Slave G come out where ever you are?

bigdaddy6204's Avatar
I've seen SGMH,should be sexy goddess with magic hands, twice and it would have been only once if there was anything manly about her. Although I still would go back for the awesome massage even if she looked like the he-she that this basher ML allegedly considers hot. My only complaint is that since she got her LMT she has been sharing her lovely assets all over the country. Come back home and stay awhile please!

As has been stated, this basher has a right to his opinion, as incredulous and absurd as it is. Why he continues to perpetuate a it when so many others have debunked it is beyond me. Please don't respond mr L. I really don't care to read anymore of your idiotic comments.

Beauty truly is in the eyes of the beholder and SG I would love to beholding the back of your head while I ff your lovely face. Or if it makes the bashers happy, your manly hag face. Hurry home dude.
Still Looking's Avatar
I've seen SGMH,should be sexy goddess with magic hands, twice and it would have been only once if there was anything manly about her. Although I still would go back for the awesome massage even if she looked like the he-she that this basher ML allegedly considers hot. My only complaint is that since she got her LMT she has been sharing her lovely assets all over the country. Come back home and stay awhile please!

As has been stated, this basher has a right to his opinion, as incredulous and absurd as it is. Why he continues to perpetuate a it when so many others have debunked it is beyond me. Please don't respond mr L. I really don't care to read anymore of your idiotic comments.

Beauty truly is in the eyes of the beholder and SG I would love to beholding the back of your head while I ff your lovely face. Or if it makes the bashers happy, your manly hag face. Hurry home dude. Originally Posted by bigdaddy6204
I was a TS for three days.... you should read the pm's I got! You might not believe it but apparently there are a lot of guys ( some here in SA) that wanted to screw a baby man troll right up the ass. I even had one ask if I take delivery of large packages at the back door. Heh...
bigdaddy6204's Avatar
I was a TS for three days.... you should read the pm's I got! You might not believe it but apparently there are a lot of guys ( some here in SA) that wanted to screw a baby man troll right up the ass. I even had one ask if I take delivery of large packages at the back door. Heh... Originally Posted by Still Looking
You were a table shower?
You were a table shower? Originally Posted by bigdaddy6204

BTW love that avatar!!!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I like this one of u Sonya.

OldYeller had some great Sonya and Slave reviews from what I recall. Appreciate the vicarious tales ladies and OY! Originally Posted by RogueOne
Yep 👍
Oh em gee! These hott ass pics!!! 😍
Still Looking's Avatar
You were a table shower? Originally Posted by bigdaddy6204
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
[QUOTE=Mata Leon;1059341391]I am very happy that you are restraining your self and not go to your typical BSC.

Mr. Leon,

I think that you have been quite HAPPY bashing me... as far as me RESTRAINING MYSELF... You really do not have an affect on me...

I have always found GREAT STRENGTH in ATHLETES ... One of my favorites is Jackie Robinson... What that man had to ENDURE just to play the GAME OF BASEBALL was UNIMAGINABLE... and all because he was not the RIGHT COLOR...

SO, YOUR HATRED of ME because I am not the APPROPRIATE AGE is just that... Another form of RACISM.... You cannot argue with a RACIST.. All you can do is WORK HARDER than those that believe you are inferior because you do not fit into their idea of what is NORMAL...

As far as my BSC BEHAVIOR... Well, I have had 5 posts to your 50... so, I am fairly certain that the BSC BEHAVIOR belongs to you... bordering on an almost unhealthy OBSESSION....

I guess you don't know me at all, call Me little is funny..

No Sir... I do not... and nor do I have any desire too... You are filled with hate and anger and you take great delight in having others call YOU the PUNISHER... and you seek out younger providers that you can DOMINATE and DEGRADE...

However, statistically speaking... men who speak in the manner that you do are typically shorter in stature and try to overcompensate by becoming bullies... Your behavior is really quite text book...

Read my reviews.

I would have to respectfully decline that request... Everything that you have said about me is a LIE and the friends that you associate with have all done the same thing so, there is no REASON TO BELIEVE that anything that you WRITE is TRUE... Attention seeking YES... BUT NOT TRUE...

I must agree all these pics your WK are posting are great, but still does not prove a thing.

I do not believe that they are trying to PROVE anything to YOU... YOUR OPINION here is of little consequence... They are just honoring the topic of the THREAD that SL started...

