House to vote on impeachment inquiry procedures to impeach Crooked Donald

matchingmole's Avatar
The only thing Trump is guilty of is winning an Election. He'll be a repeat offender in 2020. Originally Posted by Levianon17
bambino's Avatar
Do you have ANY proof that any of the polling companies that have Trump with low approval ratings or losing in 2020 to several Democratic contenders have biased samples? You do realize that even Rasmussen, a notorious pro-Republican polling company, has Trump's approval rating at -5%.

The polls in 2016 had Clinton winning the popular vote by 2%. Clinton won the popular vote by 2%. At the state level the polls proved to be somewhat inaccurate. In 2018 the polls were VERY accurate in their predictions. In presidential races other than 2016, the polling companies were also VERY accurate. However, in 2012, Gallup, one of the most respected polling companies, predicted a Romney victory. Polling companies in 2012 erred on the side of Republicans.

So it's impossible to say that polling companies are biased one way or the other. In my opinion, they sample fairly and sometimes they miss. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
They poll favorable samples to sway public opinion. The MSM then perpetuates it. It’s pretty simple Speedy..
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
They poll favorable samples to sway public opinion. The MSM then perpetuates it. It’s pretty simple Speedy.. Originally Posted by bambino
Any proof at all to support your claim that polls are biased? Anything at all? Why were the polls correct in 2008, 2012, and 2018?

As I've always said -- when polls favor one's point of view, that person will cite those polls. When the poll do not favor one's point of view, they are biased.

You have consistently cited Rasmussen polls because they usually showed Trump to have a positive approval rating. Did they change their methodology to include more Democrats recently? Or are more people having negative views on Trump?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Polls used to be tools for building strategy. Now, they are simply strategy for tools.

That’s my two cents anyways.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Polls used to be tools for building strategy. Now, they are simply strategy for tools.

That’s my two cents anyways. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That's a good one, new guy. Or are you a rebrand?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
John Gans, a former Defense Department speechwriter, said one of the ironies of Morrison being asked to testify is that officials who raised eyebrows with their hard-line views when they joined the NSC under Trump have become a source of hope for people who are concerned about the Ukraine situation.

"And Tim Morrison is one of those people," said Gans, author of White House Warriors, a book about the NSC. "But in fact now we see those who are trying to get to the bottom of the impeachment are placing a lot of hope on his testimony — that he will be willing to say, despite his sort of hard-line views and despite perhaps agreeing with President Trump on some matters, that, in fact, there was a problem here on Ukraine."

As the senior director responsible for that region, Morrison would be the person at the National Security Council with the closest relationship with that country's issues.
by Franco Ordoñez

Trump's Russia Director To Leave National Security Council Amid Impeachment Inquiry
  • Tiny
  • 10-30-2019, 05:17 PM
by Franco Ordoñez

Trump's Russia Director To Leave National Security Council Amid Impeachment Inquiry Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
This is not good news for Trump. Morrison's testimony tomorrow is potentially going to be more important than Taylor's, as he may have overheard conversations between Sondland and Trump and Sondland and Ukrainians in which a quid pro quo for military aid was discussed.
  • Tiny
  • 10-30-2019, 05:19 PM
By Tiny- Originally Posted by oeb11
Thanks oeb, that's an enlightening discussion of impeachment and trial.
you are only sure because you have a preconceived idea. Yang has described it as free money, intended to provide capital for start-up businesses, for one thing. why would he turn around and tax it? it makes no sense to make cents on the free money. he could just give away 20% as much, instead of taxing it at 80% later. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I question the idea of "Free Money".
bambino's Avatar
Any proof at all to support your claim that polls are biased? Anything at all? Why were the polls correct in 2008, 2012, and 2018?

As I've always said -- when polls favor one's point of view, that person will cite those polls. When the poll do not favor one's point of view, they are biased.

You have consistently cited Rasmussen polls because they usually showed Trump to have a positive approval rating. Did they change their methodology to include more Democrats recently? Or are more people having negative views on Trump? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
if who wins the election? who is "he"?

you should be alarmed that a no-name Chinese Dude is the preferred President, over a sitting President. you know that, you are playing games for some reason. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

if you say so

you are only sure because you have a preconceived idea. Yang has described it as free money, intended to provide capital for start-up businesses, for one thing. why would he turn around and tax it? it makes no sense to make cents on the free money. he could just give away 20% as much, instead of taxing it at 80% later. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

there is no such thing as free money. even you know that.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Whatever Originally Posted by bambino
Thanks for the link. The link itself cites an information source as to the accuracy of polls in 2016. Very interesting reading.

"There is no consistent partisan favoritism in recent U.S. polling. In 2016 national and state level polls tended to under-estimate support for Trump, the Republican nominee. In 2000 and 2012, however, general election polls clearly tended to under-estimate support for the Democratic presidential candidates. The trend lines for both national polls and state-level polls show that – for any given election – whether the polls tend to miss in the Republican direction or the Democratic direction is tantamount to a coin flip."

This is EXACTLY what I said in my previous post. Polls are mostly right and sometimes wrong, but when they are wrong there is no bias shown between parties -- sometimes they show Republican bias and sometimes they show Democratic bias.
Chung Tran's Avatar

there is no such thing as free money. even you know that. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
it would be free if Yang is elected, AND gets his idea passed by Congress.. completely moot point, neither will happen, so no need to debate whether the cash is truly free.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
it would be free if Yang is elected, AND gets his idea passed by Congress.. completely moot point, neither will happen, so no need to debate whether the cash is truly free. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

so why do you keep claiming Yang by his polling numbers to Trump would win? and who's gonna provide that free money, just in case the impossible happens and Andy Ying Yang gets elected?

is the Fed gonna print more fiat currency? well they do that anyway but .. not the point here. are the uber rich going to be taxed for it? what's the criteria? do the uber rich get taxed then get the money back??

we may not be allowed to have a DOTY poll anymore but what about a CPOTY poll?

CPOTY= Contradicting Poster Of The Year

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It's not my problem that you can't focus your recollection. Just wait until the open and public hearings. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You do know that this current round is not that. Right? So waiting is what will happen.

It is still just a fishing expedition - because they still do not have anything to charge him with. You understand that. Right? Go Fish yourself.

I'm certain that you have no comprehension of due process either. Right? Because that is what the demonicrats fear most. Well... that and fairness, sun light and accountability.
So just be honest (I know, new and different process for you/them) the thought that you and the demonicrats are really preoccupied with is WWJDD - What Will John Durham Do? And I'm OK with that rattling around in ya'lls pea brains.