Sugar Daddys

I know I'm posting this late in the game but I have to agree with pretty much everything GY6 is saying. It's not a time/$ arrangement. Providers usually get frustrated quickly with this type of relationship. There are so many intricacies to the SD/sb dynamic. I was an sb for many years before becoming a provider with several gents (longest was 2 yrs). There was no prearrangement on how much it would cost him to have me around... Things were just taken care of. I will add... My experience every time was that bc many SDs have been taken advantage of, cheated on, etc... This can easily turn into a jealous type situation & they enjoy your total dependence over time. So if you decide to go the sb route... No funny business... Stay faithful & always keep a very large rainy day fund in case things go south. I'm still good friends with some of my old SDs but being a provider is much less complicated for me.
PS. No matter what they say, bb is not a req to be an sb. I hear this looped into it far too often. I've never offered that to an SD & if they pushed... Well there are plenty of sugar daddy fish in the sea.
Gotyour6's Avatar
True. I participate in these arrangements from time to time, and I find it comical when men offer $1-200/wk to see me 2-4 times per week, often overnight. Are they serious? Originally Posted by lushlondon
That is a hooker on retainer and they are not a sugar daddy and you are not a sugar baby.

Its a hooker on retainer.

You look at the money right away. You say OMG 200 a week for sex, forget it. The guy is finding cheap pussy. Two bad things going on at once.
John Bull's Avatar
Word, GY6
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned how clients don't make good sugardaddy's either. Since the relationships are essentially different, the terms can't change mid-stream. When they do, things tend to go wrong.

When discretion is at the forefront of any relationship, things are better left discreet. When a clients wants to turn things into a SD/SB relationship, I respectfully decline. There are certain things SD's get to do and know that a client never will.
Providers cant be real SB's. Case closed. And if it's a real arrangement, it's bb.
stimulatethemind's Avatar
You, sir, could not be more wrong!!
shorty's Avatar
Providers cant be real SB's. Case closed. And if it's a real arrangement, it's bb. Originally Posted by molnar
No and Yes!

It's rare that Providers can be SB's but it can happen.

Do agree if it's a real arrangement, then it's BB.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
It sounds to me like alot of guys are going to sugar daddies as a more "cost efficent way" to get a girls time all day and night and only have to give her a hot meal and a hundred dollaar bill.... ijs

and also i always viewed a sd as a man who is definetly beyond living paycheck to paycheck i mean he needs to be making like 300,000+ or something like that probably close to half of a mil, a sd is not supposed to have to worry about time i will give u guys that, but thats because he is supposed to be able to give his sb like 1,000 at the drop of a dime,,, sb's are supposed to be exclusive girl friends that are VERY well taken care of. She should not be working and all that stuff.

i have been on the sb website before i was on eccie, and met alot of guys off of sd4me, and you know what most of the time it was dinner date and fuck and about $$$ and maybe 3 hours time spent a know, but i will admit i enjoyed the dinner and the conversation and getting to know my sd's , but i also think that sd's are not supposed to want sex all the time if they dont want to give out money everytime, that was the big problem i had, i am not going to fuck you everytime i see you if you not giving me money everytime you see me, if you wanna hang out cool, lol but no fucking, yea most of them dont like to hear that ish, lol
No and Yes!

It's rare that Providers can be SB's but it can happen.

Do agree if it's a real arrangement, then it's BB. Originally Posted by shorty
That's just nasty. AND stupid AND inconsiderate, considering you don't know what your SB is doing behind your back. Have we not learned that BB is not the way to go in these times?

Some people just don't give a damn...
First things, first - repeat this as your mantra:
All Sugar Arrangements are in the eye of the beholder.
None of us, can really define an exact sugar arrangement because they vary.

A sugar daddy is looking first and formost for:
1.) *the most important to remember here
A beautiful companion

Chemistry comes into play here obviously. You need to be attractive to his standards. Why should he pamper and spoil you if you dont suit his needs. Beauty is a competitive market, I need not say more.

Next your needs/ Whether they be financial or etc, can the potential SD meet YOUR needs? Some of you ladies might have real bills, and in that case you are looking for the high end client, but please remember the sugar pool is deep and competitive, be prepared to be a 10 at all times.

In my own personal experience with Sugar Daddies, I tend to navigate towards lasting friendships. I prefer gifts & cash, like my new lovely pair of YSL's I received from admirer the other day.
It sounds to me like alot of guys are going to sugar daddies as a more "cost efficent way" to get a girls time all day and night and only have to give her a hot meal and a hundred dollaar bill.... ijs

and also i always viewed a sd as a man who is definetly beyond living paycheck to paycheck i mean he needs to be making like 300,000+ or something like that probably close to half of a mil, a sd is not supposed to have to worry about time i will give u guys that, but thats because he is supposed to be able to give his sb like 1,000 at the drop of a dime,,, sb's are supposed to be exclusive girl friends that are VERY well taken care of. She should not be working and all that stuff.

i have been on the sb website before i was on eccie, and met alot of guys off of sd4me, and you know what most of the time it was dinner date and fuck and about $$$ and maybe 3 hours time spent a know, but i will admit i enjoyed the dinner and the conversation and getting to know my sd's , but i also think that sd's are not supposed to want sex all the time if they dont want to give out money everytime, that was the big problem i had, i am not going to fuck you everytime i see you if you not giving me money everytime you see me, if you wanna hang out cool, lol but no fucking, yea most of them dont like to hear that ish, lol Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
Sounds like you met some new tricks!

