Will George Zimmerman join OJ now?

LexusLover's Avatar
the educated here?

... not because of O'mara's performance, but because of the prosecutions lack there of .. Educate yourself .... Originally Posted by CJ7
Well ... we can scratch you off the list of potential "educated here" ...

... so it is your "educated" decision that had the defense not cross-examined one witness or put on a single witness in response to the government's witnesses that the government would have lost anyway?

Is that because the jurors were not Black?

Or was it because it was a bunch of fluffy women who don't know shit?
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Until someone on the jury decides to talk about why they gave the verdict, no one knows for sure, did the DA prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt, no but did the defense prove zimmerman version of events, he really didn't have to, the way the jury instruction were given and what the defense said during their presentation is that it didn't matter who instigated the confrontation, or the amount of injury, there didn't need to be any injury at all, it's what in the person mind at the time the fatal action occur, if you feel that you will suffer bodily harm or death then you can use deadly force with self defense being a affirmative defense. with that being said if martin would of killed zimmerman he too would of been able to claim self defense and gotten a not guilty verdict since in his mind he would of been defending himself from bodily harm or death.
see how it works out, they both equally had the right to kill each other under self defense.
so saying that martin started the fight can not be proven, and zimmerman wasn't going to say anything if he started it, since you only got GZ word, you either believe it or not, the guys I know if they were following someone they thought was up to criminal activities and that person started to run and they gave chase and they are armed, would not be running behind that person in the dark with their weapon holstered, you don't know if that person has a weapon or not, what you going to do if you catch up to them and they are armed, cops don't even do dumb shit like that. and I don't think any body here on this board would do so either.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-15-2013, 04:25 PM
Well ... we can scratch you off the list of potential "educated here" ...

... so it is your "educated" decision that had the defense not cross-examined one witness or put on a single witness in response to the government's witnesses that the government would have lost anyway?

Is that because the jurors were not Black?

Or was it because it was a bunch of fluffy women who don't know shit? Originally Posted by LexusLover

its because you're a fucking ticket fixer
LexusLover's Avatar
... the way the jury instruction were given and what the defense said during their presentation is that it didn't matter who instigated the confrontation, or the amount of injury, there didn't need to be any injury at all, it's what in the person mind at the time the fatal action occur, if you feel that you will suffer bodily harm or death then you can use deadly force with self defense being a affirmative defense. with that being said if martin would of killed zimmerman he too would of been able to claim self defense and gotten a not guilty verdict since in his mind he would of been defending himself from bodily harm or death. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
.. as long as "what's in the mind" as a basis of the fear is "reasonable" ...

....but your description is a bit off ... or the defense attorney's is ...

It doesn't matter who 'instigated" a confrontation .. it matters who "initiated" it physically.

I can stand there and call you and your family every name in the book no matter how disgusting ... as long as I don't lay hands on your or threaten you with a weapon... you can't do squat. If you start to walk away ... I can follow you still calling you names. Still can't do squat ...

... I'm "instigating" a confrontation.

When you turn on me and slug me in the nose. You just 'initiated" it.
LexusLover's Avatar
its because you're a fucking ticket fixer Originally Posted by CJ7
I thought "ticket fixing" was against the law. Get them much?
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
.. as long as "what's in the mind" as a basis of the fear is "reasonable" ...

....but your description is a bit off ... or the defense attorney's is ...

It doesn't matter who 'instigated" a confrontation .. it matters who "initiated" it physically.

I can stand there and call you and your family every name in the book no matter how disgusting ... as long as I don't lay hands on your or threaten you with a weapon... you can't do squat. If you start to walk away ... I can follow you still calling you names. Still can't do squat ...

... I'm "instigating" a confrontation.

When you turn on me and slug me in the nose. You just 'initiated" it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
if there is no one there to witness it, I can pump one in your chest, and who would know, remember you don't have to have a physical confrontation, I just have to feel that your going to have a physical confrontation that may cause me physical harm.
LexusLover's Avatar
... remember you don't have to have a physical confrontation, I just have to feel that your going to have a physical confrontation that may cause me physical harm. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Wrong on the law. Wrong on the facts.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-15-2013, 04:45 PM
if there is no one there to witness it, I can pump one in your chest, and who would know, remember you don't have to have a physical confrontation, I just have to feel that your going to have a physical confrontation that may cause me physical harm. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates

no need for that ... just lay down on the sidewalk and scratch you head a little ... self defense
LexusLover's Avatar
... I can pump one in your chest, and who would know, ... . Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
You think?
Wrong on the law. Wrong on the facts. Originally Posted by LexusLover

You might want to check Believe in Fl it doesn't matter who started the altercation if you fear for your life you can use deadly force.
I B Hankering's Avatar
if there is no one there to witness it, I can pump one in your chest, and who would know, remember you don't have to have a physical confrontation, I just have to feel that your going to have a physical confrontation that may cause me physical harm. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Zimmerman had the injuries and the witnesses to back up his story, and that seems to irk you, day dreamer. However, the scenario you proffer usually only works when you shoot an intruder in YOUR home, day dreamer. So keep dreaming.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't you all love the way Corpy repeats the lame nickname he gives everybody at the end of every sentence of his insulting, childish rants, Corpy? I know I do, Corpy!
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Zimmerman had the injuries and the witnesses to back up his story, and that seems to irk you, day dreamer. However, the scenario you proffer usually only works when you shoot an intruder in YOUR home, day dreamer. So keep dreaming. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
you didn't listen to west during his defense presentation, maybe you should. I don't think you really understood what I wrote, or you wouldn't be making such a fuss.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Wrong on the law. Wrong on the facts. Originally Posted by LexusLover
you may want to check you self first, listen to what the defense said, pay close attention to West.
I B Hankering's Avatar
you didn't listen to west during his defense presentation, maybe you should. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Followed the proceedings rather closely. Perhaps it is you who should revisit the trial transcript.