I can only say that many are confident he will make the right call in the right moment. What I mean to say is this. Trump is a business man. What he is doing is leveraging the negotiation in all cases. When he speaks strong about immigration he is leveraging. When he speaks strong about the military it’s leveraging. It seems extreme to people who don’t understand his tactics. He is leveraging and also trying to bring other tough customers to the table. We will see him rollout a plan for immigration reform tonight. A deal he will close because he has been leveraging it to the right for so long. He will get it somewhere in the middle. That’s what he does. The fact that some people don’t get it is why he is closing the deals.
Trump U had an A rating from the better business bureau. The left and Hillarys campaign did their damnedest to find anyone with a complaint on it. Their were numerous people who took the course and felt they got what they paid for. That’s business too. If I can generate excitement about a rock and people will buy it. That is business too and many women wear such a rock on their fingers.
He doesn’t have to release his tax returns for us to know he is successful and rich. How much evidence do people need? He has been in the public eye for decades. If you are denying Trumps success then you are in complete denial. He has a few buildings named after him. He is a billionaire. He toppled the republican and democratic party and more is to come. Some of our most cherished presidents were very wealthy. Its not a law that they must release tax returns. It’s politics
There is no evidence Russia and Trump had any contact. What did the Russians expose. They exposed a lot of bad information about Hillary Clinton. A lot of the things Trump was saying turned out to be true and we had the russians to thank for providing evidence. Many of the emails and things we learned from the hacks of the democratic party were not even widely circulated because the media is in the pocket of the democratic party. We were able to see the resignation of Wasserman Schultz and Debra Brazile and that was a joy to not hear any more lies and vitriol from them.
If the russians actually were tampering with voter tally that would be a very different thing.
Christians believe in both the old and new testament. They believe in justice and mercy. People today who don’t understand or care to understand Christianity preach to christians about sentimentality. Nothing could be further from the truth. He certainly preached turn the other cheek in the beatitudes. There was more sermons than just the beatitudes however and not all of us are sent to be martyrs.
I don’t see him as a bully. Every point he makes has good logic behind it. The immigration policy, the wall, stance on crime, the ban. All of this is leveraging the negotiation and setting a standard and tone. That’s not bullying. It’s law and order and America first.
Thats my view