America is not broke...

Bet your thoughts aren't as fuked up as some on this board. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I won't argue with that...

Charles , you know. you can only speak for yourself! You know something we don't? Originally Posted by WTF
Didn't say I wasn't sweet!...., but I do have some fucked up thoughts that go through my head haha Originally Posted by Valerie

Don't we all
discreetgent's Avatar
I'd like to go back and get a quickie bj in the palace. Originally Posted by WTF
I did
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 03-08-2011, 09:36 PM
Hey, I got money back after I filed my tax return. Should I be happy?
Hey, I got money back after I filed my tax return. Should I be happy? Originally Posted by oden
I'm sure there's a fine young lady around here willing to relieve you of that bonus.

[You probly shouldn't feel happy about loaning the government that money interest free for a year or more.]
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
One of the problems is that concentration of capital to that extent can result in that capital becoming unusable.

Just take the Bill Gates example. The rise of Microsoft - and Bill's enormous pile of cash - came through sales generated primarily in the US tech sector. But is that capital helping the US today?

Not really.

Gates is heavily invested in foreign corporations. He owns huge chunks of companies like Canadian National Railways, FEMSA (a Mexican brewery), a Central American silver producer, a Mexican broadcaster, etc, etc, etc. The money Bill made here in the US now goes to developing the economies of other nations.

If you spread that money out to the American people they'd use here at home. They'd buy cars with it, fix up their house with it, put it in the local bank which would lend it to local small businesses, etc, etc, etc. Right now it's the citizens of Mexico and Canada who are getting the big bang out of Bill Gates' bucks instead.

Concentration of capital is good to a certain extent but not if that capital is going to aid your competitor next door.

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
Damn the madness. A democrat capitalist who hords money, oh the madness... it must be snowing in hell that a lib would castagate one of his own... BTW maz, if it hits you like that that gates has made foreign investments with money he made, or took from the american public, it must really be bothersome that one of your own party affiliates, i.e., TTH will take all of his hard earned money to france when her retires.

The problem isn't how much Bill Gates or the top 400 people have. The problem is more the fact that 155 million people have the wealth of 400 people.

80% of this country is fighting over 15-20% of it's wealth, and we've got people making $50,000/yr sending letters to the editor to complain about people making $45,000/yr - while the 20% hoarding the 75-80% of the wealth in this country are laughing their asses off. And frankly, if i was one of the 20%, i'd be laughing my ass off too. It's absurd. Originally Posted by Doove
I can't believe a democrat would not want to redistribute his own wealth but it's ok to redistribute the taxes collected from the next level of wealth in the US, like the middle class.

Koch brothers have power plants. They gave the max to Gov WTF ever his name is. There was a provision that the Gov could sell the states power plants in a no bid process. Something kinda fishy there PJ. Crony Cap on both sides buddy, not sure why you turn your eye to one side.

But the real play in WI is donations. Seven of the top ten donators in the country are to the GOP , the other three are unions to the Dems. Originally Posted by WTF
Hey WTF you have your facts wrong, or the talking heads have their facts wrong.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-09-2011, 06:49 PM

Hey WTF you have your facts wrong, or the talking heads have their facts wrong. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
I saw it on FOX News. Shepard Smith. Your figures are useless btw. You need recent donations. The laws have changed since 1989!

Watch the video if you do not believe me.

It's all political isn't it? Isn't it just 100% politics? ...Have you looked at the list of the top 10 donors to political campaigns? Seven of those 10 donate to Republicans. The other three that remain of those top 10, they all donate to Democrats and they are all unions. Bust the unions, it's over

Read more:
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I saw it on FOX News. Shepard Smith. Your figures are useless btw. You need recent donations. The laws have changed since 1989!

Watch the video if you do not believe me.

It's all political isn't it? Isn't it just 100% politics? ...Have you looked at the list of the top 10 donors to political campaigns? Seven of those 10 donate to Republicans. The other three that remain of those top 10, they all donate to Democrats and they are all unions. Bust the unions, it's over

Originally Posted by WTF
So, what I hear you saying is that if the facts don't fit your ideology, they can't be facts... I saw your video and I do not like shep and even though I don't care for Juan he has more balls than some repubes, you still can't dispute facts where campaign donations benefit dems almost exclusively.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-09-2011, 07:12 PM
So, what I hear you saying is that if the facts don't fit your ideology, they can't be facts... I saw your video and I do not like shep and even though I don't care for Juan he has more balls than some repubes, you still can't dispute facts where campaign donations benefit dems almost exclusively. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
No....what you posted was from 1989 to present. I am not sure what list that Shep and Juan were talking about but I'll bet it wasn't one that streched back that far.

Fuc if you go back far enough you can find a chart where horses outsold cars. It would not be relevant to a conversation about the horsepower of your engine. That is about what you did with that silly link.

The laws have changed considerably since 1989 on just how one can raise money.

So you need to look at current lists. Not some shit that streches back to the eighties! Why do I have to explain this caca to you? Like Groundhog day around here with you
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
No....what you posted was from 1989 to present. I am not sure what list that Shep and Juan were talking about but I'll bet it wasn't one that streched back that far.

Fuc if you go back far enough you can find a chart where horses outsold cars. It would not be relevant to a conversation about the horsepower of your engine. That is about what you did with that silly link.

The laws have changed considerably since 1989 on just how one can raise money.

So you need to look at current lists. Not some shit that streches back to the eighties! Why do I have to explain this caca to you? Like Groundhog day around here with you Originally Posted by WTF
WTF? you afraid to dig a little deaper?

Top National Donors, 2007-2008:
OrganizationTotal|2008 Federal Contributions|2008 State Contributions
National Education Assn$56,228,408|$2,676,297|$53,552 ,111
Pechanga Band of Mission Indians$43,969,951|$599,754|$43,370,1 97
Penn National Gaming$40,557,472$65,100$40,492,372
Morongo Band of Mission Indians$39,063,909|$600,312|$38,463,5 97
Community Financial Services Assn$34,841,693|$198,760|$34,642,9 33
Service Employees International Union$30,405,549|$2,921,463|$27,484 ,086
National Assn of Realtors$28,788,109|$4,888,640|$23,899 ,469
Lakes Entertainment$25,694,898|$2,000|$25,692,898
TRIBES FOR FAIR PLAY NO ON 94 95 96 & 97$24,754,413|$0|$24,754,413
View the Top 200 organizations
Well they just did what most are calling an illegal action by the republicans to push through a provision stripping public employees of their collective bargaining rights through the state Senate Wednesday evening after finding a way to bypass the chamber's missing Democrats.

Total violation of the open meetings law.

So much for what the people want...

Recall votes are a coming!
discreetgent's Avatar
... and not one Democrat voted for the bill.

Kicker i if they waited a day to push the bill through they would have been on much safer legal grounds. Democrats had no way to stop them tomorrow either.
... and not one Democrat voted for the bill.

Kicker i if they waited a day to push the bill through they would have been on much safer legal grounds. Democrats had no way to stop them tomorrow either. Originally Posted by discreetgent

So much for democracy. Huge legal battle coming. I think this is unconstitutional.

Sad to see such tactics being used. Undid 50 years of Wisconsin's collective bargaining rights.
Where's PJ now complaining about one party ramming a POS bill through the Legislature? I guess it's OK when it promotes a position with which he agrees.
discreetgent's Avatar
Charles, its been less than an hour, give PJ a little more time to chime in on the travesty.