false statements on bank loan applications

VitaMan's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
This wasn't Judge Kangaroo's first rodeo either...

"...this trial is a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham!"

VitaMan's Avatar
Trump is the real kangaroo.

Hopping from state to state...filing over 60 frivolous lawsuits...all without evidence...all thrown out.

And when there is evidence when he is the defendant...he cries "witch hunt".

He needs to move to the land down under.
eyecu2's Avatar
This wasn't Judge Kangaroo's first rodeo either...
Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you actually think that Trump didn't lie on his applications?

All totally above board and accurate?

A yes or no answer is requested- then you can qualify the reasoning.
Precious_b's Avatar
No. Read the summary. "Blatantly false financial data."

Read that as fraud.

Ain't about donny&co and lenders. About NY not getting revenues from property tax.

I stated before for those who don't believe it: try paying a pittance of the property tax that you local taxing agency says you own. See what happens. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Judge Kangaroo issued his summary judgement declaring Trump guilty of fraud BEFORE THE OPENING DAY OF THE TRIAL, i.e. before any testimony was taken. Did you miss that?

It's not on him that DA Tish James went "shopping" and steered this case to the most rabidly trump-hating, far-left progressive crackpot kangaroo judge available in the City of New York.

You're right. It's 100% on Engeron for allowing his court to go off the rails and resemble a Third World, Banana Republic kangaroo affair.

Funny how the public can smell a corrupt, abusive, partisan hit job when they sniff it out.

There you go again. This kangaroo trial had nothing to do with "NY not getting revenues from property tax".

I googled it. Everything I found indicates the Trump Organization paid all NY property taxes, mostly on time. Originally Posted by lustylad
Now I did hear something about guilt with trial. Could you be a lamb and supply month and day when said judge already made determination of guilt.

So, you are saying the Prosecution had *COMPLETE* control of all jurors without Defense having *ANY* input on choice of juror? Leave it to donny to pick a lawyer who could not kick this one for a mile out of the court room. Read my statement about quality of consul he employs.

Engoron admitted to not having complete control of the courtroom. If someone could find where he stated that because I did not read it. But he did keep it from becoming a third world banana republic by not doing normal action of a judge when a defendant acts like a monkey in the courtroom. *THAT* would have made it political. And the orange chimp was denied most of his politcal grandstand in the courtroom because of it. He had to settle for acting like a raging baboon behind pedestrian bars.

And with all your rantings and ravings, you still can't counter "Blatantly false financial data" that the Big Cheato is being made to be responsible for. A cracker jack lawyer would have riddled that prosecution statement with holes if it weren't true.

I think your big love affair with the orange blob is y'all love the idea of not being held accountable for your actions. That is the only thing I can figure. So, do as I suggest, lie about your propety valuation and short change your local taxing authority. When they come looking to be paid, show them this thread and be secure in your beliefs that you are responsible for paying what they say you owe.

And you are wrong. Trump Organization didn't pay all property tax. See 92 page report.

correct again. there was some early "noise" from James about this but it vanished into vaporware when it came time to file this nonsense because the only way Trump could cheat the NYC tax assessor's office is by having people on his backdoor payroll taking bribes.

now .. if James could actually prove that ... you'd have an actual crime! who knew?

... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Guess you still didn't read those 92 pages like VitaMan did. Y'all just can't get around the "Blatantly false financial data" sentence. That is on donny again for getting bottom of the barrel lawyers who could not form an argument to get themselves out of a brown paper bag.
lustylad's Avatar
$355 million fine + $100 million in interest? Really?

Helluva job, democrats! You let your crooked, thieving judges connive with your corrupt cunt DAs to pick trumpy's wallet, dintcha!

"Yes, as through this world I've wandered
I've seen lots of funny men;
Some will rob you with a six-gun,
And some with a fountain pen."

- Woody Guthrie, Pretty Boy Floyd
Do you actually think that Trump didn't lie on his applications?

All totally above board and accurate?

A yes or no answer is requested- then you can qualify the reasoning. Originally Posted by eyecu2
You know you’ll never get any answer from them except whining and crying. Accompanied by a bunch of bitching about how unfairly the liar, cheating, sexual assaulter has been maligned.
VitaMan's Avatar
"Even I can't derive a formula that shows why MAGAs support Mr. Trump."

Albert Einstein
VitaMan's Avatar
Don't forget Trump's expert witness who said everything looked good....after he was paid a million dollars.
Really ? Looks more like a "kangaroo" witness.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
This wasn't Judge Kangaroo's first rodeo either...

