Thuck Fat's Avatar
Ok here is what I get from this. You have a NBA policy but you don't have your preference posted. Your preference goes a bit further because you don't even want to visit with someone who has AA features. A gent booked an appt with you not knowing your policy since you don't have it posted. You screen the gent, he passes and you schedule an appt. Client arrives and you turn him away because he looks black, or has black features. Client is now angry and writes a review. In response to his review you start this thread. Am I right? Honey this whole situation has FAIL written all over it. If I were him I would be pissed too. If you have a preference it is your responsibility to make sure clients know this before they waste their time. If you don't want to put it out there then during your screening process you should tell them you don't want to see AA or anybody who has AA features. This way no time is wasted, no review is posted everybody is happy. So in response to your question I say none of the above. Let your preference be known to avoid the drama. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
Nailed It!

Chica Chaser's Avatar
I'll be nice an simply say is writing reviews is now the eccie vouch for male? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
And I'll be nice as well and simply ask what you would propose otherwise? Looking at the ladies that have been reviewed it wouldn't be too hard to get some outside confirmation of gender, IF I were inclined to do so for some reason.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
Say you book an appointment with a provider.
You show up, and the provider invites you in,
but politely decides to cancel with something like
"I'm sorry, something came up" " I don't feel well" but the real reason of the cancelation is due to personal preferences (and you as a smart adult can pretty much sense this)

Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Or just keep it clean "im' sorry something came up" like I did to one gentleman?

If she cancels, are you gonna text her later asking "I'm not your type right"? knowing that was the issue?

Just want some opinions... Originally Posted by Miss Molly

my preference, just tell me the truth.

WALDT is very true, i'm not every ladies cup of tea and vice versa. no matter what the reason, if the lady is not happy or comfortable, you probably won't have a great time. we're all adults and know these things.

... just my opinion.
In my opinion, a person -- man or woman, hobbyist or provider -- has the absolute right to say "no" at any time. Yes, the sooner the better, but it's not always possible to know all the answers before you meet face-to-face. And, even if your initial impression is a good one, that impression and one's comfort can change at any time. If a provider or hobbyist refuses service on a regular basis, the reviews and comments on this board will take care of that. None of us has walked in anybody else's shoes and, therefore, even if we are given all the facts, those facts can not be fully understood unless we are the one experiencing those things at that time in that place. Since this is considered the adult entertainment business, perhaps we simply need to act like adults, and treat each other with respect.

Just my .02 worth.
And, more on point with the question, if you get to a point where you are uncomfortable with the situation... At whatever point that is,... And, again... Either party... You respectfully tell the other person or persons you don't feel comfortable continuing... You do whatever is fair with the donation... Refund, prorate, gas money... And you move on. Let the chips fall where they will. If your reputation is such that this is an anomaly you will survive it. If not, the tribe will speak and you will be voted off the island.

Life is too short to dwell on what should have been. Simply make the best decision for the situation and move on.
Wetwork Daddy's Avatar
I don't view her comment, you quoted, as her looking for a BF or speaking in regards to civilian sex. She speaking in regards to hobbyists.

She expanded on stating that just because they pass screening via references doesn't mean she'll fuck them upon arrival IF she finds there to be an issue.
Thus her comment: *I don't open my legs to anyone who passes screening* Though I think she meant to say *just anyone*.

Just because references vouch for them. Doesn't mean that a gent is 100% OKAY to see. Sorry, but some gals give lame ass vouches for just about anyone & everyone they see. Even IF there is an issue. Esecially if their vouching for someone who is a frequent $ to them.
Some providers don't know how to speak up and express concerns about hobbyists they've seen, for fear it'll get back to him. So they just give an OK vouch. It's the provider expecting to see him who then encounters issues that should of been relayed to her. So in jest the last step of screening takes place in person (visually).
May NOT make sense to all. But it sure does to some. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
She is not a pro if she does not list those preferences up front and she then turns a gent away that drove across town after passing screening. She deserves every bit of the bad review, alert, or publicity she gets for being a piss poor provider.

Don't defend her, it just makes you look bad.
Definitely C....keep it clean and move on.
This is an imperfect hobby enjoyed by imperfect
people on both sides. That's just the way it
goes.'s Avatar
This is an imperfect hobby enjoyed by imperfect
people on both sides. Originally Posted by starlitejazz
sorry, my experience (though not always) has been "what fun & thank God for that provider" .....perfect, absolutely fucking perfect!
She is not a pro if she does not list those preferences up front and she then turns a gent away that drove across town after passing screening. She deserves every bit of the bad review, alert, or publicity she gets for being a piss poor provider.

