Halloween Party 3.0

krinklesack's Avatar
Great party Marley, thanks for the hospitality and a great evening. Good to see everyone.
harleyrider64's Avatar
I also wanted to say thanks. Cool meeting everyone. Marley was/is an excellent host!

ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 10-25-2013, 09:20 AM
Definitely enjoyed the evening ... got to meet some cool people, and renew some aquaintances. Marley, thanks for hosting ... great cupcakes!

As usual, there will be some great after stories from a gathering like this. Would be interesting to see how some of them turn out!
MARTlAN's Avatar
Marley, thanks for a great time, the patio was where it was at...
Thanks for hosting a fun party, Marley! There were lots of costumes & good conversations.
Nice catching up with people I haven't seen in awhile.

Bruce Wayne approved!
Great party, thanks for all the work you did to decorate. Emma was great and so were others. Marley you are best
playingnthedark's Avatar
Thanks Marley even tho I got there late. Wish I could have made it earlier.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Damn, sorry I missed it, but I had something come up.
well sounds like a lot of fun, maybe the next one
pleasurem's Avatar
A very pleasant evening... very lovely ladies... Thank you to the hostesses....
Tatonka's Avatar
Great party Marley!
You are a great hostess and a sweetheart.
Thank you to Marley, our hostess, all the other ladies, and to a nice bunch of gents for a great party.
Marley, you're a doll.

All the best.
D1ckNice's Avatar
Thanks for hosting a fun party Marley! It was great to finally meet that gorgeous lady I've heard so much about and nice to meet the gents behind the handles. I'm redeeming my coupon soon!
Thanks Marley for a great party and a great time. Loved meeting you and all the ladies and gents.
Marley, just wanted to thank you for hosting a fab party last night, great time! As a fairly new cat to the Austin hobby it was a great chance to meet some of the local Austin celebs and put a face with the digital wrinkly nutsac! I also enjoyed some long lost lyrics from the Notorious PID which was a blast from the past. Kicking it on the porch I was schooled on the finer points of hobbying from the master himself, Marvin the Martian! I am now "in the know" on the next handles Whispers is going to put on blast! Marvin is correct, the patio was the spot to be. There are a couple of fine gents that I owe a tip to the next time I see you, wasn't expecting dinner and a show but I ain't complainin! Most of all it was fantastic to get my lips on Marley's moist, delicious brownies which I haven't had in my mouth for quite some time!

Obviously I jest guys, it was very nice to meet all of you and Marley, very much appreciated young lady!