Sugar daddy dating & info ??

Missy Mariposa's Avatar
In short, every Sugar Baby is a Hooker, but not every Hooker is a Sugar Baby.

Yes, I see only one Provider. I do a lot of extra things for Her, because I think I get my moneys worth, which I gage by the amount of enjoyment and fun I have. She is 39 years old, and is a pro. We see each other probably more than most SB-SD's do. But it is always on a Client-Provider basis. I have no illusions about what we do, and neither does she.

Payments are for services provided at that time, whether it is a 2 hour quicky, or a all week end trip.

This is what I call the ATF arrangement. I dig the shit out of her, she digs the shit out of the money I pay. It's a win-win. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You are super awesome - and that is a great arrangement. I saw someone in that way for a year, it was very...satisfying, to say the least

Attend an online school, that way you can travel and still keep up with your classes. All the schools are doing it now even Harvard. I got started while in the military (always traveling). I bet 90% of the MBAs are done online now. I got my MBA from Columbia doing online, and I am enrolling in the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program.

That'd be great except I'm working on a Fine Arts degree, which you can't take online. My MFA is going to be the same way. So saving up and taking breaks is just the way to go. I already got all of my core degree classes out of the way online.
  • mrx
  • 04-26-2012, 04:05 AM
I have been on ECCIE since end 2010. I have seen a dozen providers and been great. One recient provider wasn't a great experience, so I am so going to try the SD SB.

Every other weekend and 3 or 5 random days.
10 days a month $3,000 - $12,000 range I have so far.. Travel I pay shopping and travel
and no one has to go to aunt ester's b day party. Just fun, travel, dining. What would
your range be for exclusive and non exclusive SB 10 days a month? I think if all are honest it could work out
JF is long gone ..... And your comments are damn near spot on.....

You have to have Premium Access to log on to the Sugar Daddy-Sugar Baby Forum. I think Jack Flash moderates it.

This entire thread is revolving around the basic tenant or definition, of who is a Hooker, and who isn't a Hooker.

In short, every Sugar Baby is a Hooker, but not every Hooker is a Sugar Baby.

And all of these old geezers, (I'm 65, so I can say that), who are fooling themselves, thinking that 23 year old "Tart" is being true to him only, should be standing by a midget who is yelling, "Boss, the plane, the plane", because you are living on Fantacy Island.

The rude awakening usely comes in the form of your discovering you have been paying her real boyfriend's rent for the past year.

Yes, I see only one Provider. I do a lot of extra things for Her, because I think I get my moneys worth, which I gage by the amount of enjoyment and fun I have. She is 39 years old, and is a pro. We see each other probably more than most SB-SD's do. But it is always on a Client-Provider basis. I have no illusions about what we do, and neither does she.

Payments are for services provided at that time, whether it is a 2 hour quicky, or a all week end trip.

This is what I call the ATF arrangement. I dig the shit out of her, she digs the shit out of the money I pay. It's a win-win. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Gotyour6's Avatar
It is not a matterof who is a hooker and who isnt.
It is who can be an sb and who keeps the title of a hooker.

Are SBs hooker? Yes, but we all are. I sell myself to my company. I have a brain designed and tailored for what my company is looking for. A hooker or "Provider" does the same for the men or women they entertain.

An SB is doing the same thing. mainly because they have no idea on how to be a provider or they would rather collect a fee from one person willing to pay what they want in order to have an illusion of being exclusive with a fresh girl that hasnt fucked 100 guys in the last month. Have they? Who knows, I am paying remember, for the illusion.

Will I do things outside the rhelm of what I would do for a provider? Yes, remember the illusion? They they thank me for it. If it is giving them money for whatever or running around in the rain to find a dog. Doesnt matter. They like me for it, They remember that I did it and I like doing it as well.

Can a provider make a good hooker? Yes. Can they make a good SB, sure, to some, can they make a good SB to me, no.Can a SB make a good hooker, They are.

If you are 65 and are trying to get involved with a 20 something then I think you are doing it wrong. Maybe a 35 - 40 something year old.

I am 43 and in the best shape of my life. I dated girls who had no idea I had money. Illusion? No. They liked older guys and fucked like porn stars. As I said before, she was in an icecream shop and I asked her out. Did we stay together, no, I want an SB not a girlfriend.
Guys... providers become friends with exceptional regular clients... and after the providers retire they even continue to be friends with those men. Even horizontal friends on occasion. Why then must it be unreasonable to think that a SB couldn't also develop into a real friendship as well? its a big interesting world. As soon as you say people never do something... you can be assured that somewhere thousands of them are doing that and more.
another thing to remember... bitter truth... successful men get more attractive as they go through their 30s to their 40s. Men's attractiveness probably doesn't even peak until early to mid 40s. While women peak very young comparatively. And that is why the early 20s SB is so often with the early 40s SD.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Well I peaked then because I have more ass than I know what to do with.
Not bragging, just saying.
I have been on ECCIE since end 2010. I have seen a dozen providers and been great. One recient provider wasn't a great experience, so I am so going to try the SD SB.

Every other weekend and 3 or 5 random days.
10 days a month $3,000 - $12,000 range I have so far.. Travel I pay shopping and travel
and no one has to go to aunt ester's b day party. Just fun, travel, dining. What would
your range be for exclusive and non exclusive SB 10 days a month? I think if all are honest it could work out Originally Posted by mrx

Hmmmmm........................ ....PM me!!!!!
TinyTawny's Avatar
So glad I found this thread In fact, that's why I signed up here. I'm just starting to experiment with SD/SB relationships. I will write about it on my blog.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Lol, ban in 3...2...1
John Bull's Avatar
GY6 help me out. Why should I ban TT? There is nothing wrong with her post. Could she be masquerading? Could she be an already banned former member? Just wondering!
ShysterJon's Avatar
My guess is GotYour6 sees a ban a-comin' because TinyTawny's 'blog' looks like a commercial for
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
an illusion of being exclusive with a fresh girl that hasnt fucked 100 guys in the last month.
Who in the sam hell has the energy to fuck 100 guys in a month? Christ you must think so little of all of us :/
I have been on ECCIE since end 2010. I have seen a dozen providers and been great. One recient provider wasn't a great experience, so I am so going to try the SD SB.

Every other weekend and 3 or 5 random days.
10 days a month $3,000 - $12,000 range I have so far.. Travel I pay shopping and travel
and no one has to go to aunt ester's b day party. Just fun, travel, dining. What would
your range be for exclusive and non exclusive SB 10 days a month? Originally Posted by mrx
LOL. You are waaaay too high. You are thinking you have to pay HDH prices for hot women, and you don't. I pay $500 to $1000 for my SBs to take a trip with me, and the trips usually last from two to five days.

The most I have paid for a MONTH was $2000, and that was for this girl who was/is an in demand model:

$2000 a month net is pretty good for women in their early 20s. They would have to gross $3k a month to net that amount, and they aren't many jobs paying the early 20 somethings $3k a month.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Who in the sam hell has the energy to fuck 100 guys in a month? Christ you must think so little of all of us :/ Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
It was an expression and if you read my other posts you would know that I dont think little of you at all.

I never said and names and if you look at my reviews I am a backpage troller and some of them are just as I stated. So for me, yes, I have been with girls that do the $60 specials and have been with a lot of guys in a day. I can assure you that no, I do not think little of you at all.

And yes, the few posts she put down was advertising her blog. Just seems odd that "she" popped in and said she was on here for SD/SB and gave a link.