What does a providers name change have anything to do with this? Most providers I know HAVE HAD a name change or two or three, shit. Unless you know the exact reason, and maybe there's a reason you don't, I wouldn't be so quick to come to a thread that has nothing to do with Bailey and pass judgement on her. Bailey is a nice lady and a good provider, so lay off of her and pay attention to the thread topic.... It might serve beneficial to you and could possibly save your ass one day. My Goodness.... Originally Posted by Gemma34
He will never stop, Gemma..Go look at his review history.. I think over 200 something post, almost 300.. well 80% ATLEAST are negative trash talking by him about Baileys session with him. Any other man would call it a loss after posting a "no" review and then move on, but he proceeds to bash Bailey every opportunity he can get.
He even went as far as telling ME that I should give him a discount ON TOP of the special I was running because of his bad session with her OVER 2 YEARS AGO.

Why don't you just stay on topic MisterSir instead of insulting Bailey AGAIN. Your comments about Bailey are rude and unnecessary, and completely off topic.
I'm just noting the irony of someone who has used four names (Pistol, Lindsey, Bailey, Bailey the Pistol, in that order) criticizing someone for having more than one name is ironic. Originally Posted by MisterSir
You are as obsessed as, ummm, someone else on this board

Stop, ummm, causing so much, errr, chaos with all this stalkerish behavior.
He will never stop, Gemma..Any other man would call it a loss after posting a "no" review and then move on, but he proceeds to bash Bailey every opportunity he can get.

He even went as far as telling ME that I should give him a discount ON TOP of the special I was running because of his bad session with her OVER 2 YEARS AGO. Originally Posted by DestinyInKC
He's definitely a class act! NOT! With every post about Bailey, he creates yet another SPA!
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 08-23-2013, 02:04 PM
He even went as far as telling ME that I should give him a discount ON TOP of the special I was running because of his bad session with her OVER 2 YEARS AGO.
Originally Posted by DestinyInKC
Wow, just wow Destiny. I think we have all played the sympathy card in our lifes, but this is a special one. For you to give him an additional discount for what happened to him with someone else takes alot of gall and lack of self pride and respect. Excuse me dear if I about this. Not at you of course, just what lengths some guys will go to.
noleftturn's Avatar
This should be the final on this this because we have gone full circle and are back at WTF!!!
CryptKicker's Avatar
And with that ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the end of this conversation... at least for this thread... before it continues to veer away from the original topic. Excellent observation noleftturn.