Tucker Carlson reports

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar


A third of 1 percent.


this whole thing has been a gross overreaction to what is turning out to be no more deadly than the damn Flu.

and we shut down the World over this???



A third of 1 percent.


this whole thing has been a gross overreaction to what is turning out to be no more deadly than the damn Flu.

and we shut down the World over this???

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yep they closed the world down over a virus. The real question is why? This video clip may just clear up that question a bit.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Yeah, we may never know exactly how and why the virus got it's start but what we do know is that China shut down travel from Wuhan into other parts of China while allowing international flights to leave Wuhan after they closed Wuhan to the rest of China. That was either negligence by incompetence which could bring a charge of negligent manslaughter or they did it on purpose which would bring a charge ( to an American citizen for example ) of murder.

No matter how it started China either gets blamed for negligent manslaughter or murder for allowing those international flights knowing what could happen. What we do about that will be interesting to see.
lustylad's Avatar
I agree, shit can happen. Forgiveness comes from admitting to a mistake, as opposed to covering it up. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
They can't admit it. Every fucking slimy worthless scavenger reprobate tort lawyer in this country would use such an admission against them and start seizing all the Chinese assets they can get their dirty rotten hands on as reparations.

We need to give the Chinese ironclad sovereign immunity from the tort lawyer shitbags first - then have them admit what happened.
They can't admit it. Every fucking slimy worthless scavenger reprobate tort lawyer in this country would use such an admission against them and start seizing all the Chinese assets they can get their dirty rotten hands on as reparations.

We need to give the Chinese ironclad sovereign immunity from the tort lawyer shitbags first - then have them admit what happened. Originally Posted by lustylad
Nobody is going to do shit to the Chinese. All major countries depend on China, America included. Besides all major countries were in on the Pandemic before it even happened, Event 201 pretty much confirms that.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
They can't admit it. Every fucking slimy worthless scavenger reprobate tort lawyer in this country would use such an admission against them and start seizing all the Chinese assets they can get their dirty rotten hands on as reparations.

We need to give the Chinese ironclad sovereign immunity from the tort lawyer shitbags first - then have them admit what happened. Originally Posted by lustylad

We're in luck. Isn't Avantti out and about these days? I really doubt the "lawyers" would pierce the international law veil. That takes some guns, which I figure will be a coalition of multiple countries banding together and yes, lead by the USA.

No way they would admit it anyway without first having a settlement deal made. Thing is, I can't think of a decent deal to even offer. that they would accept. But I would never, ever give the dirtbags a thing without having the restitution plan/check already in the bank. Their playing stupid may work for our dumbed-down morons and corrupt Demonicrats, but it won't work on the rest of the population of the USA and world. Futt Buck 'em till their eyes pop out their skull.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah, we may never know exactly how and why the virus got it's start but what we do know is that China shut down travel from Wuhan into other parts of China while allowing international flights to leave Wuhan after they closed Wuhan to the rest of China. That was either negligence by incompetence which could bring a charge of negligent manslaughter or they did it on purpose which would bring a charge ( to an American citizen for example ) of murder.

No matter how it started China either gets blamed for negligent manslaughter or murder for allowing those international flights knowing what could happen. What we do about that will be interesting to see. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

at best it was an intentional accident. accident as it hasn't been shown it was genetically engineered or even intentionally released but once it began to spread China did intentionally cover it up and on purpose allowed it to spread internationally.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
HedonistForever's Avatar
Tucker Carlson, one of only a few people speaking the truth in any media.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Tucker Carlson, one of only a few people speaking the truth in any media. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

the inconvenient truth of the leftist media is that they won't and can't engage in any debates. they have to stack their deck ala Madcow with like mined uber libs who's only message is "HATE TRUMP BECAUSE I DO!!" bullshit

of course one of our uberlibs ecky9.5k then posted this appearance by Ricky boi Santorum and i of course added what ecky9.5k intentionally left out but was made clear in the video .. Ricky was only there because he was in the early 2015 RNC scrum that Trump ultimately won.

maybe Madcow shoulda had Trump on??



The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
The best reporting available IMHO.

https://video.foxnews.com/v/61501236...#sp=show-clips Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Tucker Carlson, one of only a few people speaking the truth in any media. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Mark Levine has some erudite analysis as well.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Tucker bump!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv6Y3a4BV6E Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

saw that 30 minute monologue I think 2 days ago, boy, was he mad.

was going to post it once it showed up on youtube.

waco beat me to it.