NO donation or memory???

simpleton's Avatar
Thank God Arkansas cant take the blame for this one! Will the REAL Tiffany Texas please stand up?! I beleive the girl has multiple personalities...just saying. Originally Posted by BabyDallas
I think you might be on to something. By the way babyDallas you are one beautiful lady. I need to get Arkansas.
I was being sarcastic and that's why I said "let me know who it is so", he won't do something stupid with my cool aid? Next time I will write (sarcastic) after the sentence.Thanks for your concern and help sweetie.
also once again i was not drunk... by no means,not even tipsy ALSO ONCE AGAIN THIS WAS NOT A THREAD TO POINT FINGERS JUST ADVICE ON HOW TO BE PROFESSIONAL BOUT THE SITUATION AND MAKE GOOD OF IT Originally Posted by TiffanyTexas
Yah...How's that workin' out for ya'?!?!?
This is why WE escorts get a bad name because of clueless women like you. Please if you do not know what the fuck you're doing, contact a reputable lady and ask her for advice. You just gave a fucking freebie that is what happened. Why would you drink on a date .. let alone with a client you do not KNOW and pass out??? really??? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Bitter, mean-spirited women like you are the ones who give providers a bad name. You attack and talk down to everyone.
pbaddison's Avatar
Wow, national thread s move fast. Nine pages that quickly.

Ok, so I will go ahead and throw my neck on the chopping block because that's the kind of person I am. Besides, I think at this point everybody has read the review and can put two and two together anyway. I was the client in question (or if I wasn't, and this happened twice in the same weekend then wow!).

I don't know if there is any point in me adding my two cents, but I will anyway. Some will believe me, some won't...

Tiffany, I swear to you I did leave a donation - right where I said I did. It was suggested to me that there was another possibility I hadn't thought of. You were a bit out of it, and in that span of about 4 hours of missing time you might have woken up, saw it, stashed it, and passed back out. Someone told me the same sort of thing happened to him, though not with you - with a different provider. If that was the case, I do hope you find it. Even though I did not enjoy the experience, I would never cheat someone. It's just not me.

I appreciate that in your last post you were thinking about a discount or make-up, but from a completely objective viewpoint I wouldn't consider that a good idea. Even if I were up for it (I'm not), if I was commenting on this from an outsiders perspective I would think that the situation as you describe it would be too risky to let that person (again, me) near you again. Even though I know what happened - or at least I think I do - you don't have any memory of it so it would be very unsafe. The review is out there, damage done, so offering a make-up wouldn't change that. And if I was the sort of person that used rohypnol and possibly had my way without a hat, would you really want that to happen again?

Again, trying to put it in your perspective...

That said (and to mods - I'm trying as best as I can to respect the privacy of the review ROS):
- I didn't bring anything to drink. I would have if she had asked me to, but as we met up at 1 am might have been hard to find something.
- Even though she said in the parking lot that "I'm kinda wasted", Tiffany was drinking a Dr. Pepper when I showed up, and she finished it as we got to the room. So even if I was a drugger, there was no opportunity. If you were drinking before that, could it be that someone you were drinking with slipped you something? (Actually, I got thirsty at one point and asked for one of her Dr. Peppers.) So for those saying she shouldn't drink something a client gives her, she didn't... the client drank something she gave him! And if it weren't for the can being sealed when she handed it to me, I probably wouldn't have accepted.
- Where the jimmy in the trash came from: well, I got it out and put it on because we started to get frisky, and it got some use for a few seconds I suppose. But then you passed out. And even though all of us here are dabbling in illicit activities of a consentual sexual nature, I will still hold to the idea that if the other person is unconscious it is rape and I won't do that. So when I couldn't wake you back up, I removed it, tossed it in the trash (rather than flushing so that - if it mattered - it could be seen that it hadn't been "filled"), and got dressed. Then I left my donation and left the room. There was definitely no "2nd, 3rd, etc" times without a hat - I'm a little too disease paranoid for that (I get nervous from oral).

There are some things I wish. I wish you hadn't passed out, you were fun until then (and honestly it came on very suddenly... active, active, active, ZONK). I wish the donation hadn't gone missing (because up until then, I would definitely have given it another shot before writing a review). I wish we knew why both of those things happened, because at this point I don't think anyone knows why.

But no, I don't want a make-up or discount. I'd be too afraid of possible revenge over what you think I did. And I hope the lost donation does turn out to be that you stashed it while still out of it and don't remember, because otherwise that means someone else was in your room after me - and in the state you were in, THAT is scary.

And for everyone else - she DOES have a ton of good reviews. I hesitated on writing the one I did, but the advice I got was mostly "sucks that it happened, but people need to know so it doesn't happen to them". I guess just go earlier in the day, and don't start out drinking. So everyone can have a good time.

Seems kinda silly, like I'm WK someone I wrote a No for, against myself... hmmm. Well, that's the kinda person I am.

