Jackie our girl Condalisa

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Private Major Luke_Wyatt: My offer still stands ass clown did you find a MOD that's a veteran?

First, I asked you the questions first. Until you answer the questions that I have asked you, and follow through the conversation that would naturally result from your answering those questions, you do not have a leg to stand on demanding that I take your offer.

Second, your offer is invalid on the account that we do not know if the moderator that is chosen is a veteran and, if he/she is a veteran,
if this moderator is able to scrutinize a DD Form 214. Again, veteran service organizations have veterans who had been fooled by falsified DD Form 214s. What makes you think that a moderator here would not get fooled?

Third, verification of your military service, or military background, is more efficiently done via you answering my questions, and following through with the conversation that will result from the answers that you give me.

Fourth, someone who is allegedly a retired Sergeant Major would most certainly know if something is working or not. In this case, notice how I consistently respond to your demands, to take your offer, with the response I provided you with the first points above. I have also provided you with an explanation as to why your offer is invalid.

You, as a "retired Sergeant Major", would not cower away from answering my initial questions, and from engaging in a veteran to veteran conversation. Real veterans would answer my questions, and engage in the conversation that follows. This is a reason to why real veterans could hit it off and converse with each other as if they'd known each other forever despite the fact that they had just met the first time.

If you are a "retired SGM", you'd know that. You wouldn't be afraid to do things my way, which is consistent with how veterans do things. The fact that you would insist that anybody here accept your offer, while refusing to do what veterans would naturally do, speaks volumes supporting the argument that you are not who you claim to be.

Fifth, a part of your offer is you leaving if your statement is proven invalid via a DD 214 check. Why would I want that? I don't want you to leave, because if you do, you would not be on here making a fool of yourself and proving your own claims, that you are a "retired SGM" false.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: You are an asshole guy

I could understand why you would call me an "asshole guy"; due to my refusal to stop hammering you, and due to my insistence on you answering simple straightforward questions that a real veteran, or a veteran with nothing to hide, will be able to answer. You see me as "an asshole guy" because I refuse to do what you want me to do. I'm an "asshole guy" because I continue to insist on holding your feet to the fire with questions that real veterans will be glad to answer, but questions that you are afraid to answer. I will keep asking you these questions. The longer you ignore these questions, the more you prove that you never were a retired SGM.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: who likes ladies to sit on his face

There's a very good chance that if you were to try this, and not speak negatively about this, you would not have even have to worry about whether women would have issues with your weight or not. In fact, your weight would not be an issue if these women knew that not only do you enjoy living up to my username, but were good at it.

Perhaps that's the reason to why I'm hobbying every week, and you're hobbying infrequently.

However, your use of this in a negative sense speaks volumes about your true philosophy about women. What you said, via PM, and here, about my username, tells me that you see women as individuals that should be used, controlled, manipulated, abused, etc. You have no respect for women, and you look down on anyone who would dare two things to go counter to how you would do things.

Be assured that if you were to live up to my username with the women in your area, you would find the aroma far superior to your character, integrity, argument, line of reasoning, honesty, etc.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: and some how you think you are the stolen valor enforcer of the whore boards.

Where, in any of my posts, have I claimed to be one of those? You, who claim to be a retired SGM, would understand why many of us here are calling your veteran claims to question. If you are a real deal retired SGM, you would gladly answer my questions and engage in the conversation that follows.

The fact that you would accuse me of claiming to be a stolen valor enforcer speaks volumes to the fact that deep down inside, you know that you are a valor thief.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: I offered you two options look me up in the database in St Louis or present our respective DD 214

False, you only offered one option, which was an invalid method of verifying your service. If you are a retired SGM, you would have noticed that, and would not insist on demanding something in the face of getting the same response repeatedly when it comes to verifying your claims of being a retired SGM.

You did mention that if you were to trust me, I would be able to verify you via looking you up in the database at the National Personal Records Center. That doesn't count as a second option, as there's no guarantee that you'd trust someone that'll constantly hammer you. In response to this offer, I offered a much quicker way of verifying that, via the Army White Pages.

