Yssup Rider's Avatar
JL/Han/DBD, he needs to use something as a rallying cry. Perry is weaker and a popcorn fart. Two parts Palin, one part Bush. Dumber than shit AND a Texas redneck.

If you think a felony indictment is what he needs to push him over the top to the Republican nomination than you're stupider than you are an asshole.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JL/Han/DBD, he needs to use something as a rallying cry. Perry is weaker and a popcorn fart. Two parts Palin, one part Bush. Dumber than shit AND a Texas redneck.

If you think a felony indictment is what he needs to push him over the top to the Republican nomination than you're stupider than you are an asshole. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
When he beats it, he will be able to characterize it as him fighting against tyranny for the common man against the liberal elite and their fellow travelers, controlled out of Washington and out to steal our liberty. He had no chance prior to this, he couldn't possibly have won based upon public opinion about him and an image as clumsy due to his debate performance- but you liberals were too fucking stupid and have raised him from the dead, so to speak.
Plenty of liberals have said this is an extremely weak indictment. Many are concerned about who is in power abusing this kind of authority - prosecuting political differences of opinion.

P.S. Fuck you
Perry likely won't get the GOP nomination; but if he does, his election chances won't be guided by an phony indictment, but how well the country is doing and do Americans want 4 more years of failed liberalism.

If Hillary runs; she is a shoe in. If not, then the GOP has a chance. Be it Perry, Cruz, Walker or someone else.
BigLouie's Avatar
He is going to win and use the whole situation as a rallying cry. You liberals fucked this up! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Texas politics is not for the faint on heart. Stuff like this goes on about a 1,000 times a day. Perry got elected because the same shit happened to someone else
lustylad's Avatar
Holy fuck assup, even the ultra-liberal New York Times thinks you are full of shit:

"Governors and presidents threaten vetoes and engage in horse-trading all the time to get what they want, but for that kind of political activity to become criminal requires far more evidence than has been revealed in the Perry case so far..."
LexusLover's Avatar
Texas politics is not for the faint on heart. Stuff like this goes on about a 1,000 times a day. Perry got elected because the same shit happened to someone else Originally Posted by BigLouie
When (and who) was the last time a Texas Governor was indicted for a crime involving the threatened veto of a budget item or because the Governor vetoed of a budget item?

Let's see ... 1,000 times a day ... = about once every 2 minutes (less).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
IBJunior --

You probably need to stay the fuck out of things of which you have no knowledge other than Google.

Perry gambled and got caught. He will get convicted. He won't serve time and the appeal will last years. But he's getting his ass handed to him for 14 years of threats and bullying everybody connected with Texas government.

They will NOT look kindly on his grinning ass.

Plus, he is no longer allowed to buy guns or ammo, which might be the deepest cut of all. Knowing Perry, he'll disobey that and get indicted on a Federal charge. I guess you pal Holder will go easy on him, too!

Of course, maybe the NYT or the Pissburg Press might have a different opinion...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
IBJunior --

You probably need to stay the fuck out of things of which you have no knowledge other than Google.

Perry gambled and got caught. He will get convicted. He won't serve time and the appeal will last years. But he's getting his ass handed to him for 14 years of threats and bullying everybody connected with Texas government.

They will NOT look kindly on his grinning ass.

Plus, he is no longer allowed to buy guns or ammo, which might be the deepest cut of all. Knowing Perry, he'll disobey that and get indicted on a Federal charge. I guess you pal Holder will go easy on him, too!

Of course, maybe the NYT or the Pissburg Press might have a different opinion... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Where is the coercion, anyway, dicklicker?
Rosemary stayed in office, you stupid, self hating faggot!
LexusLover's Avatar
Where is the coercion, anyway, dicklicker?
Rosemary stayed in office, you stupid, self hating faggot! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

He should know. He voted for her!!!!
lustylad's Avatar
IBJunior --

You probably need to stay the fuck out of things of which you have no knowledge other than Google.

Perry gambled and got caught. He will get convicted. He won't serve time and the appeal will last years. But he's getting his ass handed to him for 14 years of threats and bullying everybody connected with Texas government.

They will NOT look kindly on his grinning ass.

Plus, he is no longer allowed to buy guns or ammo, which might be the deepest cut of all. Knowing Perry, he'll disobey that and get indicted on a Federal charge. I guess you pal Holder will go easy on him, too!

Of course, maybe the NYT or the Pissburg Press might have a different opinion... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Listen dumbshit, we know you are dripping with hatred for your hard-working Governor. Haters gotta hate. We get that, although we think you probably should try some counseling. The rest of your post is just an exercise in wishful thinking. And you should be glad. Ever hear of the adage "what goes around comes around"? Once we start down the road of abusing the legal system to punish politicians because they don't wipe their asses to assup's satisfaction, we're done.

Why don't you invite your hot spinner girlfriend Rosemary out for drinks tonight? What a lovely couple - the dipshit and the drunk. The two of you can pound 'em while making fun of Goodhair and those libtards on the New York Times editorial board. You don't even have to get behind the wheel. I'll send over one of Teddy Kennedy's old drinking buddies to be your designated driver.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another insightful retort, Junior. What goes around does come around. Perry's chickens have come home to roost. The shoe is on the other foot. Any more deep political thought you can add to this discussion? oh yeah, personal attacks. You got some more of those, Junior? OUCH!

You are talking out of school.

Go back to class, kiddo.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are talking out of school.

Go back to class, kiddo. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He graduated. You have a ways to go.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I've been in school since before I was born, right LLIdiot?

I agree to the extent that he has been accused of coercion.

It is easy to say but difficult to prove. Originally Posted by bigtex
Questoin - when is veto threat NOT coercion?