Biden Is Getting a Lot of Advice on His V.P. Here’s What Voters Think.

LexusLover's Avatar
If the OBLM think those dictators will tolerate their riots and looting - they got a whole lot of folks that will be up against a wall with chinese/russian ak's pointing at them. Originally Posted by oeb11
They do want to change "America"! "Be careful what you wish for!"
adav8s28's Avatar
Of course he was. And that's how he got into Harvard as well.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Bush43 got into Harvard MBA with a "C" average from Yale after getting rejected by the University of Texas Law School. It was Bush who took advantage of Affirmation action before it was called Affirmation action.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bush43 got into Harvard MBA with a "C" average from Yale after getting rejected by the University of Texas Law School. It was Bush who took advantage of Affirmation action before it was called Affirmation action. Originally Posted by adav8s28

what did Al Gore take advantage of? oh yeah daddy was a US Senator. unless you want to claim Gore's high school grades were all that to merit Ivy League?


Gore's Grades Belie Image of Studiousness

If Al Gore is commonly thought of as a grind, the sort of fellow who during his school days would take notes in precise Roman numeral outline, strive mightily to ingratiate himself with teachers, and bring sterling report cards home to his demanding parents, his academic transcripts go some way toward subverting that notion.

From his lower school years at St. Albans to his incomplete effort at Vanderbilt law school, Gore was often an underachiever. Though his IQ numbers and aptitude test scores were well above average, his grades were uneven, never approaching the plateau of A's and B's that might be expected of one who possesses such a pedagogical demeanor. His generally middling college grades at Harvard in fact bear a close resemblance to the corresponding Yale marks of his presidential opponent, George W. Bush, whose studiousness and brainpower have been more open to question during this campaign.
adav8s28's Avatar
what did Al Gore take advantage of? oh yeah daddy was a US Senator.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Gore graduated with honors from Harvard while Bush finished with a "C" average from Yale. Gore didn't need help to get into grad school, he had the grades to get in. Bush43 did not. The evidence, Bush's application to the University of Texas Law School in Austin was rejected.
  • oeb11
  • 07-01-2020, 06:06 AM
Little 'a' - You make the usual mistake of predicting (in retrospect) a person's career from college grades.

So what - both men graduated and went on with their lives and careers.

This is about history revisionism - history cancelling - and toeing the DPST OBLM line that anythinig in the past shall be judged by "Standards of the moment" - according to the "Prism of Racism" and LSM standards .

ie- tear down Mt. Rushmore, and all monuments - including Abraham Lincoln - that "Offend" some poor set-upon soul who wants to institute destruction of history, cultures, and start fresh with a Venezuela socialist society. Check Maduro/Chavez and see how well that works
ie - the white lady DPST who spouts that "Math is Racist" - because she is incapable of understanding math due to a Teachers Unions Socialist education.

Add "Ban math" to the List earmarked for destruction by the DPST's if they gain office in Nov 2020!
Consequences - U don't believe in no consequences to Ur actions.

You do have such ridiculous arguments - it almost is not worth the time and bandwidth to refute.
go climb Mt Rushmore with a rock hammer and have your fun!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Bush43 got into Harvard MBA with a "C" average from Yale after getting rejected by the University of Texas Law School. It was Bush who took advantage of Affirmation action before it was called Affirmation action. Originally Posted by adav8s28
So ... Obaminable didn't, because Buch did?

You are weak minded. Extremely weak minded.

Bush made better grades than Kerry at Yale. Did you vote for Kerry?
HedonistForever's Avatar
What difference do grades in school make? We aren't electing the next Professor, we are electing somebody who can clearly articulate the policies they want and will try to advance for this country.

You don't need a Harvard or Yale degree to say whether you are for immigration control or open borders. You don't need a degree to tell us whether you want to remain the premier Capitalist country in the world or you want to go down the well worn Socialist path that has failed everywhere it has ever been tried and PLEASE don't give me this Sweden, Denmark bullshit who will scream at you that they are not SOCIALIST, they are CAPITALIST with a much higher tax rate than we have because they are not the defenders of the free world. When you don't have to be the leader of the free world and you can just coast along knowing somebody else is footing the bill, you can have a very different society. Add to that the fact that Scandinavian countries have a more Homogeneous population which makes politics infinitely easier than our multi-cultural mess.

I don't care if my President ever went to college. I just want to know what he or she stands for, what they will promote, like law and order first and foremost and I'll decide based on that, not their grades.