However, even in that statement I could tell that you are not who you claim to be when it comes to be a retired SGM. Because, if you did, you would know that none of us has the ability to check the database, at the national personnel archives, unless we were an employee there. Instead, you'd know that we would have to submit an FOIA request to them. You would also know that depending on when you left service, we would have to send that request to the parent service instead.

This is just more proof that you are not who you claim to be. Unless I can personally verify your DD 214, block by block, your offer is invalid.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: - last time I checked hookers are not charging half off to bets so it's absurd someone to benefit on a whore site to claim to be a VET.

Nobody is arguing that you did this for discounts, you advanced that claim in an attempt to bolster your position in debate against the other hobbyists in other threads. Unfortunately for you, your line of reasoning betrayed your claims of being a retired SGM. One of the things that got you happens to be one of the common things that gets other phonies, math. Another one is firsthand mundane things that were absent from your line of reasoning and commentary.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: Everyone here is pretty much anonymous

The mask of anonymity will not hide the fact that you lack the necessary experience that a retired SGM would possess. Consequently, when you make such claims, real veterans are going smell the BS that you spew, spot you as a faker, and call you out accordingly.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: but some how you think I need to validate myself

Your invalid offer is a method of "validation". What you are saying here is that it is okay for you to demand validation from others, but not okay for others to demand validation from you.

Again, the simple questions I asked you are questions that a real veteran would be able to answer. Additionally, real veterans would be able to carry that into an actual conversation. If you are a real veteran, as you are portraying yourself, you would have no problems doing that. You would not be spending a lot of time complaining that I'm trying to "force you" to validate yourself.

A faker/fraud would go out of his/her way to refuse to answer simple questions like what I have asked you. This is a very similar reason to why other fakers would stop entertaining questioning, regarding their "military service", or their "accomplishments" during military service, with the, "it's classified" card.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: to a cock sucker like you

Translation: The individual that's forcing Private Major Luken Wyattn to do things that would further expose Private Major Luke Wyatt as NOT being a retired SGM.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: who I don't know from Adam's house cat?

It doesn't matter. Firsthand experience is firsthand experience. When phonies like you attempt to gain an advantage in an argument, by advancing a phony veteran claim, and subsequently saying things, or calling things, that gives himself away as being a phony, those with real military experience are going to smell the BS coming from you and call you out accordingly.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: Just like I told you FUCK OFF

The only thing that's getting fucked is your phony veteran persona. Judging by what you are saying, and by your demeanor, I could tell that even you are starting to doubt the ability of your BS, regarding your military background, to stick.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: or accept my offer

Wrong. I asked you questions first. The onus is on you to answer those questions, and to engage in the conversation that would follow depending on the responses that you give me. Until then, you do not have a leg to stand on to demand that I accept your offer. If I don't want you to leave this message board, what good is your offer that includes you leaving?

Answering my initial questions, and engaging in the follow-on conversation that will result from your answers, is how real veterans verify each other. If you are a real retired SGM, you'd know that. The fact that you would insist that I "accept your offer" speaks volumes to the fact that you are not a retired SGM.
herfacechair's Avatar
After seeing the POS stolen valor " Command Sergeant Major ' Davis ' " just imagine all the ribbons on LUBE'S uniform ! Wonder if there's a special " device " worn by " Field Latrine Specialists " in the Army ? Mebbe a small " honey bucket " ! ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I thought the same thing. If he is doing it here, there is a good chance that he is doing it out in the real world. However, based on his admitting to being morbidly obese, I wouldn't be surprised if he wore a ball cap with veteran related patches, metals, or other paraphernalia, in order to get free meals, or veteran discounts, and local establishments.

