Trump Card

ICU 812's Avatar
I might vote for some conservative or Republican over Trump BUT: I absolutly would vote for Trump over O'Bama or any other liberal or Democrate.

I think that a potential Trump-Palin ticket would be a hoot as far as the rhetoric from all sides would be!
I think that a potential Trump-Palin ticket would be a hoot as far as the rhetoric from all sides would be! Originally Posted by ICU 812
Can you imagine the $$$$$ Tina Fey would make with that ticket????
Doove's Avatar
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  • 04-11-2011, 02:13 PM
Note that nothing you have posted in this thread can reasonably be construed as a coherent defense of Obama's disastrous economic policies. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
You do realize, do you not, that this is a hooker board? And, you also realize, of course, that PJ's criticism has amounted to little more than posting a chart and repeating "he sucks" over and over again?

I do think it's amazing, however, that despite the existence of so many left-leaning people in this forum, Trump decisively beat Obama in the recent poll thread.
Apparently it's also lost on you the overwhelming number of right leaning people in here. This is a very southern oriented board, after all.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
I think Trump would be a great President and I would vote for him, no doubt about it. I believe him when he says and I paraphrase, "Most of the people up in Washington don't know how to do deals because they've gone to college for 6 to 8 years, and only learned how to be nice to people." He said this in response to how the U.S. is currently dealing with China, and how were getting duped! Losing American jobs, were at a huge trade deficit, and were not respected. This country needs a Commander in Chief who has an entrepreneurial spirit and isn't going to take the no-nonsense BS. Most of the grease balls up there are just looking to line their own pockets and who says that Mr. Trump isn't looking to do it either. On the other hand, do you really think he needs the measly $400,000 or $450,000 that the job pays? Both major parties up in D.C. have both hands tied around their balls, thats why nothing is getting done in this country.

I'd like to see a political party that will challenge the Democrats and Republicans that is truly for the people and of the people, currently we don't have that. We need a political party that is actually in touch with what is going on in this country.
Sisyphus's Avatar
If the economy is good to decent when the election rolls around he will get re elected no matter who they run....if not he probably will be beaten no matter who the GOP nominates. The price of oil will probably be the determining factor. That is where Reagan and Clinton caught huge breaks. This country is set up for cheap oil. Period, end of story. Obama does not have much control over that. Maybe Captain Midnight or PJ can explain otherwise with some complicated economic policy! LOL Originally Posted by WTF
I don't disagree. If the economic state is perceived as "good"...he get's four more matter what. If the economic state is perceived as "bad"...he's out no matter what.

It's the shades of gray in the middle that make for a horse race...

Well, the main thrust of Obama's economic agenda seems to involve spending as much money as possible! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
No argument that it seems that way...but that's the point behind my frustration. Since taking office I've not heard nearly enough about what the administration is trying to accomplish and far too much about what it's trying to prevent/minimize-the-effects-of. That's all I'm really saying. It's frustrating attempting to assess performance against any kind of goal when the only stated goal is NOT to let things go to hell in a hand-basket...

Not only a lightning rod, but a self-aggrandizing clown. I don't think many people will vote for somebody like that. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
That's where I was going with my we're tracking there!

I do think it's amazing, however, that despite the existence of so many left-leaning people in this forum, Trump decisively beat Obama in the recent poll thread. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
That's seem to be under the impression that the majority of the forum's regular participants are "left leaning"...I would put it at 50/50 or 60/40 "right-leaning".

Perhaps the next poll should see where we "self identify"....
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  • 04-12-2011, 02:42 PM
As for the birth certificate Obama HAS NOT show a true one as a matter of fact he has spent over $2 million so nobody can hunt for it because he was NOT born here. Originally Posted by Hobbyfun
Who are you? John Kyl?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I like what Neil Cavuto said today about Trump for prez.

"We could do worse. Look around, we may already have."
I B Hankering's Avatar
Jesse Ventura anyone?
Sisyphus's Avatar
I like what Neil Cavuto said today about Trump for prez.

"We could do worse. Look around, we may already have." Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Eh...the minute you start taking your clues for what to think from Neil Cavuto you've got MUCH bigger problems than who is President...

Lest anyone think I'm bashing his "program" or his "network"....full disclosure... I've actually met the man. Found him to be a TOTAL tool...
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-12-2011, 06:38 PM
Jesse Ventura anyone? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He'd get my vote!
Since we aren't looking at birth certificates anymore, why not President Schwarzenegger?
I B Hankering's Avatar
He'd get my vote! Originally Posted by WTF

You know, I was only joking.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Eh...the minute you start taking your clues for what to think from Neil Cavuto you've got MUCH bigger problems than who is President...

Lest anyone think I'm bashing his "program" or his "network"....full disclosure... I've actually met the man. Found him to be a TOTAL tool... Originally Posted by Sisyphus
I haven't met him. However I've always felt that he'd still be living in his parents basement if he hadn't had some major help along the way. As I said. I've never met him so that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Jesse Ventura anyone? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He'd get my vote! Originally Posted by WTF
Does he have a birth certificate?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-13-2011, 05:57 AM

You know, I was only joking. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

He is a straight up Libertarian.