Names from the past

Windowdance. Nuff said
Lets no forget the late Joy that worked at Oes.
TinMan's Avatar
Lets no forget the late Joy that worked at Oes. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
She was truly special. Thanks for reminding us of her.
She was truly special. Thanks for reminding us of her. Originally Posted by TinMan
Yes she was. I always remember her coming too the studio with that boom box and always dancing.
Alicia Dallas Massage
Cathy is still around
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
as posted by logan i agree
JJ Pearce Sarah / Sarah by the Zoo
TinMan's Avatar
Yes she was. I always remember her coming too the studio with that boom box and always dancing. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
That whole OES crew "back in the day" was pretty awesome
  • FW_ed
  • 04-14-2013, 12:25 PM
Destini Summer - "The Ebony Geisha". A true GFE provider, she specialized in providing an "old girlfriend" experience for business travellers visiting Dallas. Her sessions created a sense of affection without a sense of attachment.

Fawn Do - A Korean provider who had an incall in Grand Prairie around 2004. She spoke perfect English and provided a great GFE experience rather than a simple commercial sex encounter. The last I heard of her was a rumor on ASPD that she had found herself at least a sugar daddy, if not a husband.

Oh, by the way, both were CBJ providers. In the early to mid-00's, providers seemed more worried about STDs than they are today.

I haven't had much luck with the local yokel providers over the past few years. My favorites have been a couple of visitors and a couple of ladies in Austin. Perhaps I have gotten burned-out and jaded about providers in general.
A couple I would like to add are Jade Elizabeth and Victoria Westin who have moved away. Jade was my first hobby experience and I showed it. She dealt with that great. Victoria was as good a buddy as you can find. The other benefits were not bad, shared good times with both, great ladies that I wish were still around.
TinMan's Avatar
Ditto on Victoria. One of my two favorite women to drink with. The conversation was almost as good as the sex, and she could hold her own on the martini front.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 04-15-2013, 01:53 PM
Damn there've been a lot of women come thru here!

Okay I have to say a word for Gaina (what was the other name she used?) She was my first "true provider." I'll never forget (after 5 years of hard, sexless marriage) her looking up at me, touching her tongue to the tip of my penis...was all it took to make me come. Then I cried.

Also, an honorable mention to Maria of Waco. Strolling with her across the lobby of a 5-star hotel, with all that hair and all that ass, was to be the object of envy of every man in the place.

Say, why is Shereen not on anyone's list of favorites? Lordy!

ChaseDFW in on several lists and I agree, at 18 she was truly remarkable. Even if I wanted one there seem to be so few girls like her around anymore.

For me, of course, there was only one Bailey Oliver another rare young woman, sexually sophisticated beyond her tender years. We had some great adventures. I still always send her a txt on Black history Month
spGarion1's Avatar
Dropping in from OKC. I love this thread! We've even started one in the Oklahoma forums.

TnTAngie for me. I never had the chance to meet her. Every time I was going to set up a meeting, something happened that prevented me. Damn all the luck!!!!!!
Bluesplyr's Avatar

did you ever visit with Amanda from Tulsa? that was very early in my hobby experience, she was a knock-out native american with gorgeous long silky hair. nice milf. wonder if she is still around.
  • mike2
  • 04-16-2013, 06:43 PM

Shea Veile