"...this trial is a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham!"

Originally Posted by lustylad

lustylad's Avatar
Don't forget Trump's expert witness who said everything looked good... after he was paid a million dollars.
Really ? Looks more like a "kangaroo" witness.

Originally Posted by VitaMan

So... you judge an expert witness based on his/her appearance rather than his/her testimony?

That tells me everything I need to know about your judgment.

The guy is a tenured Professor of Accounting at NYU's Stern School of Business. After glancing at his CV, I would say he seems pretty damn well-qualified. But since you seem hung up on the guy's looks, here's an older photo you might like a little better:


You do know it is standard practice in a trial like this to bring in expert witnesses, right? Funny how you failed to mention that the fabulist "expert" (Michiel McCarty) hired by the cunt DA to manufacture pie-in-the-sky numbers she could use to confiscate Trump's assets collected $350,000 in fees.

But the biggest scandal here isn't the use of competing experts. It's the outrageous, jaw-dropping bias of Judge Kangaroo. He didn't even consider Bartov's actual testimony. Instead he dismissed it by saying "all that his testimony proves is that for a million or so dollars, some experts will say whatever you want them to say".

What a complete piece of shit this Judge Kangaroo Engeron has shown himself to be... over & over again! Such an awful human being! He is a shame and a disgrace to the New York bench and the entire legal profession. He slandered Eli Bartov and impugned the guy's professional reputation and motives. I hope Bartov sues the fuck out of him for his unprofessional, defamatory remarks.

Good grief!

For the sake of our legal system and future public confidence in our judiciary, let's impeach and disbar this fucking embarrassing Judge Kangaroo ASAP.
VitaMan's Avatar
So you agree he looks like a kangaroo.

Here is the real life view of his paid testimony, all $ 900,000 worth:

"And so they got an expert, they paid him a lot to be able to say something that I think quite a lot of experts would not have been prepared to say."

Your judgement looks to be clouded by your loyalty to Trump.

lustylad's Avatar
So you agree Engeron looks and acts like a kangaroo.

Here is the real life view of Michiel McCarty's paid testimony, all $ 350,000 worth:

"And so they got an expert, they paid him a lot to be able to say something that I think quite a lot of experts would not have been prepared to say."

My judgement looks to be clouded by my hatred of Trump.

Originally Posted by VitaMan

I can't disagree with any of the above.
VitaMan's Avatar
It took $ 900,000 for Trump to obtain an expert witness. The prosecution only $ 350,000.
That gives you a clue right there who is lying.

Shoot, add $ 100,000 more, and that witness will say the 2020 election was the crime of the century.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Do you actually think that Trump didn't lie on his applications? ... Originally Posted by eyecu2
Yes! Why? Because it creates a bizzaro-world of unintended consequences, not to leave out that no bank has accused him of such, nor given up their own due dilligence. So let's look at some consequences of such a ludicrous thought process:

Property taxes:
Property taxes would have to be automatically raised as soon as a property is listed for sale, even at an inflated amount (listing price) and could not be lowered if the final sales price was less than the listed price. Likewise, sellers would not be allowed to lower the price to attract buyers. Remains to be seen what would happen in the case of a low price being asked, to stimulate a bidding war.

Book banning:
Obviously, The Art of the Deal and any others like it would have to be banned.

Cancel culture and genocide:
Negotiating would be banned, which would lead to the genocide of entire cultures. For example: All Armenian males would have to be imprisoned or euthanized if negotiating, aka haggling, i.e. dickering, is banned, because I'm not aware of any Armenian males that aren't ready, willing and able to haggle. Random street purveyors would automatically be arrested if they accept anything less than the price they originally pitch.

Free market ends:
The market no longer decides the value. Only the seller does and everyone has to be bound by the wild imaginations of a seller. This essentially means, you would have to imprison or euthanize any and all "qualified" buyers if they do not immediately put a listing price offer on the table. The notion of the "Biggest Sale ever" would go by the wayside. All sales are at list price! No telling what it means for Surge pricing.

ECCIE rulz would have to be changed:
Notwithstanding, your not being the OP, would seem to violate the rules of governance of the thread conduct. Do we even need to consider negotiating provider rates or reviews?!?

Frankly, it is preposterous to think otherwise, unless your real agenda is as a Globalist Depopulation acolyte.