Don't defend her, it just makes you look bad. Originally Posted by Wetwork Daddy
And your continuous negativity towards the dead subject and nasty needless insults towards me makes you a "piss poor person" take it from a "real world" person's perspective! You're soooo offended by me! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

It must truely suck to be you! Maybe you should quit crying over spilt milk build a bridge and get over it!!

My sympathy with you.
this is the HOBBY and it is not a perfect world of fantasy even though most providers try to make it perfect and I know it is being paid for and expectations occur and when you arrive at their door you never expect to be turned down but it is their right to do so if they see something they dont like. NO means NO in the real world and in the HOBBY world.
If the provider doesnt like the way you look ,the way you smell,the way you act, or just have a bad feeling about the situation it is up to them to make that decision to call it off and it works the same way for the CLIENT if you show up at her door and she is not what you thought you can walk away also but remember one thing if either one does this on the spot there is a chance you will get a bad reputation for doing so but dont let it eat you up its not the end of the world.
try to do it with TACT and just let them down as easy as you can and hope they understand.
The best thing to do is BE HONEST ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE TO THE PROVIDER..when you first contact the provider let her know IM a white guy older..
etc etc..then make sure your hygiene is not an issue ..wash your nasty ass and take a little time before you go see the provider to clean up and if you do not have time then when you get to their place ask to use their shower.
Be respectful,courteous, and take things slow and easy and be generous and dont haggle over rates.
Even though their time is paid for it is still a priviledge to be with a beautiful woman and remember to enjoy your time with them.
THE MAIN THING IS TO COMMUNICATE AND BE HONEST and if you do that maybe nobody will have to be turned down at the door.
ilsjs's Avatar
  • ilsjs
  • 04-24-2011, 11:26 AM

We, hobbyists, pay the women for entertainment... this is an "act" between two human-beings, we should not 'force' the providers do things they don't feel comfortable.

However, the provider should state their preferences clearly and asked during screening if any doubt. It never happened to me because I always made everything clear while screening.

For God's sake, if it ever happened to me I will just walk away to the next, I know who am I, why let my "ego" thing goes out of control ?

Why force a woman does thing she does not like ... is it another form of "rape" ?

this is the HOBBY and it is not a perfect world of fantasy even though most providers try to make it perfect and I know it is being paid for and expectations occur and when you arrive at their door you never expect to be turned down but it is their right to do so if they see something they dont like. NO means NO in the real world and in the HOBBY world.
If the provider doesnt like the way you look ,the way you smell,the way you act, or just have a bad feeling about the situation it is up to them to make that decision to call it off and it works the same way for the CLIENT if you show up at her door and she is not what you thought you can walk away also but remember one thing if either one does this on the spot there is a chance you will get a bad reputation for doing so but dont let it eat you up its not the end of the world.
try to do it with TACT and just let them down as easy as you can and hope they understand.
The best thing to do is BE HONEST ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE TO THE PROVIDER..when you first contact the provider let her know IM a white guy older..
etc etc..then make sure your hygiene is not an issue ..wash your nasty ass and take a little time before you go see the provider to clean up and if you do not have time then when you get to their place ask to use their shower.
Be respectful,courteous, and take things slow and easy and be generous and dont haggle over rates.
Even though their time is paid for it is still a priviledge to be with a beautiful woman and remember to enjoy your time with them.
THE MAIN THING IS TO COMMUNICATE AND BE HONEST and if you do that maybe nobody will have to be truned down at the door. Originally Posted by wildwooly1
Wetwork Daddy's Avatar
And your continuous negativity towards the dead subject and nasty needless insults towards me makes you a "piss poor person" take it from a "real world" person's perspective! You're soooo offended by me! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

It must truely suck to be you! Maybe you should quit crying over spilt milk build a bridge and get over it!!

My sympathy with you. Originally Posted by Miss Molly
If you take nothing else from this thread at least remember that everything you post is an AD. Thanks for the Public Service Announcement.
  • anita
  • 04-26-2011, 04:59 PM
A gent will feel really bad, being turn down at the door. Like he is a bad person or something. If he sounded sweet on the phone and I confirm the rendezvous, I will follow thru with it regardless of his looks. I think that is why most gents still make it happen after they see a provider in person and does not really like her...Just so she won't feel bad being turn down like some grenade lol.
As an example,gents with disabilities usually let you know prior to meeting.
Just include the fact you don't see X in your advertisement girlie, so nobody waste their time.

I hope your not canceling because the person was Asian, Hispanic, African-American or Native American? In this business, the only color that matters is "green" (money). You will find on "eccie" that most women are not into judging someone by race.

I hope your not canceling because the person was Asian, Hispanic, African-American or Native American? In this business, the only color that matters is "green" (money). You will find on "eccie" that most women are not into judging someone by race. Originally Posted by Michigan
Oh... I see