Romney tops Obama

budman33's Avatar
Back to the debate last night, less than 1% of our population watched. It looks like Republican debates spell ratings disaster for CNN. Am I the only one here who watched it? Did most people stay tuned to FOX while it was going on? Originally Posted by Booth
If I want to watch a bunch of rich people lie to me, I'd rather it be regular TV. More entertaining, and they freely ADMIT they're actors.
Back to the debate last night, less than 1% of our population watched. Originally Posted by Booth
I am among the 99% who had better things to do yesterday evening.
  • Booth
  • 06-14-2011, 08:20 PM
I am among the 99% who had better things to do yesterday evening. Originally Posted by bigtex
At times it was mildly entertaining the same way a bad episode of Saturday Night Live can have its moments. I chuckled a few times even though Ron Paul was the only one who used deliberate humor.
At times it was mildly entertaining the same way a bad episode of Saturday Night Live can have its moments. I chuckled a few times even though Ron Paul was the only one who used deliberate humor. Originally Posted by Booth
Four and eight years ago, I did not watch the Democratic or Republican primary debates either. I will always watch with keen interest when the general election debates begin!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I did not watch it. I watched a rerun of "Treme." Dialogue was better and the characters probably more believable.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I have only stated facts! I can't help it that progressives are so narrow minded and think only their networks are legit and the one other is fake....

Progressives also only believe the left side of the internet. Conservatives on the other hand only trust the right side.

Prove it hell you guys have not proven shit. I do not have to prove anything I just know it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to know that if you spend more than what you take in and if you over tax your people the ones that can will leave. If that does not make sense then I do not know what to tell ya except I think you are on your own. When shit here starts happen like it did in Greece, well lets just say I am prepared...
Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Again no links of any kind. Not to Fox, not to Heritage Foundation, none. You claim you know what you’re talking about but are unwilling to show any sources.

Your biggest mistake is telling me what I believe in. You couldn’t be more ignorant about my beliefs. Like honesty, credibility, etc. Beliefs I stand behind. Again, I will retract and/or correct any misstatements I make. I’m sure you have a list by now.

You keep saying people are going to leave the US. A company made up of Americans isn’t going anywhere. They may locate manufacturing outside the US but the headquarters aren’t going anywhere.

The reason they move factories isn’t because of taxes, it’s because foreign countries pay them incentives. Semiconductor fabs are mostly going up overseas because Texas or Austin can’t pay what Germany does, or what Taiwan does, or what Korea does.

It’s not the taxes, it’s the incentives.

How are you prepared to handle things like they are in Greece?

Ready to bend over?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I am among the 99% who had better things to do yesterday evening. Originally Posted by bigtex
I watched long enough to hear Ms. Bachmann say if she were President, she would ask the Commander in Chief as well as the Generals in the field if DADT should be repealed.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Do y'all have mommy issues? It seems as though all progressives are afraid of Michele and Sarah.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
I'm not afraid to say they scare me. The idea that either one of those women were President would put the US into chaos, destroy our world image as well trash our economy.

That is my stated reason. It has nothing to do with anything I haven't said.

Don't pretend it does.
Do y'all have mommy issues? It seems as though all progressives are afraid of Michele and Sarah.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Be afraid...VERY afraid!
"Literally, if we took away the minimum wage—if conceivably it was gone—we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level." —Michele Bachmann, 1/26/05, Jobs, Energy and Community Development Committee, testifying against SF 3, a bill to raise the MN minimum wage and advocating the elimination of the minimum wage altogether..

"I think government is too big. I think we intervene too much in people's lives. I certainly don't want to give the government the unfettered right to go on in and access my personal private records." ~ Michelle Bachmann - 05/26/2011, hours after casting her yes vote for the Patriot Act extension.

As it relates to Palin and Bachmann, "Mommie issues" has absolutely nothing to do with it.

"Incompetency issues," whether it be from a male or female candidate, has everything to do with it!

Bachmann and Palin are both incompetent!
gfejunkie's Avatar
As witnessed by the past few election cycles (especially '08), competency (or the lack of it) has absolutely no bearing on electability.

  • Booth
  • 06-15-2011, 06:38 AM
As it relates to Palin and Bachmann, "Mommie issues" has absolutely nothing to do with it.

"Incompetency issues," whether it be from a male or female candidate, has everything to do with it!

Bachmann and Palin are both incompetent! Originally Posted by bigtex
True that but I think it's a mistake to lump the two together. One is a serious politician who works for a living. The other just wants your money.
As witnessed by the past few election cycles (especially '08), competency (or the lack of it) has absolutely no bearing on electability.

gfe Originally Posted by gfejunkie
So you think McCain/Palin would have been a better choice back in 2008? Please share with us your incite as to the state of things today had they been elected instead of Obama. How do you think our standing in the rest of the world would be had we elected Palin to be our Vice President, especially after sending them G Jr for 8 years? What economic genius policies of McCain's would have sent our economy soaring and unemployment tumbling back to pre-2000 levels?

This should be good.
budman33's Avatar
True that but I think it's a mistake to lump the two together. One is a serious politician who works for a living. The other just wants your money. Originally Posted by Booth
Which one's which?
  • Booth
  • 06-15-2011, 07:12 AM
Which one's which? Originally Posted by budman33
Isn't it obvious? One has a law degree and a job. The other is a joke.