On the abuse in the Houston board and Eccie's reluctance to deal with it

Raphael's Avatar
Saint Chris and SP Hunter have done great work settling this matter. There is nothing more to discuss here. Mods, can you be so kind as to close or delete this thread? Thank you.
proper's Avatar
Ansley - You are freaking hot and intelligent. It was worth it to read this thread to to see your pics and avatar.

And i will ask the same question you asked - why take part or post if you are so offended by other frequent posters on these forums?

lol They just were. I don't have them, they were lost on an old computer.

What happened to all the guys on this thread? I want to know the end of the story. Originally Posted by Ansley
chicagoboy's Avatar
Mods, please do not delete this thread.
Raphael's Avatar
Mods, powers that be have made it very clear they were committed to ending this drama. Please close this thread, so that third parties cannot further stoke the flames.

And i will ask the same question you asked - why take part or post if you are so offended by other frequent posters on these forums? Originally Posted by proper
Why did the future founding fathers take part in public life if they were so offended by tory policy?

Why did the European Resistance resist if they were so offended by Hitler?

Why did democrats still make speeches in congress if they were so offended by Georges W. Bush?
Why are republicans still participating in the political process if they are so offended with Obama?

And if Aung San Suu Kyi just can't stand military juntas she is free to stay at home and cook for her family. Right?
We will not delete nor close.
We will not delete nor close. Originally Posted by SP Hunter

Jusanotherdude's Avatar

Why did the future founding fathers take part in public life if they were so offended by tory policy?

Why did the European Resistance resist if they were so offended by Hitler?

Why did democrats still make speeches in congress if they were so offended by Georges W. Bush?

Why are republicans still participating in the political process if they are so offended with Obama?

And if Aung San Suu Kyi just can't stand military juntas she is free to stay at home and cook for her family. Right? Originally Posted by Raphael

As much as I respect your views on things most of the time...... are you honestly comparing your posting in threads on a SHMB to ANY of the above mentioned?!?!

Are you now to tell us you are the Man standing in front of the Tanck in Tiananmen Square?

I truely thinck that you are going a bit off the reservation and are making pretty extreme stretches here....... but that is just one dude's opinion.......

You are more than free to express your opinions on matters, as you always have been...... Just as those who disagree with said opinions have their own right to express their disagreement with you....... You can't have it both ways.......

Raphael's Avatar
It's just a metaphor, JAD.

There would be no problem here - and this thread would never have been started - if everyone were content with expressing opinion, respectfully enough (I mean, give or take a few jokes here and there). But too often one encounters failure to acknowledge the difference between an opinion and a flame.
notanewbie's Avatar
But too often one encounters failure to acknowledge the difference between an opinion and a flame.

spoken like a true flamer.

well that is my opinion.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
It's just a metaphor, JAD.

There would be no problem here - and this thread would never have been started - if everyone were content with expressing opinion, respectfully enough (I mean, give or take a few jokes here and there). But too often one encounters failure to acknowledge the difference between an opinion and a flame. Originally Posted by Raphael

Fair enuf..... and for the most part I "get it"..... but in the same sense, if you come in "wielding swords" and looking for a fight (which sometimes it seems as tho you are) then most likely you will find one...... I thinck the problem is that you already have a couple of people here EVERYONE knows simply just do not like you (it happens)...... so coming in looking for a fight, just invites those who already don't care for you to bring their own ammo and make a skirmish into a war.......... There have been SEVERAL threads in which you were involved that there was ZERO attacks on you and your opinions...... each of those were approched differently then when you seemingly were attacked........ Maybe I'm distorted in my view here, but I don't thinck I am.......

Raphael's Avatar
This last post is of a nature to bring us back to the hate wars we are now trying to end. Avoiding this is the reason why I have expressed the opinion this thread ought to be closed.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
This last post is of a nature to bring us back to the hate wars we are now trying to end. Avoiding this is the reason why I have expressed the opinion this thread ought to be closed. Originally Posted by Raphael

Which last post?

This is a discussion...... and it has been semi informative up to this point, but attempts to find some sort of middle gound and way of avoiding some of the issues you and perhaps others are facing is what we are discussing and trying to find and end to............

