Hey lets see if this works

gman45's Avatar
Give me more
gman44's Avatar
and he complies
Guest102312's Avatar
to what is
a solid pounding,
for a girl,
with lovely bowties,
on her thighs.
gman45's Avatar
while she eats
Hottassamelia's Avatar
an extremely juicy
atxbrad's Avatar
cum filled condom

It worked for 127 posts. Then atxbrad took it right into the gutter...

That cracked me up though.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
not even close
knotty man's Avatar
just kidding doll
knotty man's Avatar
oops! delete me
gman45's Avatar
and has threesome
gman44's Avatar
threesomes are great
Machesh's Avatar
Me, Maci and another
gman44's Avatar
I had 3