What's happening to him here should serve as a warning if he's doing this in the real world, or on social media. Because this is a perfect way to end up getting hammered in veteran circles, and becoming permanently internet "famous"... with a real name to phony veteran label. If that were to happen, I could end up hammering him in one of the veteran websites, using my veteran username.
herfacechair's Avatar

I have challenged RW's military and medical history (vet or non-vet) based on his own posts on this board, which are extraordinarily inconsistent, which includes the unchallenged allegation that he posted a fake review.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
This is one reason to why I reached out to Private Major Luke_Wyatt via PM and asked him simple questions that veterans would easily be able to answer. No need to provide PII or any other sensitive information, or documentation, to prove one's military experience. All that's needed is to answer questions, and to engage in conversation the two veterans would have. Where an actual veteran would gladly engage in such conversation, Private Major Luke Wyatt gets defensive and refuses... He sure as hell is getting wrapped around the axle over having to do what real veterans would do in a heartbeat.
herfacechair's Avatar
Fat Bastard has become a broken record also. If you notice he keeps posting the same tired ass shit. Over and over. Like cunt this cunt that. Cunt you hear me? You don't pay tax's. I was in the mob and the Army. Blah Blah Blah Blah. Originally Posted by R.M.
This is a major characteristic of those who lost the argument, yet don't realize that they've been defeated. They're driven by narcissism to keep arguing in a debate that they've gotten crushed in.
herfacechair's Avatar
What's even more ironic is she once admitted that she was over weight and had to lose 35lbs Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
It appears that she actually lost weight. Instead of spending your time attacking her, how about swallowing your pride, and trying to learn from her?

You admitted to being morbidly obese. Your doctor must have informed you of the health risks that you face for continuously being morbidly obese. If that does not give you incentive to light your ass on fire and to start losing weight, well, then you're being typical of someone that exercises piss poor judgement.

You need to bow your head in humility, reach out to her, and get pointers on how to lose weight. You could sit there and hammer her all you want about having all that weight on her in her past, but that makes you look like an idiot when you're sitting there with all your weight still on you.
herfacechair's Avatar
Are YOU jealous of ANYONE and everyone that can lose weight, seArgent shitburner ? Go cry over your "honey buckets, " ya stolen valor POS ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
For someone that claims to be a retired SGM, who insinuates being a Gulf War Veteran, he sure as hell is completely missing the point that you are making about his being a shit bird.
herfacechair's Avatar
Private Major Luke_Wyatt: You have mixed some truths with lies --

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of what you're arguing against are mainly truths.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: personally I agree with you that I find it comical that someone on a whore hobby would go around questioning someone's service or job. I am not interviewing for a military position so why would I indulge that information to someone I don't even know?

Like other phonies, you freely volunteer information attesting to your assumption that you're a retired SGM, and that you did some sort of major military action, when you felt that doing so would give you an advantage. And yes, you did this on a "whore hobby board" in front of people that you don't even know.

But, when you get called out, because real veterans could smell BS coming from a fake veteran, you take the phony veteran escape. If you were the real deal, you wouldn't be getting all defensive about the fact that I'm asking you questions that real veterans would easily be able to answer.

Your refusal to answer my questions, and to engage in the resulting conversation, proves that you're not who you claim to be.


Originally posted by Private Major Luke_Wyatt:

It would be absurd for someone to question a hobbyist who claims to be a doctor by asking that person for the following info:
a) DEA number
B) where did you do your residency
C) medical license number
D) MCAT score
What hobbyist is really going to reveal that personal info?
You, on political threads, on topics that will give a veteran standing relative to others, pulled the phony veteran card. We were not talking about something that would fall under the doctors' discussion/argument lane. These threads, where you pulled your veteran card at, weren't talking about medical procedures.

Had we been involved in the applicable medical procedure related argument, and you made a claim of being a doctor while demonstrating your lack of knowledge of something doctors would know, real doctors would have every right to call you out. However, you made claims of being a veteran, and demonstrated that you did not know basic information that veterans would know.

Like "SeArgent"? Really? you, claiming to be a retired Sergeant Major, would presumably have been in the Army long enough to know the correct spelling for that. It didn't help that you adjusted your rank. Yes, you made a lot of mistakes that veterans would not, and this is why you are being called out.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: For months and months you guys have been on my back about military service?

Because you say and do things that real veterans wouldn't say or do. You refuse to enter a validation process that only requires first hand experiences, and knowledge of the mundane, that only veterans would know.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: I am a disabled vet

You can't even enter a conversation that real veterans would easily enter, yet you expect us to believe that you're a disabled veteran.

