By any other name, "name-calling and foolishness" is for lack of a better term, "name-calling and foolishness."
Originally Posted by bigtex
I like
facetious shenanigans for a better term...

Thanks to spell check I think I got the spelling right.
Nevertheless come on man, I know u get the point.
Kind of funny but your twist of "name calling and foolishness" came to mind when I was going though some internet funny pages and came upon this:
As I said before, I like the debates, whether its on Schaub, Mario, Foster, Jacoby, Kubiak, etc. The point of "name calling and foolishness" is when the debate becomes like a personal vendetta between the two parties

. I believe this was where the OP(Satin) jumped in calling for a moratorium. Though the moratorium was needed, both you fellers made excellent observations and I could tell it took some research on both your parts. Just to pick out a couple of posts:
the last 2 on pg 70. However the debate was greatly overshadowed by the
lack of respect. And BT, believe it or not Daddio is rootin for Schaub next yr. despite Schaub's "dopeyness." Not to put words in Daddio's mouth but rather to state my take on some of what he said, I think being a "self-proclaimed Schaub hater," among other posts came out of frustration.
Speaking of Dopey(Schaub), from what I understand, the name was given to Schaub due to his funny faces, and 2 left feet.
As for me, when I first joined the thread I went off on the Schaub doubters mainly because I thought they were calling for him to be cut mid year of his best season with no tangible replacement. I even suggested that if they took their opinion's to Dre, they might get Finnerganed. I'm sure you remember that as you joined me on that note. However, once I learned
they were not truly haters but rather where just being critical of his weaknesses, I respectfully backed off and took notice.
I tend to agree with Satin about the standpoint from being a season ticket holder. I just secured my season tickets for 2012 as well. It's quite an investment, $1-2K. Shelling out that kind of money to just to see 10 football games, kind of puts you on a pedestal as a fan. To me, though a season ticket holder's opinions and assessments are merely subjective, they actually hold some weight as the holder has an ongoing investment in the team.
The difference: The Schaub haters ...... did not like it when someone disagreed with them. They wanted to enjoy all of the cake without sharing with someone foolish enough to believe that Schaub is a fairly good, 2nd tier NFL QB, who is capable of taking us to the Super Bowl! If you must disagree with the Schaub haters, please do so quietly in the corner. That way, the locals will once again be able to dine on all of the "name-calling and foolishness" until their belly's are full. Ain't life grand?
When they were unable to do so, they complained that the so called Schaub lover wasn't playing fair in their specially designed Schaub hater's, play house! We just need to rid ourselves of that nasty ol' Schaub lover and this will go back to being a perfect world once again! We can then hate on Schaub all day and all night and everyone will always agree! Ya gotta love paradise
Originally Posted by bigtex
I know you were primarily addressing Satin, but since its here on the thread, allow me to share my thoughts.....
Looks to me that you are feeling isolated because you like Schaub. I don't think that's the case at all. Personally, I'd love to see the debate continue. That's simply because if all parties agree, there is no debate. I value you opinion and respect the time and research you have dedicated to making your points. I've told Satin countless times, I enjoy your posts. What I don't like is your tendency to beat a dead horse and your repetitive tendency to call out Daddio as if his opinion doesn't mean shit. Daddio posted some similar BS posts as well, but from my standpoint it's usually out of defense. If its all in good fun and just being blown out of proportion, then I guess "it is what it is."
The reason I said in an earlier post that it diminishes the value of the thread is because we got a bunch of members here that I'm sure wouldn't mind Texans talk as well. However, jumping in to a heated debate gone personal could be a deterrent. I'm a football-fiend and would love to hear different perspectives whether I agree with them or not. I'm not saying not to play around or not to call BS on something you feel strongly about. I'm just saying I'd like to see a little more integrity in your posts from the "facetious shenanigans'" standpoint. However, I commend you for making an argument and backing that shit up! But can we change the subject every once in awhile?
Or add some twists to it? 
I've been throwing you treats but your not biting.... come out of your shell and entertain me a little why don't ya? You stated that you want Mario and we both made arguments why we should or shouldn't sign him...
HOWEVER, if signing Mario means Texans' resources will be deemed useless as it pertains to a 2013 extension to Schaub, would you still want to keep him??
I think its a reasonable assessment that the VALUE of the QB to a TEAM will ALSO require a substantial monetary amount. I've heard talks of Texans making it a priority to address contracts expiring in 2013. However, SCHAUB's name has not come up yet...
Speechless? Too early to think about it?? OK more food for thought.. Can TJ be as good as some think he is and take over the role 2013? Are we that dead set on SB or bust?-- to the point of loosing Schaub 2013? Is it possible to address the BIGGER ELEPHANT now??
OK keep in mind these are merely my thoughts if keep Mario
I admit Peyton Manning is far off and may only be short term and would come with questionable health issues. Schaub is by for a more feasible option for 2012 if we want to make a SB push. However this also just short term? Like Mario 2012, awarding big contract to Schaub 2013 may also be out of reach. So, just for you fellers' entertainment, allow me to propose a trade. Before you piss yourselves, spit out your drink, and render your computer useless, allow me to explain. With Schaub's projected contract value and the future predicament hiding under the bed, there is a just a small window for the Texans SB hopes. That is, of course, unless TJ can be the QB we want him to be. Well, Schaub has a lot of value and there may be some takers that could afford him. Here, is where I'd approach, let's say, Washington. Since Rams sit at #2 in the Draft and they believe they already have their franchise QB, they've let it be known they'd be willing to trade their pick to a team eagerly looking for a QB. That's where Washington comes in. Well, if the Texans have all major positions in place for next year but if they are willing to make a big sacrifice (Schaub) for the sake of years to come, it just may be possible to make turn that small window into the PEARLY GATES. Here it is... Trade Schaub along with some 2013 picks to Washington for their #2 pick and get RG3 or Luck (whichever one is available). Though it sounds far off, Washington is said to be a UTR playoff contender with the exception of a franchise QB. With Schaub, they'd have one hell of a QB that has worked years under Shanahan's protege. Though I'm proposing to trade Schaub for a rook, Schaub may be considered more of a sure thing than a rookie in Luck or RG3. However, though this could post-pone SB hopes for 2012, it could help them address cap issues now and give them an opportunity to lock in their next franchise QB. Besides, Mr. Wade(fix-it)Phillips is here 2012 but has expressed interest in being a Head Coach. We cannot expect him to grace us with his presence 2013+.
- 1st of all, who was the last QB we selected in the upper echelons in the draft? --Carr

- I don't car who he is or what college he came from, expecting to get a franchise QB via NFL Draft is HIGH RISK
Oh BT, FYI, I don't feel offended in any way as far as our debates go. Critique me all you want

, Call me whatever you want

, just please not repeatedededededly AND please allow me to redeem myself if I fall flat..
And Daddio... Get ur ass back on the thread! What are you waiting for? More cheerleaders? Don't let BT run u off.. But please fellers, keep it civil..
I thought about placing this in Co-Ed to see if any providers are interested in trying out but IDK. a Provider/cheerleader would be a dream come true but too risky I suppose.
Don, DED... Guess who is up for the Cover..... again....
Yup Arian Foster... though he tweeted this "Im the Ron Paul of the madden race." If it happens, I've got to get it autographed...
Satin... I find it hard to believe you don't play Madden... Not at least once???

and I disagree bout Don's suggestions for games those are guy's games...
I'd Go with some Wii games that involve a lot of bending and jumping... Hell, on that note, go with
Zumba.. Or have them ho's get buket naked and do some
wii fit yoga There is even a bowling game that would make a nice view from behind