Real SB/SD relationships, like civilian dating, require courting. Just because you have the MEANS to give me what I want doesn't mean you will, so I keep my goodies to myself until I feel it. Just like real life dating, I will never have a one night stand with a SD. And no SD that I CALLED my SD ever asked. We get to know each other through different experiences, and treat each other well. Usually it's a mutually agreed upon time when we decide to bring sex into the relationship. Most guys understand that because this isn't some forced "bitch don't you want this money" situation, ladies have to be wooed. Then he has to WANT to spend time with you for him to spend money on you. If you're too easy, a guy will treat you like a hooker.

Please don't let this 'hooker on retainer' types tell you that you have to give up the goods first.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
yea i heard one guy say that he has to fuck the girl first as his "interview" yea right lol. to see if they have bcd chemistry, sounds like alot of cheap gfuys are calling themselves sd's and are really just tryin to get some cheap ass lol. Manipulating girls into thinking that this is what a sd/sb relationship is. Tsk Tsk
I thought it might be prudent to offer this. The most well known and used dictionary Merriam Webster states a sugar daddy is
Definition of SUGAR DADDY

: a well-to-do usually older man who supports or spends lavishly on a mistress, girlfriend, or boyfriend
: a generous benefactor of a cause or undertaking

There is no expression at all that one must be BB. No outline of HOW lavishly he spends. It does not say that the mistress, girlfriend or boyfriend needs to be monogamous.
Both definitions are inclined to state a general definition allowing for variation. I am sure some out there would state that marriage is a monogamous choice to in which the woman stays at home cooks and cleans and the husband works. This would be the general idea of marriage proposed by generations of media and society perpetuation's. However we all KNOW that a marriage can be that of two men, two women, two women and a man. Some marriages contain elements of BDSM. Others are for convenience only. Some are open. Some are closed. Some married couples actually continue to wrap the package before delivering it.
The point of all of this is that it is INDIVIDUAL!!! Some people are inherently greedy. Some natural givers. Some are kind and some are cruel. I would not place a stamp on a man and say "He is a bad person because he is a lawyer, a writer, a millionaire that never had to work for a living"
Never judge what you do not know. Always remember that life is about perspective and someone else's perspective is just as good as yours. I may not agree with GotYour6 however he has every right to his opinion and perspective. His perspective does not impact my life. Nor does it stop me from having a wonderful SD. It does not make me think of myself negatively. MORE IMPORTANTLY.... I do not think of him negatively.
I like star trek. The world does not HAVE to like it because I like it. I dislike sports. It would be a sad world if everyone stopped liking sports because I did. It creates variety of life. Variety of arrangements and a variety of relationships. Without that variety we never grow to know what we ourselves would blossom best in.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Providers make shitty SB's.. No way around it. Now if you give up the business and go into it full time then you might have a chance. If not I see an epic fail in the works. Strippers and providers have no business even trying to be SB's.. Totally different worlds. The mindset is all askew for being a SB..
bladtinzu's Avatar
As for me it is like this. We go out and do things. But then again I am single. So I took 2 of the three I have to the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout this year. Road trip from hell. But fun being there with two young hot ladies on the boat (and at Capt Rons when I was running).. We are friendly but not friends. And if any one of them mutters the "L" word she is gone. And seeking arraignment and sites like that work for some guys but I couldn't stand them. I prefer to do the in person and facebook thing. And I have some heart left. I prefer struggling college co-eds. Granted I pay none of their bills or do the allowance thing. If they take that you have someone who is on her way to providerland when the education doesn't pan out. The three I have sure their parents pay for school but that is all they can afford. They all work part time jobs to be able to afford apartments ect. But they cannot afford the materialistic items women their age get caught up in. So a Prada purse here and there. Some shoes that are this season's "must have".. Things like that. Which equates to a win win for me. And doesn't get them dependent upon you paying their bills so when I change her out she is no worse off than before I met her..

For the time I get at the current local rate I would be dropping 10k on providers. Most I have spent thus far included the LOTO trip last month and was still a tad under 7k. Which equates to more money to waste on fast boats and fast cars. Could I afford the 7-15k a month I saw on seeking appaignment? Yes. But when better is out there cheaper why should I? And yes I still see providers.. I like