Some of the dumbest people in the world are college graduates. More and more it is looking like the only thing you need to graduate is to be a weak kneed Progressive and you'll get the grades from the overwhelming Marxist Professors. These days, the only thing a degree tells me is that they have probably been brain washed in Marxist theology and feminist studies and a side of Black Lives Matter.

All lives matter and if that is racist, so be it. I will not be told what words I must use and how I have to think and speak, period and I'm looking for a President that understands that and that ain't Joe Biden, not even close.
  • oeb11
  • 07-01-2020, 12:01 PM
HF - +1
The PC culture is a Marxist shill to turn this country to Venezuela style socialism.
adav8s28's Avatar
So ... Obaminable didn't, because Buch did?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't know what Obama's GPA was at Columbia. It could have been higher than Bush43's 2.7 at Yale. You are missing the point. Friendly Fred is so bent out of shape about Affirmative Action, yet Bush43 got into Harvard MBA with a "C" average.

Which is impossible to do today.
adav8s28's Avatar
Liberals give Obama way to much credit. Originally Posted by Levianon17

DJIA went form 7,000 to 19,000 points a gain of 12,000 points.

Got the USA out of the steepest recession since the Depression of 1929

1,000 troubled assets got 650 billion to recover and become solvent

Unemployment went form 10% to 4.7%

25 Million citizens got jobs.

20 Million Citizens got heath insurance through the ACA.

Ended the War with Iraq.

Thanks Obama/Biden

DJIA went form 7,000 to 19,000 points a gain of 12,000 points.

Got the USA out of the steepest recession since the Depression of 1929

1,000 troubled assets got 650 billion to recover and become solvent

Unemployment went form 10% to 4.7%

25 Million citizens got jobs.

20 Million Citizens got heath insurance through the ACA.

Ended the War with Iraq.

Thanks Obama/Biden Originally Posted by adav8s28
And almost all of that happened after Republicans decimated Obama and the Dems in 2010, specifically in the House where the purse strings actually live, but also at all levels of government.

So yes, thanks Obama, for providing the leverage to swing the country back Republican in 2010.

DJIA went form 7,000 to 19,000 points a gain of 12,000 points.

Got the USA out of the steepest recession since the Depression of 1929

1,000 troubled assets got 650 billion to recover and become solvent

Unemployment went form 10% to 4.7%

25 Million citizens got jobs.

20 Million Citizens got heath insurance through the ACA.

Ended the War with Iraq.

Thanks Obama/Biden Originally Posted by adav8s28
Yeah right.Those numbers are just like the Covert-19 numbers,skewed.
Chung Tran's Avatar
And almost all of that happened after Republicans decimated Obama and the Dems in 2010, specifically in the House where the purse strings actually live, but also at all levels of government.

So yes, thanks Obama, for providing the leverage to swing the country back Republican in 2010. Originally Posted by eccielover
doublespeak.. you give the credit to Republicans who took the House in 2010, then you post that Obama's policies led to a Republican takeover.

you don't know what the fuck you're saying, you just hate Obama.
doublespeak.. you give the credit to Republicans who took the House in 2010, then you post that Obama's policies led to a Republican takeover.

you don't know what the fuck you're saying, you just hate Obama. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
There is no doublespeak there. Any economic rebound under Obama really started after the Republicans took the House and the sequester was implemented. I fully give Obama credit for folding to Republicans and moving forward with, oh how did he refer to it, that too scary to pass budget initiative.

And yes, Obama's first two years and subsequent efforts led to the Repbulicans basically taking over the House, Senate, majority of governorships, the majority of State Senates, the majority of State Houses, and thousands of local political offices.

I don't hate Obama. I applaud his single handed tear down of the Democratic party during his 8 year term.

Well, not single handed, VP Biden was part of that effort too or at least now suddenly wants to ride any remaining coattails Obama has.
Chung Tran's Avatar

I don't hate Obama. I applaud his single handed tear down of the Democratic party during his 8 year term.
Originally Posted by eccielover
nonsense.. look at Obama's approval rating now, compare his to Trump's.. compare Michelle's to the current first lady.

Obama rescued the economy that the Republicans shattered.. and you know what? there is a measurement of proof that you guys simply hate Obama for winning.. both Republicans he beat, McCain and Romney, are among the most reviled Republicans today.. Team Trump hates their fucking guts. it's all personal with y'all.

Trump's singular mission is to dismantle any and everything Obama created.. all the way down to his citizenship.