Yssup Rider's Avatar
I've said all there is to say on this topic, AssupLiar. I'm sorry you are who you are, but you are who you are. You tell lies, spread lies and believe lies. That's why you so convincingly win every Dipshit contest we have. Just sayin'. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yep. Just as I suspected. Whiny has flamed out again!

lustylad's Avatar
If you'd met him, you'd know that he was kind of a dick...just like all us soldiers...nothing wrong calling him what he was... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I agree with Wakeup! I suspect every sniper has a "kind of a dick" in their personality. Originally Posted by bigtex
Did you guys read the whole review? Do you really want to argue Matt Taibbi is being admiring and affectionate when he uses the term "kind of a dick"? Didn't think so.

Typical. Demonize a film reviewer. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Read the review, moron. Matt Taibbi demonizes himself.

Again, why do you idiots take everything personally...? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup Deflection Rule #1: Accuse the poster of doing what he complains of.

Why don't you read the fucking review? Matt Taibbi is the asshole who makes it personal. He calls Kyle a "dick" and his whole review drips with contempt for anyone who served in Iraq. Are you cool with that? Which epithet do you like better - "coward" (Michael Moore) or "dick" (Matt Taibbi)? Don't take it personally, assup, just answer the question.

rioseco's Avatar
Typical. Demonize a film reviewer.

Why not defend your position without the tantrums?

You're not the only one, but fast becoming the easy one. There ARE other ways to debate an issue, or respond to a.movie (it's still ONLY a HOLLYWOOD movie.)

Again, why do you idiots take everything personally, and then wail like banshees when someone calls you on it?

yawwwwn! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Good morning Yssup !

You are off your free gub'ment meds again aren't you ?

Where is the tantrum ? Show me where I had a tantrum Yssup.
You need to jump on the reality wagon and stop overreacting to a calmly stated post.
Don't start basshing people for no reason. Wheeeeeew talk about a flare up !
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Chris Kyle killed a ton of people.
He protected american troops
he did was he was supposed to do
Why was Kyle in a position to kill people? he was ordered there by his superiors,as he was a Navy Seal.

Why do I want to go see a movie about a guy who kills other people? The plot doesnt seem all that interesting
rioseco's Avatar
Typical. Demonize a film reviewer.

Why not defend your position without the tantrums?

You're not the only one, but fast becoming the easy one. There ARE other ways to debate an issue, or respond to a.movie (it's still ONLY a HOLLYWOOD movie.)

Again, why do you idiots take everything personally, and then wail like banshees when someone calls you on it?

yawwwwn! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yawwwwwn ???
If you were so bored earlier, why did you even bother to falsely accuse me of a tantrum and do the useless lecturing on debate etiquette.
Mmmmmh......speaking of etiquette, try some on for yourself Yssup !
Wakeup's Avatar
Did you guys read the whole review? Do you really want to argue Matt Taibbi is being admiring and affectionate when he uses the term "kind of a dick"? Didn't think so. Originally Posted by lustylad
You think I was being endearing when I said it? I spent an entire day with him and five other SDMs in my troop in 2004...dude was an asshole. Not a joke...he was a dick. We still respected the fuck out of him though, because the training we got showed that he was a master at his craft...and this was before he had really earned his nicknames...

I've met a bunch of operators...and 95% of them are dicks to 95% of the people they meet, especially other military. They know what they are, and that attitude permeates who they are. To me, it's not a fault...it's just a character trait...but to most others...they're assholes...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rio, I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Ignorant fuck.

Reread your silly fucking drivel in this thread and go wipe with whatever rag you like... Just not TRS!

Interestingly, but not surprisingly, the subject of this movie came up tonight on Bill Maher's show. I'm sure you all watched. But a valid point was raised about our unwillingness as a people to look at US military personnel as anything other than heroes.

The posts in this thread, other than rio's babble, of course, demonstrate this phenomenon of blindly deifying our military.
You think I was being endearing when I said it? I spent an entire day with him and five other SDMs in my troop in 2004...dude was an asshole. Not a joke...he was a dick. We still respected the fuck out of him though, because the training we got showed that he was a master at his craft...and this was before he had really earned his nicknames...

I've met a bunch of operators...and 95% of them are dicks to 95% of the people they meet, especially other military. They know what they are, and that attitude permeates who they are. To me, it's not a fault...it's just a character trait...but to most others...they're assholes... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Respect is all that matters, same with Luttrell. Thanks for serving!...
lustylad's Avatar
You think I was being endearing when I said it? I spent an entire day with him and five other SDMs in my troop in 2004...dude was an asshole. Not a joke...he was a dick. We still respected the fuck out of him though, because the training we got showed that he was a master at his craft...and this was before he had really earned his nicknames... Originally Posted by Wakeup

Understand. You thought he was a dick but still respected the fuck out of him, unlike Matt Taibbi who only tries to hold back his contempt because "it always looks bad when you criticize a soldier for doing what he's told."