I had no idea that SL was going to start this thread and if he had ASKED ME I would have politely declined.... I have not STARTED A THREAD in any COED FORUM in over 3 YEARS and nor, do I need to...

However, my dear friend had missed me... and for him, I would come out an post... my affection and respect for my dear friend, SL, has never been in question...

In truth I can spray paint a turd gold and call it a gold bar....But its still a turd.

Well yes... I am sure that you could... Although, that is rather irrelevant to the topic don't your think? Most of my photos are SELFIES that have NEVER been photoshopped... other than to hide my face to protect my family...

However, if it makes you feel better to believe that I have photoshopped over a 1000 selfies over the last 5 years then I am OK with that...

I assume by using this analogy with the lovely word "TURD" that we are still being CONSTRUCTIVE?

I think its great that your busy, I guess get it while you can.

I have been very blessed as my time as SG and I appreciate all of the men that have been so kind and generous with me with both their time and their guidance...

You know the one thing I love about these pretty spinners is they don't have that lose skin between there thighs or arms. I just love that.

Ahhh... I assume that this is another SUBTLE IMPLICATION that another body part of mine is somehow not up to par?

We should probable start discussing my ankles & toes... they are feeling QUITE NEGLECTED...

Nice pics SL.

SL IS AN AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHER and GENTLEMAN... he is always so kind to share his adventures with his lovely ladies with all of us...

You ever find out who was blowing up your text over 30 times concerning this post.

I am trying to figure out the LOGIC & THE POINT behind this statement?!?

SMH.I am sutpriced slave that you are resorting to some insults which I have not done.

I have yet to insult you... Why would I? I have merely replied to your HATE in a civil and calm manner... Why does that disturb you?

Anyway to just stick to the topic at hand slave?


Hope you are having another wonderful evening...


All Jackie Robinson wanted to do was PLAY BALL... All I wanted to do was to bring a little HAPPINESS & LOVE to the men who honor me with their time and their company...

If I have to DEAL with the occasional RACIST who THRIVES ON DISCRIMINATION... Then that is what I will do... because this isn't JUST ABOUT ME.. it is about EVERY BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN HER 40'S, 50'S, 60'S etc... There is BEAUTY & SENSUALITY IN WOMEN & MEN OF ALL AGES... nU8U_KifMNA



Attachment 634539
I think k the BSC was noted on ONE OF SL POST LONG AGO. yes I have out posted you only to respond to the ignorance of your WK'S. SMALL I am not, I do enjoy my aggressive nature in the bedroom and I would hope the women do as well, none have ever asked me to stop or be kinder. I also get strength from athletes that perform at high level. I was a pro fighter for many years and that is a level you are not. You have no idea what it takes. Your understanding of being an athlete is different then mine. Your just someone that crawls on top of the water while we hit the bottom. Yes the turd comment was for you. I don't have hate slave, I am just stating facts. It is true I don't see the old vets that are still holding on to the hooker life line, but if the facts about some of your apprence bothers you the fix it. I would not discuss your toes because in my opinion you have flat feet and manly hands, not my flavor. The point is that you have bashed Innocent people just because of jealousy and hate. You are better off being humble and accepting your many flaws and move on. I do recommend that since you try and fool other with your so called civil responses you might want to carry that attitude outside if eccie. Blowing up someone's phone is no way for a lady to act, but in my research I guess you are just being you. Have a pleasant day.
  • Noid
  • 04-01-2017, 05:09 AM
oooohh a pro fighter, well goood for you. tough guy
One that hides behind his friends invites to parties when called out.
He couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
Gotta love the used to was's!
Now you're a bald out of shape mouth!
That's right Whata Peon. You know how the pm system works, use it for the address!

SL hold this little girls hand and get him there.
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 04-01-2017, 07:51 AM
Mata, Slave's roped your dope and then some. I'd say better luck next time, but at this point, you're just taking up bandwidth.

Great Slave photos!

Your just upset that slave won't call you back rick.The only thing that needs roping is her face and corralled
Typical puss response from the Whata Peon.
Come on big bad tough guy bring your little girl ass out from behind that keyboard.
I was a pro fighter for many years. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
Between your grammar and your spelling it sounds like one to many shots to head...IJS