Odds on Trump's Impeachment

themystic's Avatar
A "better option"....really?

Okay, fine....let's pretend for a moment she was not running against Donald Trump. Let's say she was running against XYZ candidate (ie: any one other than DJT; feel free to name any name for the sake of this hypothetical).

That said...give us HilLIARy's upside...her positives. State to us the qualifications on her ledger sheet that would merit our vote over said XYZ candidate. I need help on this because for the luvva gawd I can't come up with one fuckin' thing that would compell me to vote for her for squat. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
CB, Im trying to stay out of here. If I need to be taken to the woodshed, I respect you enought to take my thrashing

In retrospect, I wouldnt have voted for her. I did reluctantly. We did need a change, I just didnt dfeel we needed the DJT change. For us Democrats, ( moderates), Bernie Sanders fucked Hillary. Between Bernie, DJT & Hillary you have to remember Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million- ( I know thats disputed, with no proof)

We will get through the Trump, Pence or whoever is in there

Even though I have had personal dealing with DJT and theres lots I dont like about him, He IS NOT a Republican. I do like that

So far he has accomplished little to Americ\a great for the middle working class. He is on a roll for the wealthy business owner

One of the few educated persons on this thread said he would have chosen anyone of the GOP candidates except for Kascich. I quietly laughed, I would have voted for Kasich

Im taking your advice to not take the bait of the idiots on here-( I did send a select few Fuck Yous)- sorry I couldnt help it

Today, I cant think of how Hillary would have made us any better. I agree with you
LexusLover's Avatar
CB, Im trying to stay out of here.

One of the few educated persons on this thread ....
Originally Posted by themystic
Try harder!
goodolboy's Avatar
2dogs i mean 2bitchdogs the race you speak of had been held by the gop since the begining of time by the fact tey came close i mean real fucking close should make you wonder, how long do we have left
asl paul aka pussy ryan speaker of the house till 2018 when is dairy land ass gets kicked the fuck out
and 2dogs i hope you go whight with them Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411

goodolboy's Avatar
2dogs i mean 2bitchdogs the race you speak of had been held by the gop since the begining of time by the fact tey came close i mean real fucking close should make you wonder, how long do we have left
asl paul aka pussy ryan speaker of the house till 2018 when is dairy land ass gets kicked the fuck out
and 2dogs i hope you go whight with them Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411

Take the 2018 Senate map as an example of Democrats' challenge going forward. To limit Republican gains, Democrats need to find ways to win not in Connecticut or New York or California but instead in Ohio, Florida, West Virginia, Virginia, Missouri and Indiana — among others.
LexusLover's Avatar
If the Democrats lose some Senate seats in 2018 ... they are fucked!
themystic's Avatar
Try harder! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Good one Lexus!. LOl
themystic's Avatar
If the Democrats lose some Senate seats in 2018 ... they are fucked! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Wars and tax breaks arent as popular as they were back in George W days

Republicans have outsmarted the Dems latley. Dems need to toughen up

The reason Republicans BS cant last is the country as a whole does not buy into their philosphy. Way more " left or liberals"

Even the GOHP Healthcare bill was just a big fucking to the poor and a giant tax break for the weathy

I think the Dems have gone to far left, we need tio start bringing guns to the gun fight
Maybe we need to scare the shit out of people like the GOHP does to garner votes

Enjoy your breif run GOHP
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Okay, I have a question for you. But first a little bit about myself.

I am a registered Republican and have been since I was first able to vote, which I believe was 1968. I have voted for every Republican candidate for POTUS from that time until 2008 when the economy crumbled while George Bush was in office (and I don't want to go into whether or not it was his fault) and the Republican party gave the American people a ticket of McCain/Palin. I was never fond of McCain, but Sarah Palin was an insult so I voted for the Democratic candidate for the first time in my life. The stock market soared during Obama's first term in office, which was of utmost important to me with impending retirement, so I voted for him again in 2012. And, despite my dislike for Hillary Clinton, I personally considered her a better option for this country than Donald Trump. But I certainly can accept why people would vote for Trump over Clinton

So, with that said, I would like to know why you make this statement about me personally:

"Their talking points are directly from the Democrat's propoganda. I hear the same bullshit no matter what Democrat I talk to. They clearly have no understanding of what they are proffering."