So, tell me, what process did you go through to get the "disabled veteran" designation? Ah oh, this requires a lot of mundane, and first hand, knowledge! Didn't mean to set you into another panic mode, but I look forward to your answer.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: and a Purple Heart recipient and in order to get a Purple Heart you have to be injured in battle and that's not something any soldier openly welcomes.

If that's the case, anybody with your real name could access the database via the following link, plug your name into this database, and get results:


The fact that you have to explain what a purple heart medal is, to those who already know what it is, and how it's earned, speaks volumes to the fact that you're a phony. You're doing this to convince yourself of your lies, and to brag to others about this false accomplishment of yours, more than you are in attempting to convince us to believe your BS.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: There are no free sessions for veterans - I am not getting a check from this site so there's no advantage or financial gain for me to make up a story about serving in the military.

Yet, you went at length, right here, to argue that you're a veteran. No, you're not doing it for a free session. You're doing it in an attempt to get a leg up on the opposition. You're also doing it for self-aggrandizement.

More importantly, you're falsely claiming certain veteran attributes, and experiences, to make up for the fact that you've been a big failure in life.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: If you want to accuse me of stolen valor put your Eccie membership on the line if you are that damn confident.

We don't need to. All we have to do, to accuse you of being a phony, for example, of being a phony retired SGM, is to point out the inconsistencies between your claims and reality. You think that by avoiding my questions to preserve your previous claims, you could avoid additional exposure to your fakeness. Yet, you don't realize that by consistently avoiding my questions, you prove, through inaction, that you are indeed a phony SGM.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: The final straw is how you guys including you LL want to ridicule me because of my weight which I find really amusing

You attack R.M. for being overweight in the past, yet you complain when hobbyists turn around and give you a taste of your own medicine. One of the things I find amusing, about this, is the fact that she actually lost weight, and you're trying to lose weight. You don't have a leg to stand on attacking her for her past weight, when she has lost weight and you still have yours.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: because 3/4 of hobbyist are over weight and old.

I guess that makes me a part of the 1/4th of the hobbyists that don't fit your description. No wonder why you didn't take me up on my offer to join me on a distance run, before the crack of dawn, should I visit my cousin who lives in your area.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: Let's face it this is a whore site and sorry the average hobbyist isn't some young hung stud with wash board abs and a swimmers physique. The guys who are calling me fat hey you are fat too- join the crowd

This isn't the line of reasoning that I would expect of someone who was a senior NCO in the Army. What you're doing here is trying to point to others, who are overweight, and complaining about them pointing a finger to you and calling you overweight. You have self-admitted to being morbidly obese.

Someone with senior NCO experience would focus on losing his weight and not get wrapped around the axle about what others are saying about his being overweight. Also, for someone that claims to have allegedly served in the Army, you should know what happens to someone who is overweight. Yes, they are called "fat bodies" or some other name, and they are ridiculed. You should've expected this, but you're a phony retired SGM, you didn't.

Had you been a real deal retired SGM, this concept would not be alien to you, and you would not be complaining about it. You see, this is an example of what I mean about you not having either first-hand experience, or mundane military knowledge, that would come with being a senior NCO.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: and R.M if you want to call me fat that's fine but you are alienating 90 percent of the hobbyist on this site, which may explain your embarrassing low number of reviews in the past 5 years.

Don't mistake the number of her reviews with the frequency of her actual numbers. Many hobbyists choose not to do a review. There are other factors in play as well. For any single hobbyist that provides a review, there are many more who don't. You shouldn't be hammering someone for the number of reviews they've received if one of the reviews you've given is suspected of being a fake review.
I thought the same thing. If he is doing it here, there is a good chance that he is doing it out in the real world. However, based on his admitting to being morbidly obese, I wouldn't be surprised if he wore a ball cap with veteran related patches, metals, or other paraphernalia, in order to get free meals, or veteran discounts, and local establishments.

