Remembering the future sentencing of Dr Anthony Fauci

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
FTFY For the record, it is now on the record as it was accepted as a case.Which if I read the tea leaves correctly is one time more than you have passed it to date. Besides, all lawyers do not pass the bar on their first attempt. I know several. Sometimes it is more dependent on where they took the bar (jurisdiction). Here's a random list of failures at the task:
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
All your statements are correct. Nothing is proven YET. Many lawyers do not pass the bar exam the first time, but FIVE TIMES? Come on. I am not a lawyer but there are several in my family and my wife's ex was a lawyer. All passed the bar the first time.

I assume you have researched the man's history. And you don't find it a bit sketchy?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I assume you have researched the man's history. And you don't find it a bit sketchy? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I glanced at it briefly, YET it's either entirely immaterial or it's exactly what's needed at this point. Let me explain it thusly: With what is passing for law(fare), regarding Trump these days, I'll take initiative, with a side order of sketchy, at this point. Besides, I have never, as in ever, pursued a goal of being "normal". Never made any sense to shoot for such a low goal. What if you achieve it?!?

For example: Recall the E Jean Carol assault case against Trump? Do you actually comprehend what Trump was actually declared guilty of in that case?
He might have been able to assault her -- because -- they both might have been in the same popular store during, what the 1970/80's, in a city of ~8Million people and they both might have been there at the same time. So might makes right?!?
Does it really matter if the lawyers or Judge involved passed the bar on the 1st, 2nd or 10th time when that legal reasoning, aka outcome, is declared sane by that Judge?!?

But back on topic. Recall the OP "...Remember when the German police kidnapped Reiner Fuellmich in Mexico on October 13, 2023? He is the lawyer and spokesman for the Corona Investigative Committee, that wanted to institute a Nuremberg 2.0 trial over misuse of the PCR test for the covid against Germany, Fauci, et al. Seems the Germans don't want to land in another Nuremberg trail as the last one didn't go so swell for them...." That is a huge potential case that is currently gulag'd over some alleged misuse of donor funds. (Sound eerily familiar in any way - yet?) It was slated for the International court, though he also has a law license in California. No idea how many times it took to him pass either/any.

Meanwhile, 4-5 States are underway pursuing cases against Pfizer specifically, but unclear if the Fauci is part of it in any specific way YET - and no, I do not know how many times it took for those State AGs and their underlings to pass their bar exams either.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I glanced at it briefly, YET it's either entirely immaterial or it's exactly what's needed at this point. Let me explain it thusly: With what is passing for law(fare), regarding Trump these days, I'll take initiative, with a side order of sketchy, at this point. Besides, I have never, as in ever, pursued a goal of being "normal". Never made any sense to shoot for such a low goal. What if you achieve it?!?

For example: Recall the E Jean Carol assault case against Trump? Do you actually comprehend what Trump was actually declared guilty of in that case?
He might have been able to assault her -- because -- they both might have been in the same popular store during, what the 1970/80's, in a city of ~8Million people and they both might have been there at the same time. So might makes right?!?
Does it really matter if the lawyers or Judge involved passed the bar on the 1st, 2nd or 10th time when that legal reasoning, aka outcome, is declared sane by that Judge?!?

But back on topic. Recall the OP "...Remember when the German police kidnapped Reiner Fuellmich in Mexico on October 13, 2023? He is the lawyer and spokesman for the Corona Investigative Committee, that wanted to institute a Nuremberg 2.0 trial over misuse of the PCR test for the covid against Germany, Fauci, et al. Seems the Germans don't want to land in another Nuremberg trail as the last one didn't go so swell for them...." That is a huge potential case that is currently gulag'd over some alleged misuse of donor funds. (Sound eerily familiar in any way - yet?) It was slated for the International court, though he also has a law license in California. No idea how many times it took to him pass either/any.

Meanwhile, 4-5 States are underway pursuing cases against Pfizer specifically, but unclear if the Fauci is part of it in any specific way YET - and no, I do not know how many times it took for those State AGs and their underlings to pass their bar exams either. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Sorry. When it takes someone 5 times to take the bar exam I really have to wonder how intelligent that person is on the law.Over 80% of those taking the bar exam pass the first time. Then when you combine that with his anti-vax theories just about anyone would come to the conclusion he is a whack-job trying to make a name for himself with unproven allegations.

As for the lawsuits against Pfizer, I predict they will be thrown out. Just wait.