What did you think of the movie? Sounds like it hit close to home for you.
Did you guys read the whole review? Do you really want to argue Matt Taibbi is being admiring and affectionate when he uses the term "kind of a dick"? Didn't think so. Originally Posted by lustylad
I never knew Chris Kyle but I did know men who were similar. The early/mid 70's version, if you will.

The good ones were, for the most part, "kind of a dick." My saying that does not diminish my respect for them or for what they do.

As for Matt Taibbi, I never said, or even implied, that I was trying to argue with him.

Go bark up someone else's tree!
Wakeup's Avatar
What did you think of the movie? Sounds like it hit close to home for you. Originally Posted by lustylad
As I said before, I won't ever see it. I "knew" Kyle, much more than Luttrell. Spent a full day training with Kyle in 2004, and then talked to him again after he got out in 2010. Only met Luttrell at a book signing in 2012, but I was watching the reports of Red Wings as it was happening while I was in Iraq in 2005.

I don't need anyone else to try and tell those stories to me...
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
[YOUTUBEHD]azM49USDEvc[/Y] Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
STOP giving us links and not summing up what the link is

people, or maybe just me, don't have the time to click on a link, wait, then watch a video? when a fw sentences can give us the who jizzsst(ha ha) of it

you could give a link and say
and i still wouldnt click it, so unless its funny, just dont post a link...k, thx
rioseco's Avatar
Rio, I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Ignorant fuck.

Reread your silly fucking drivel in this thread and go wipe with whatever rag you like... Just not TRS!

Interestingly, but not surprisingly, the subject of this movie came up tonight on Bill Maher's show. I'm sure you all watched. But a valid point was raised about our unwillingness as a people to look at US military personnel as anything other than heroes.

The posts in this thread, other than rio's babble, of course, demonstrate this phenomenon of blindly deifying our military. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

How typical of you Yssup. You need help, real help !
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
the subject of this movie came up tonight on Bill Maher's show. I'm sure you all watched. But a valid point was raised about our unwillingness as a people to look at US military personnel as anything other than heroes. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
what people?
not on facebook

The Troops are Welfare Whores

I think the usa should take care of the guys in the military, before/during/after they
serve, like any workmans comp issue where you get hurt on the job

I know both, idiots in the military and smart guys in the military.
but whenever I think about the military, this quote scene in my head:

Say I'm working at N.S.A. Somebody puts a code on my desk, something nobody else can break. Maybe I take a shot at it and maybe I break it. And I'm real happy with myself, 'cause I did my job well. But maybe that code was the location of some rebel army in North Africa or the Middle East. Once they have that location, they bomb the village where the rebels were hiding and fifteen hundred people I never met, never had no problem with, get killed. Now the politicians are sayin', "Oh, send in the Marines to secure the area" 'cause they don't give a shit. It won't be their kid over there, gettin' shot. Just like it wasn't them when their number got called, 'cause they were pullin' a tour in the National Guard. It'll be some kid from Southie takin' shrapnel in the ass. And he comes back to find that the plant he used to work at got exported to the country he just got back from. And the guy who put the shrapnel in his ass got his old job, 'cause he'll work for fifteen cents a day and no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile, he realizes the only reason he was over there in the first place was so we could install a government that would sell us oil at a good price. And, of course, the oil companies used the skirmish over there to scare up domestic oil prices. A cute little ancillary benefit for them, but it ain't helping my buddy at two-fifty a gallon. And they're takin' their sweet time bringin' the oil back, of course, and maybe even took the liberty of hiring an alcoholic skipper who likes to drink martinis and fuckin' play slalom with the icebergs, and it ain't too long 'til he hits one, spills the oil and kills all the sea life in the North Atlantic. So now my buddy's out of work and he can't afford to drive, so he's got to walk to the fuckin' job interviews, which sucks 'cause the shrapnel in his ass is givin' him chronic hemorrhoids. And meanwhile he's starvin', 'cause every time he tries to get a bite to eat, the only blue plate special they're servin' is North Atlantic scrod with Quaker State. So what did I think? I'm holdin' out for somethin' better. I figure fuck it, while I'm at it why not just shoot my buddy, take his job, give it to his sworn enemy, hike up gas prices, bomb a village, club a baby seal, hit the hash pipe and join the National Guard? I could be elected president.