What's happening to him here should serve as a warning if he's doing this in the real world, or on social media. Because this is a perfect way to end up getting hammered in veteran circles, and becoming permanently internet "famous"... with a real name to phony veteran label. If that were to happen, I could end up hammering him in one of the veteran websites, using my veteran username.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
And in a military town like San Antonio, his bullshit will be spotted real quick by the real, TRUE veterans . It might lead to a " misunderstanding " that he can't bullshit his way out of ! I wouldn't put it past the POS that he is to have FORGED a set of papers ( DD-214 ) to perpetuate his LIE.
herfacechair's Avatar
here fat ass did the army give you one of these Originally Posted by gary5912
If he served, I wouldn't be surprised if the Army gave him the boot... booted his arse so hard that, to this day, he's still coughing up pieces of Army combat boot.
It appears that she actually lost weight. Instead of spending your time attacking her, how about swallowing your pride, and trying to learn from her?

You admitted to being morbidly obese. Your doctor must have informed you of the health risks that you face for continuously being morbidly obese. If that does not give you incentive to light your ass on fire and to start losing weight, well, then you're being typical of someone that exercises piss poor judgement.

You need to bow your head in humility, reach out to her, and get pointers on how to lose weight. You could sit there and hammer her all you want about having all that weight on her in her past, but that makes you look like an idiot when you're sitting there with all your weight still on you.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
I doubt Lube will take that advice, he prolly enjoys being called a idiot fat ass
I doubt Lube will take that advice, he prolly enjoys being called a idiot fat ass Originally Posted by gary5912
Any restaurant offering a fixed price, all-you-can-eat buffet has to hate seeing him come through the door. And for him to ask for a veterans discount on top of wrecking their buffet !
herfacechair's Avatar
And in a military town like San Antonio, his bullshit will be spotted real quick by the real, TRUE veterans . It might lead to a " misunderstanding " that he can't bullshit his way out of ! I wouldn't put it past the POS that he is to have FORGED a set of papers ( DD-214 ) to perpetuate his LIE. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Hence one of the reasons to why I call his "offer" an invalid way to do a verification. Now, every time an overweight phony is busted, who is out of San Antonio, I'm going to wonder if it's our own Private Major Luke Wyatt. Dillon McMillion Quarterpounder is unfortunately taken, we'd have to come up with something equal.

And Private Major Luke Wyatt, listen to this video closely, as you apparently lack the military experience needed to understand why we're on your arse over your phony military claims:

I'm not sure what Lil Wayne would have to say about this but WTF!

Carry on soldiers and THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE! the real ones anyway...

This is one reason to why I reached out to Private Major Luke_Wyatt via PM and asked him simple questions that veterans would easily be able to answer. No need to provide PII or any other sensitive information, or documentation, to prove one's military experience. All that's needed is to answer questions, and to engage in conversation the two veterans would have. Where an actual veteran would gladly engage in such conversation, Private Major Luke Wyatt gets defensive and refuses... He sure as hell is getting wrapped around the axle over having to do what real veterans would do in a heartbeat. Originally Posted by herfacechair
You are a lying POS it's against the rules to repeat verbatim what you asked me in pm but to paraphrase your message - I could see from a mile away where you were going : " remember how you said how you admired my status and rank and wished to follow in my footsteps...(your words paraphrased)
I could smell the bullshit from a mile away - my suggestion to you pussy face is put your membership on the line or otherwise go suck your mothers cock.
I am not going anywhere and there's not a damn thing you can do about it - I love how you are giving me some much attention especially on someone's else post. Looks like the military didn't train you right or perhaps your skank whore of a mother did a poor job raising you.
Hence one of the reasons to why I call his "offer" an invalid way to do a verification. Now, every time an overweight phony is busted, who is out of San Antonio, I'm going to wonder if it's our own Private Major Luke Wyatt. Dillon McMillion Quarterpounder is unfortunately taken, we'd have to come up with something equal.

And Private Major Luke Wyatt, listen to this video closely, as you apparently lack the military experience needed to understand why we're on your arse over your phony military claims:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--s1FqX3wFg Originally Posted by herfacechair
We have nicknames for scum like you we call you Blue Falcon- I bet you were a Meat gazer weren't you ? You would make a good mortar maggot fucking low life POS.