You can't answer the question, so you try - in vain - to substitute your own insipid question - a sure indicatoin you LOST the argument. The question that remains unanswered is one you haven't answered, you miscreant Yankee cretin, "Why does the BLM arbitrarily allow moneyed and politically connected interests to destroy any of the desert tortoise habitat through commercial development if the desert tortoise is as endangered as it claims?"
But here is the answer to your stupid question, you semen slurper: The BLM's actions were NOT arbitrary. The BLM apparently decided that the benefits of solar energy outweighed whatever harm may be done to the desert - whereas the benefits of Bundy's herd does not. Perhaps you're too fucking stupid to realize that once again you have described a scenario where the BLM is selectively -- ARBITRARILY -- choosing when and when not to protect desert tortoise habitat, you cretinous Yankee fucktard. Therefore, they have a rational basis and there actions are not arbitrary. Whereas your ignorant Yankee ass has yet to explain how bulldozers have no impact on the habitat of the desert tortoise, you moronic Yankee ignoramus. THAT is the legal standard, you tranny fuckee.
And you don't improve your position by throwing in phrases like "moneyed and politically-connected interests". That is an ad hominem argument - which seems to be all you have left. Harry Reid's project is proof that the BLM is more than willing to arbitrarily compromise its high "environmental principles" when the money and the politics are right, you ignorant Yankee cretin.
You can't answer the question, so now you try a false argument. Your ignorant Yankee ass hasn't explained how the BLM's giving free reign to bulldozers to destroy desert tortoise habitat while it asserts it is banishing cattle for destroying desert habitat is not arbitrary, you moronic Yankee jackass. There is NO requirement that the government's actions be uniform and not varied. You've once again defined "ARBITRARY", you ignorant Yankee jackass! That is a false statement. Yours is the false statement, you lying Yankee jackass!
It is the nature of many government actions that they are varied rather than uniform. Corn gets massive subsidies, but many fruits and vegetables get minor subsidies, if any. The government only needs to provide a rational basis for an action to avoid being arbitrary. Allowing bulldozers to level desert tortoise habitat while the BLM simultaneously claims that its mission is to protect desert tortoise habitat is not by any standard "rational", you ignorant Yankee fuck!
Keep trying, you legal illiterate. You need to heed your own advice, you ignorant Yankee retard, you're the one who is ignorantly using evidence that stands against your stated POV.
Originally Posted by ExNYer