Oh, and Nayomi better NOT be my niece - because if my niece is on here at her age I'll kill her! Once she turns 18 though, her choice. Lol.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Bitter, mean-spirited women like you are the ones who give providers a bad name. You attack and talk down to everyone. Originally Posted by CowboyTy
Providers like ME give other providers a bad name?

Yup. Blame me. I am bitter and mean spirited while Tiffany is a saint for was accusing an innocent guy of date rape. YAH I'm so evil. Providers like ME? Have tons of GREAT reviews and don't pull this nonsense. Providers like me don't play the blame game and accuse a guy of rape because of a bad review. BTW I've never had a bad review posted and I am not big on alcohol. The bs was easy to spot a mile away. I suggest you shutup and read this thread thoroughly. The girl was lying period. She kept adding to the lies, changing her story and even accused me of being related to the client that supposedly date raped her THEN she turns around and says she's going to give him a makeup session? Classic.

Or let me guess.. are you one of the guys that are lined up to book a date with this girl so you can take advantage of her drinking problem? The girl is offering specials to those that bring booze. There goes your chance. Have fun. Honey when it comes to someone being FALSELY accused of rape, I have no problem being the biggest bitch on this site. Thank you.

Pbaddison, I knew it was you she was referring to. YOU are the real victim here. It's too bad. Pretty girl but full of shit! *hugs*

Naomi, I'm sorry I questioned you. You rock. Now I'll go sit in the corner. Originally Posted by simpleton
No problem love

Sweetie, looked at your showcase, you have one pretty bottom + everything else! Originally Posted by buzzworm86
Babydallas is a hottie!!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
According to Post #16 in pbaddison's review a hobbyist had a 'similar experience' and he plans to write a review when he gets back from a trip. That should be interesting.
pbaddison's Avatar
Pbaddison, I knew it was you she was referring to. YOU are the real victim here. It's too bad. Pretty girl but full of shit! *hugs* Originally Posted by Naomi4u
If at all possible, I'd like no one to be the victim here. I'd like the donation to show up so she knows I didn't stiff her. I'd like her to learn her lesson about drinking and working. I'd like me to learn not to make late night, last minute appointments so I don't face this kinda thing again (although it is hard to teach the little head to think). And I'd like any inexperienced providers reading this to take away from it - there are shady people out there; ones who WILL drug you and abuse you. Or even just stiff you if you pass out. Be careful.

I'm not worried about repercussions, even if others believe her instead of me. I know I did everything above-board, and so I have no problems with my conscience. If it does come back to hurt me and keeps me from seeing someone I wanted to see - well, then I have a lesson to learn. I'm still relatively new to the hobby, so I'm sure there's lots of lessons I still have to learn.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Sometimes strange things happen to the donation.

I had a girl spend the night a couple of years ago. By force of habit, because of the environs she lived in (people always stealing her money), she took the bills and rolled them up and put them inside a roll of toilet paper. The next morning she forgot where she hid the money (we had more than a few drinks), and of course, accused me of stealing the money while she slept. She left my house threatening to call her pimp and his friends on me...etc, etc. The emails and text messages got really nasty.

A few weeks later when I grabbed that roll of toilet paper to put it on the holder the bills fell out!!!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Consider this whole thread a PSA ,
Id give up on the donation though, the last I read last night I think the maid got it. lol This could have turned out far worse..the maid could have accused you of sexual harassment Pbad lol
notdeadyet's Avatar
And this amusing thread teaches us, yet again, that --

1. It generally is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

2. It is impossible to win an argument on any board.
gimme_that's Avatar
He is lucky....what if it was an outcall to his place or hotel. He would be stuck like chuck with her for those hours. He would have to turn her slightly to the side so she wouldn't choke on her own vomit maybe.

Also if she was passed out for multiple hours.....did she even have a hobby buddy that was expecting her call or text after.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
And this amusing thread teaches us, yet again, that --

1. It generally is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

2. It is impossible to win an argument on any board. Originally Posted by notdeadyet
I agree, and add:
3. Two sides to every story.
4. Unless you were there, you're entitled to an opinion, not a conclusion.

I think this thread needs a conclusion. We've beat every side of the horse to bloody death.
Fancy I am going to add to yours.. 3 sides to every story.. his hers and the truth
Naomi4u's Avatar
And the sad part is, it now makes me second guess all the alerts that are posted here on eccie. I'm sorry but if I got a bad review and it was genuinely my fault, I would evaluate things and try to give the guy a makeup session NOT post on a board that I didn't even know the session took place, there was a condom in the trash and let everyone think I was raped. This really makes me feel bad for the men and the shit they have to put up with. Some ladies are just spiteful. It takes true evil to falsely accuse someone of rape. She exposed her true character to the whole board. Fancy, I agree. We got hers, his and uncovered the truth. The conclusion is she's an alcoholic and a pathological liar. I think she showed us that herself as she continue to change her story as the thread went on evening mentioning Aunt Flow and blaming people that weren't present in the session lol. Next time guys, when you see a thread like this click on the review tab and the truth will most likely be lying right there in front of you. I, too, think this thread has run it's course. Oh yeah and if you thought I was a bitch to Tiffany, sorry