Exactly what "bullshit" are you referring to? And I'd appreciate it if you would reference specific posts I've made so I'm 100% certain where you have problems with my opinions.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Come on kehaar. Looking for a civil response from you to back up your claims.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Take the 2018 Senate map as an example of Democrats' challenge going forward. To limit Republican gains, Democrats need to find ways to win not in Connecticut or New York or California but instead in Ohio, Florida, West Virginia, Virginia, Missouri and Indiana — among others. Originally Posted by goodolboy
It will be next to impossible for Democrats to take control of the Senate in 2018. 25 Democratic seats up for re-election and 8 Republican seats. And several of the Democratic seats are in states that went for Trump in 2016.
goodolboy's Avatar
Maybe we need to scare the shit out of people like the GOHP does to garner votes

Enjoy your breif run GOHP Originally Posted by themystic
The Democrats are already claiming that thousands will die from health care reform and the Republicans are killing the planet so that human life on earth will cease to exist. What more extreme scare tactics do you suggest? In regards to the GOP enjoying their "brief" run, Democrat's have lost over one thousand seats since 2009, most would consider seven years more than brief.
A "better option"....really?

Okay, fine....let's pretend for a moment she was not running against Donald Trump. Let's say she was running against XYZ candidate (ie: any one other than DJT; feel free to name any name for the sake of this hypothetical).

That said...give us HilLIARy's upside...her positives. State to us the qualifications on her ledger sheet that would merit our vote over said XYZ candidate. I need help on this because for the luvva gawd I can't come up with one fuckin' thing that would compell me to vote for her for squat. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
If you had the emotional instability that the average liberal has then you would understand why they would THINK Hillary would have been a better choice.

LexusLover's Avatar
Wars and tax breaks arent as popular as they were back in George W days

Republicans have outsmarted the Dems latley. Dems need to toughen up

The reason Republicans BS cant last is the country as a whole does not buy into their philosphy. Way more " left or liberals"

Even the GOHP Healthcare bill was just a big fucking to the poor and a giant tax break for the weathy

I think the Dems have gone to far left, we need tio start bringing guns to the gun fight
Maybe we need to scare the shit out of people like the GOHP does to garner votes

Enjoy your breif run GOHP Originally Posted by themystic
Same tune, same verse.

Are Schumer and Pelosi advocating "assisted suicide" when they talk about people dying from lack of health care ... or are they talking about "death panels" that restrict care to U.S. citizens?
themystic's Avatar
The Democrats are already claiming that thousands will die from health care reform and the Republicans are killing the planet so that human life on earth will cease to exist. What more extreme scare tactics do you suggest? In regards to the GOP enjoying their "brief" run, Democrat's have lost over one thousand seats since 2009, most would consider seven years more than brief. Originally Posted by goodolboy

Wasnt Obama president the last 8 years?

Republicans are great at voter suppression and gerry mandering

So are you saying the Disaster of a Healthcare bill the GOHP is proposing wont leave Americans dead?

Are you saying the Healrltcare bill isnt just a giant tax break for the wealthy

Global warming is just a Hoax that 90% of scientists are all conspiring on?

GOB all due respect, you sound like Lexus Lover

Same ol same ol out of the GOHP. Remember what your last President W did?

Probably not. GOHP just ignores facts. You have your " Alternitive facts"

You idiots, ( not you personally GOB), elected a Democrat who claimed to be a Republican

Jokes on you boys
themystic's Avatar
Same tune, same verse.

Are Schumer and Pelosi advocating "assisted suicide" when they talk about people dying from lack of health care ... or are they talking about "death panels" that restrict care to U.S. citizens? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Same tune same verse on both sides friend
Wasnt Obama president the last 8 years?

Republicans are great at voter suppression and gerry mandering

So are you saying the Disaster of a Healthcare bill the GOHP is proposing wont leave Americans dead?

Are you saying the Healrltcare bill isnt just a giant tax break for the wealthy

Global warming is just a Hoax that 90% of scientists are all conspiring on?

GOB all due respect, you sound like Lexus Lover

Same ol same ol out of the GOHP. Remember what your last President W did?

Probably not. GOHP just ignores facts. You have your " Alternitive facts"

You idiots, ( not you personally GOB), elected a Democrat who claimed to be a Republican

Jokes on you boys Originally Posted by themystic
Hillary was once a Republican. It's getting harder and harder to tell who the enemy is, lol.
