va biggen