House panel finds Obama and Clinton responsible for Benghazi errors

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nobody died when Bush lied...
flghtr65's Avatar
[QUOTE=flghtr65;1052777296]How are they the same programs? If you look up the word SAME in Websters dictionary you get the following:
1A - Resembling in every relevant respect. Note the word resembling.

Websters definition for Resemblence: Point of likeness similiarty.

For NG53 and IBH Operation Wide receiver and Fast and Furious are the same, not identical. Both programs are resembling in every relevant respect. To be resembling, you just have to have a point likeness, similarty. You don't have to be identical. I can't help it if you won't accept the definitions that Webster has provided. The attorney general for Obama should not be held to a different standard than the Attorney General for Bush when the ATF in Phonenix was doing the same thing, Running Guns.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fluffy, so your saying as long as Obama holds to the same standards as Bush, it's ok. So GW Bush is the standard to which we must hold all Presidents. Thanks for clarifying.

I B Hankering's Avatar
How are they the same programs? If you look up the word SAME in Websters dictionary you get the following:
1A - Resembling in every relevant respect. Note the word resembling.

Websters definition for Resemblence: Point of likeness similiarty.

For NG53 and IBH Operation Wide receiver and Fast and Furious are the same, not identical. Both programs are resembling in every relevant respect. Not true! Cite where Odumbo, et al, employed tracking devices on the weapons. Cite where the Bush lost track of anywhere near as many weapons as were lost under Odumbo. Cite where Americans were killed by lost weapons during the Bush program like happened during the Odumbo administration. Cite where Odumbo, et al, wisely ended the stupid, failing program before any Americans were killed with lost weapons. To be resembling, you just have to have a point likeness, similarty. You don't have to be identical. I can't help it if you won't accept the definitions that Webster has provided. The attorney general for Obama should not be held to a different standard than the Attorney General for Bush when the ATF in Phonenix was doing the same thing, Running Guns. Originally Posted by flghtr65
BTW, already agreed that Odumbo demonstrably proved he was more stupid than Bush. Keep digging.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You could simply say that Bush and his administration recognized that something wasn't working and shut it down. Obama and his administration obviously can't see when something is rotten (Solyndra, Fisker, Fast and Furious, etc) and continue it. So we know that Bush is smarter and more competent than Obama.
flghtr65's Avatar
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1052781390]
BTW, already agreed that Odumbo demonstrably proved he was more stupid than Bush. Keep digging. Originally Posted by flghtr65
A defective tracking device is not relevant, it did not work. You would have a point if the tracking device did work in Operation Wide Receiver, and they neglected to use it in Fast and Furious, but that was not the case. I will give you credit, at least you accept Websters definitions.
flghtr65's Avatar
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1052781390]
BTW, already agreed that Odumbo demonstrably proved he was more stupid than Bush. Keep digging. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Guns were run and guns were lost. There is your point of likeness and similarity. If lives were lost in both programs you would have an identical program. The argument is they are the same programs.
flghtr65's Avatar
Fluffy, so your saying as long as Obama holds to the same standards as Bush, it's ok. So GW Bush is the standard to which we must hold all Presidents. Thanks for clarifying.

Moron. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COF, if two presidents have sex in the oval office with a mistress and lie about it, you must impeach both of them or let both of them have a free pass. You can not impeach one and let the other go free. Do you understand now? I will give you an example of a moron. The example is when you said Ron Paul only got 66 delegates because the liberal media brainwashed 200 million people. There is your moron.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
This argument and thread are racing towards a new low in Sandbox idiocy.
Please carry on
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-02-2013, 01:22 AM
This argument and thread are racing towards a new low in Sandbox idiocy.
Please carry on Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Fluffy, so your saying as long as Obama holds to the same standards as Bush, it's ok. So GW Bush is the standard to which we must hold all Presidents. Thanks for clarifying.

anyone else mention W and COF goes off like a rocket on his Obamatron tangent

I B Hankering's Avatar
A defective tracking device is not relevant, it did not work. You would have a point if the tracking device did work in Operation Wide Receiver, and they neglected to use it in Fast and Furious, but that was not the case. I will give you credit, at least you accept Websters definitions. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Yup! It wasn't defective tracking devices during the Odumbo administration that caused the problem -- it was the defective trackers; Odumbo, et al, were obviously more stupid than Bush, et al.

Incredulously, you're once again bragging about how Odumbo, idiots all, had absolutely no plan in place to track thousands of weapons once they lost LOS on the subject mules! At least the Bush administrators did have a plan in place!

Once again you've provided evidence of and underscored how Odumbo, et al, were more stupid than Bush, et al. Further, you still haven't provided the necessary factual cites to support the rest of your specious stance?

Guns were run and guns were lost. There is your point of likeness and similarity. If lives were lost in both programs you would have an identical program. The argument is they are the same programs. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Your argument is specious and not founded on facts. More guns were lost on Odumbo's watch. Odumbo's people had no plan in place to track the guns once LOS was lost. An American agent was killed on Odumbo's watch, and Odumbo's program was not shut down until after an American agent was killed. Those are irrefutable facts that differentiate the two separate, individuated programs.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-02-2013, 01:43 AM
talking to yourself again Et AL ?
I B Hankering's Avatar
talking to yourself again Et AL ? Originally Posted by CJ7

For your edification, CBJ7:

et al. (ɛt ˈæl, ˈɑl, ˈɔl) 1. and others. [< Latin et alibi].

However, in Odumbo's case, "et al" and "idiots all" are synonymous.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Flight...Clinton was not impeached because he had sex in the oval office. Do you understand that? It was because he lied about it, he lied under oath, he lied on TV, he encouraged people to perjury themselves. That is why he was impeached. In case you didn't know, there is no law against having sex in the oval office if it is between two consenting adults. According to Kathleen Willey she was not consenting.
Double snick