honestly most sugardaddies are cheap. Most guys dont want to even pay the minimum
Originally Posted by ebonyvixen23
1. Thank you for contributing to the discussion. You didn't have to, but you went out of your way to provide some valuable perspectives. right on.
2. i believe SB/SD are missing the point (and value) entirely if its just a transaction they're seeking. It so easy to vet the worthless potential babies when they come to me with their "Santa list" of wants. If the only thing of value they bring to the table is their body, they aren't ready (worth) for this kind of partnership. If its ONLY "pussy on retainer" then its no different than just being a ho. As a daddy, I'm offering something way more valuable than JUST money. I ought to be providing a much needed financial resource, a sanctuary for her femininity --> when she's with me she is free from judgment, obligation, responsibility...she no longer has to take on masculine roles (that is toxic to her femininity). She's going to be cherished, adored, desired, nurtured, protected...etc. Now, when she's provided all that, if she's worth one spec of shit as a woman, she would be SHINING what she's worth back onto me as her daddy. She will want to show her appreciation, she'll express her language of love and affection back onto her 'king'.
If that isn't in you, as a woman, you're just a 'ho fo sho'and you have zero value as a 'baby'. Conversely for the men, if its just sex and thats it, you're not getting the full value out of these relationships and you're being a really poor 'daddy'.
3. to establish the trust between the two, its gonna start as PPM . I've had some only go one meet before we both were comfortable with full allowance where I was taking care of her $$ plus any additional because we were both in synch with the roles we're playing. The daddy has to LEAD and be the pace setter. If all you can offer, as a man, is money then you'll be stuck with greedy little street piranhas