I am the Fucking prophet.....not God. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I'm not convinced....has anyone ever seen TFP and God in the same room??
London Rayne's Avatar
The answer to your question is "yes"......the Fucking prophet has played this game long enough that hobby sex is a "want".
Originally Posted by dearhunter
The Prophet has spoken lol! Ha!
8 hrs [gratis of course] then send him the tape.. that will teach him a lesson

Ok my turn....

What is the best way to get back at an ex who wronged you other than screwing his brother and mailing him the video Originally Posted by London Rayne
London Rayne's Avatar
How about posting his photo along with his work info. in the "men seeking men" section of CL? Nuff said.

You guys are lucky to be clients because you are protected from that sort of craziness....well unless you run into some nut job who has nothing to lose. The BF's and Husbands have the short end of the stick in more ways than one.
chicagoboy's Avatar
O Perspicacious Prophet,

I have two close friends - not reach-around close, at least with me - whom I will call Lord Scrumptious and Duke. Their feelings have recently been hurt, and I seek Your advice on how to boost their self-esteem and thereby prevent mayhem.

Lord Scrumptious has always thought of himself as the baddest MoFo (sorry, Monical) extant, so he was chagrined when recently it was authoritatively stated that I am actually "the nastiest SOB" - translated from the original, French sobriquet - 'round these parts. His sads were exacerbated by my receiving top billing in our tripartite operation, a JV which Lord Scrumptious has often claimed to own outright. For some reason, Duke's name was left off the marquee altogether.

I thinck I can buck Duke up simply by rustling up some companionship for him, but that would raise some awkward questions of law and propriety, and possibly attract the unwanted attention of the USDA.

Lord Scrumptious's wounded pride is a more delicate problem. I am concerned that he may feel compelled to chart an ill-advised - and possibly lethal - course, in order to re-establish his street cred.

You are somewhat familiar with these characters, O Prophet. How do You suggest I handle the situation?

Thanck you in advance.

cb (not CB)
notanewbie's Avatar
here we go.....
pyramider's Avatar
Let the games begin...........
dearhunter's Avatar
This is indeed a delicate matter.....I could refer you to my comment in another thread concerning "reaping and sowing"......but, in truth all three of you deserve whatever you get.

If you had finished what you started, one of the problems would not be here to deal with.....I'm just saying.

The masses will not quibble over the sacrifice of a goat here and there to subdue the demons that rage amongst a matter of fact, they expect it.

The true tragedy is when a lamb must be offered up to quell the raging those moments we are looking for men of mettle to step up and take the bull by the horns......will you be Joan of Arc or George Patton.........quit your quibbling....either get in the cage and close the door.......or find an acceptable sacrifice to go in your place.
chicagoboy's Avatar
either get in the cage and close the door.......or find an acceptable sacrifice to go in your place. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I know somebody who's in town for a few days whom I might enlist for that deployment.
dearhunter's Avatar
If it is who I thinck.......the whining and bitching will recede for a while.
notanewbie's Avatar
I know somebody who's in town for a few days whom I might enlist for that deployment. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
do you thinck the somebody in question could be prodded into that position?
dearhunter's Avatar
If there are no didn't happen.
Wayward's Avatar
There are pictures and it did happen, just sayin'
dearhunter's Avatar
Like they say..... It ain't bragging if it's true.
boardman's Avatar
Dear dearhunter,
This morning I decided to have Applejacks for breakfast. As I always do, I checked the milk with the ole sniff test to make sure there would be no surprises. Everything seemed fine but when I took my first big heaping spoonful of Applejacks I found that the milk had soured just that quickly.
It really left an awful taste and has me turned off from both Applejacks and milk. It was really more than just soured. It had a stinck to it that made me think it had been drug across the pond. Is there something wrong with my Applejacks to make the milk go bad so quickly?