The key is to have a discussion where you take feedback and critisism as well as express your opinions and feelings on the matter without getting over upset and telling people to "get lost"........ You have people in here that wish to discuss this in a rational matter, and whom are looking to see things somewhat thru your eyes....... we just ask for help on your part in a rational matter to allow us to do so.......... but I re-itterate that from what I see when you come into a thread with a large chip on your shoulder, there are more than enuf out there who are happy to knock it from you......... Some are more likely to recieve a negative blow back (flaming in your words) than others....... Don't you agree?

dearhunter's Avatar
It is a SHMB and the lines are not drawn in a straight line......we will agree on some points and disagree on others.....On more than one occasion I have found myself in agreement with you on an issue.....on many occasions I have not agreed with you. It would seem that you want me to agree with you or shut the fuck up......I have never subscribed to the idea that anyone should be banned......this would be a lonely place if all I had were "yes men" around me all of the time.

While I understand the need for herding the cats, it is not a task for the weak or impatient. If I had my way none of the parties here-to-fore involved would have been banned......I subscribe to a different philosophy on how to deal with these situations.

I find your argument for censorship of the Houston board to be weak and without merit....you (I mean this generically) bitched and moaned about how much chaos there was in the Houston coed.....the Owners came in and demanded that the "drama" stay in the sandbox.....the hobbyists have complied for the most part (a little drama will always spill out into the open board)....you are unable to develope "credibility" with the fucktard rookies. Because, every time you turn around some legend of the Houston board is laughing at you....the only way you can rebrand yourself is to remove those who snicker (thancks for the memories) at their keyboard....but, that is just my opinion.

I say fuck the nay sayers.......if you develope hobby associates by passing on good intel to them about excellent pussy, the nay sayers won't be able to break that bond.....but, you have not sown that field......the old adage "you reap what you sow" comes to mind.
pyramider's Avatar
hey, 3 sides.

feel better? I do. Originally Posted by notanewbie

Very nice. I thanck you NAN and Ansley.
blowpop's Avatar
Raphael, I just read this entire thread. I come into this as a fairly dispassionate outsider. I hobby in Houston. I generally like most of the folks there. I do think that there are a group of folks in Houston who tend to stir up drama just for drama's sake, and I don't think that this makes the Houston forums a better place. I've told them as much; this isn't news.

But when I read your initial post, and your seemingly endless responses, I have to admit that I keep scratching my head. Good lord man. If these folks make you so very unhappy, why do you participate here?

I've heard your name on these boards for years, and you're always described as a whiner and someone who keeps getting manipulated. I assumed that this was just the typical razzing that goes on on hobby boards, but now you've shown me the basis for your reputation. Looks to me like you've earned it.

You try to piece together things, but seriously, you're not very good at it. You seem to get confused by the difference between "proof" of causality and a similar word or phrase being used in two different contexts. I've read the blog you refer to, and I seriously doubt that Wayward had anything to do with it; it's not his style at all. And if he did, he'd take credit for it. Gleefully.

Here's a suggestion: Stop whining. It just makes you look bad, and it actually hurts your cause. I agree with the fact that Wayward and others can get a little bit over-the-top at times, but to react like a disemboweled chicken and flop around with your entrails flailing really doesn't do you much good at all. I've known Wayward for years, and while I'm the first to admit that he's a sick, twisted, perverted SOB, he's also one with a sense of ethnics, and he typically doesn't bash anyone who doesn't ask for it.

And boy, do you ask for it.

I think the smart thing would be for you to spend your time elsewhere. Clearly the members don't play the way you like, and the mods don't run things the way you like. Since this is the case, why on earth would you want to participate here? You have no leverage, and without leverage you can't cause change. So you're going to remain miserable as long as you continue along your current path.

Perhaps you should ask yourself why you stick around? Honestly, if I had a child and I were outed as you describe, I'd go so far underground that I'd have to climb up to get to hell. The fact that you've been attacked as you describe and yet you still behave in the way you do puts your daughter at risk, and I'd hope that her welfare is more important to you than whatever jollies you get by being here. Think about it.

You seem at least moderately intelligent. You're clearly miserable here. So why are you here?

The only conclusion that I can draw from the evidence is that you enjoy being verbally abused.

You're acting like a subbie who's desperate for negative attention, and you've found a way to get it here. I'd rather not think about what you're doing at your keyboard while you're reading the responses you evoke, but if it's what I fear, I think you might owe Wayward a great deal of money -- pro Doms aren't cheap, and apparently Wayward has been satisfying this fetish of yours for quite a while. Pay up, refer to him as Father Wayward, and perhaps he'll offer you dispensation for your sins here.

And then you can go be naughty again, and the cycle can continue. For the nth time.