Sarah Palin "seriously interested" in 2016 bid

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Sarah Palin must have the affect of shrinking liberal dicks. The fear of the little boys can be felt. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
All this attention towards Palin, Cruz, Bush and Romney, when the one they ought to worried about is that other guy from Florida. And probably the guy from Louisiana too.

Its gonna be another fun election cycle with neither side having a real winner, or leader.
Who's a darkhorse Jimmy Carter type no one is thinking about now? And could rise from the shithole.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, that's why we have a rich-hating black guy in the White House... Originally Posted by lustylad
Rich hating? Seriously? Check out who his pals are. Check which segment of the economy has benefitted most during his administration. He's doing their bidding very well. Very well, indeed.
Fickle supporter huh? All these years thumping Senator/Secretary Quitters drum, and you just bail on her? Wow!
Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
CC, you always had trouble putting two and two together and making it equal four. Let's take my previous support for Hillary (or lack thereof) from the top. Shall we?

A lot of my 2012 to present Hillary hype was just for show. It was specifically aimed at posters, just like you. We were a long way from Primary season 2016. That coupled with that fact that I knew how much the mere mention of Hillary's name would throw you guys into an absolute 'tizzy'. I rather enjoyed watching y'all zone out when Hillary's name was mentioned. And quite frankly, I still get a huge kick out of it!

That was then, this is now! Primary season 2016 is now just around the corner. Let the primary season begin!

As it relates to Hillary, my support for her has always been lukewarm, at best. I was always a huge supporter of Bill. Hillary, not so much! FYI, I was not on the Hillary bandwagon at any time during the days, weeks, months and years leading up to (and including) the 2008 Democratic Convention. As of now, I am not on Hillary's 2015/2016 bandwagon. After all, she is not even an announced candidate. Is she?

Who knows whether I will be on her bandwagon at anytime between now and election day, 2016? At this time, I am supporting Jim Webb but I recognize that he is currently a long shot, at best. Flash back to this time in 2007, I was not supporting either Hillary or Obama.

Fuel for thought! I recall when they once called the Senator from Illinois with the funny last name, a long shot! Perhaps the former Senator from Virginia will have a similar fate.

If nothing else, I am quite patient when it comes to politics.
LexusLover's Avatar
Rich hating? Seriously? Check out who his pals are. Check which segment of the economy has benefitted most during his administration. He's doing their bidding very well. Very well, indeed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's the whole point of his deflection in the "State of the Union" this year.

1. He knows Congress won't increase his "pals'" taxes, but
2. at the same time he can play to the "entitlement" base he's increasing.

I'm wondering if Obmainable has ever stepped on a community college campus.
LexusLover's Avatar
A lot of the Hillary hype from me was just for show. .....

We shall see what the future holds! Originally Posted by bigtex
Is this an admission that you really do have ....

.. 20-20 hindsight xray vision that can see 6,000 miles over the horizon?

Let me answer for you: Yes it is.

In futures trading that's called: "Hedging"
I B Hankering's Avatar
All this attention towards Palin, Cruz, Bush and Romney, when the one they ought to worried about is that other guy from Florida. And probably the guy from Louisiana too.

Its gonna be another fun election cycle with neither side having a real winner, or leader.
Who's a darkhorse Jimmy Carter type no one is thinking about now? And could rise from the shithole. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
You're referring to Louisiana's Jindal, but don't forget Rubio. Jindal won't be a real contender, but one pundit did theorize a Rubio(P)-Jindal(VP) ticket.

This guy had a different take. He does not work for MSNBC.

From the link:

Washington (AFP) - A probe by a Congressional committee into the September 11, 2012 attack on a US compound in Benghazi debunked allegations that President Barack Obama's administration fell down on the job.

Since the assault on the US mission in the Libyan city, which left the ambassador and three colleagues dead, the White House, CIA and State Department have been accused of mishandling their response.
But the report released Friday by the House intelligence committee, which is led by some of Obama's fiercest Republican opponents, cleared the administration of all the most serious charges.
One claim investigated was that the Central Intelligence Agency had not provided adequate security for its own agents at an annex near the diplomatic mission, and Washington had failed to send support.
But the report, based on "thousands of hours of detailed investigation" and interviews with both senior officials and agents who had been on the ground found that this had not been the case.
"CIA ensured sufficient security for CIA activities in Benghazi and, without a requirement to do so, ably and bravely assisted the State Department on the night of the attacks," it said.
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A vehicle and the surrounding area are engulfed in flames after being set on fire inside the US cons …

"Appropriate US personnel made reasonable tactical decision that night, and the committee found no evidence that there was a stand-down order or a denial of available air support.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
Why not read the report for yourself, flighty. The highlighted portions I posted show that the committee found Odumbo, Hildabeast and Morell flagrantly negligent, incompetent and responsible, flighty. It's really amazing how you lib-retards can rally around the committee's findings citing "failed policy" as the cause of four American deaths -- including an American ambassador -- and call it absolution, flighty.

BTW, there was a stand down order, flighty. Some five operators have already testified before Congress that they did indeed receive a stand down order, and Gowdy IS still investigating. Gowdy means to lambaste Odumbo's feeble foreign follies and pillory Hillary for her negligent and incompetent decision to send Stephens there w/o proper protection.
Is this an admission that you really do have ....

.. 20-20 hindsight xray vision that can see 6,000 miles over the horizon?

Let me answer for you: Yes it is.

In futures trading that's called: "Hedging" Originally Posted by LexusLover

LLIdiot claims to know what others are thinking, even when he doesn't have a fuk'n clue.

Which is 99.99999% of the time!
Jim Webb, former senator from Virginia. USMC, Vietnam vet, ran a grunt platoon in 1/5 during his tour, silver star, two bronze stars, two purple hearts, former assistant secretary of defense, former secretary of the navy under Reagan....formed an exploratory committee last November to run for POTUS.

I bet he's just scared to death of Sarah Palin admiral....shaking in his boots.
Jim Webb, former senator from Virginia. USMC, Vietnam vet, ran a grunt platoon in 1/5 during his tour, silver star, two bronze stars, two purple hearts, former assistant secretary of defense, former secretary of the navy under Reagan....formed an exploratory committee last November to run for POTUS.

I bet he's just scared to death of Sarah Palin admiral....shaking in his boots. Originally Posted by timpage
The above may be true but Jim Webb has never been able to see Russia from his bathroom window.
I wish I could have been under Reagan.
LexusLover's Avatar
....know what others are thinking,... Originally Posted by bigtex
It's easy to KNOW what you are thinking .... because you aren't!

As in ZERO!

That just about sums you up. ZERO.
It's easy to KNOW what I am thinking .... because I am not capable!

As in ZERO!

That just about sums me up. ZERO. Originally Posted by LexusLover
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The women hatters club speaks.
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  • 01-26-2015, 12:11 PM
I wish I could have been under Reagan. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
All you gotta do is dig 7 feet under!
BigLouie's Avatar
The women hatters club speaks. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
What does women's hats have to do with this