Sugarbaby Sugardaddy: your thoughts?

It happened naturally that we became SD/SB. He gave me money every time I saw him, whether we had sex or not. He took me to a lot of restaurants that I probably wouldn't have otherwise tried. He cooked me gourmet meals. He fed me expensive chocolate. He got me presents. We were friends too, engaged me in debate and offered to teach me smart ways to invest my provider dollars. Originally Posted by Jacquie
Does he want to adopt a house boy? (me)
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Post deleted..sorry just noticed date
Both SB and Provider receive monetary provisions, gifts, etc. It def relies on the situation, as every situation is unique, so it's hard to say who is categorically what sometimes. Maybe the difference btwn SB and provider is in what manner and how much money & such are given & with what intention if any. Sort of like the wife and mistress caste division, but not quite that. I don't think either SB or Provider wants either role as a career choice. Maybe it's the great leveler in the ancient observation that regardless of classification, we're all harlots and loose change, and there is no difference at all, only where the coins may fall.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
This thread is seriously old. Start a new one if you want to continue the conversation.
Clarity on the ground rules is the key. You may not discuss them or allude to them everytime you meet, but they are understood and respected. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Isn’t /shouldn’t that be the case in any type of relationship be it romantic, professional, family, SB, D/s? I’m still learning, but I recall it involved social awareness amongst other personality traits…?
This thread is seriously old. Start a new one if you want to continue the conversation. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
What if the same posts we are looking to comment are not on the newer thread? ��
I learned a lot from this thread actually. For example, that sugar babies are apparently cheaper than my girlfriend.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Lol. And come with less drama.

I learned a lot from this thread actually. For example, that sugar babies are apparently cheaper than my girlfriend. Originally Posted by beeman1000
FightFan's Avatar
Seems like the guys are playing in both fields SD and escort clients. So, is it acceptable for us ladies to have it both ways? If I wanted a SD, would I need to keep my Nicolette job a secret? Would I need to use my real name or make up a third? I've never been a SB and probably wouldn't see the same level of financial flow, but there is this house I want to buy and I sure could use a co-signer since I have bad credit and no proof of income. Originally Posted by guest051510-1
I am sure some Sugar Babies keep the relationships at a very low number . Many are on Sugar Sites meeting multiple men a day . Pay Per Meet . A new Sugar Baby quickly realizes that it is too easy taking money from rich old men . All men know women are in love with money more than anything . Any rich old man will happily spend thousands over retail to purchase what you think is your Sugar Baby and she will quickly take it .

I have ran into a few college girls that started sugaring to help pay for college while maintaining a part time job also . They quickly learn an overpriced education and 15 bucks an hour is a bit ridiculous . Once the new Sugar baby is familiar with the scene she quickly becomes a money making machine turning clients for Pay Per Meet making more money than many doctors / lawyers / fire fighters / nurses / educators . The lure of easy money is too irresistible .
ebonyvixen23's Avatar
honestly most sugardaddies are cheap. Most guys dont want to even pay the minimum and the work it takes to filter through that when theres sooo many girls on websites is THE WORST. I do not even have the time as I actually have a life.

I make way more and have the availability to make way more with wayyy less hours doing the work I do. I also dont think its smart for any lady to solely depend on a man to be able to live. You have to actively be working to keep clients or they think you're ignoring them or retired.

You'll lose alot trying to sugar date more then a small percentage of your week, and the lost funds overall are NEVER worth it.

Sb's these days are just escorts who tend to make less. Not every girl will get a millionaire. Alot will share the same guys.

I also have a rule where if ur giving another girl more then me and im giving u a chunk of my time i'll just block you with no word, which is why sugar dating doesnt work for me as theres always another girl on the scene before u came. I also don't ask for things so to THINK im going to ask what should be given is HILARIOUS to me tbh.

I want to have fun. Not have a actual job which is what sugar dating feels like in fact going to a shitty 9-5 would be LESS stressful. Alot of SD's are actually quite mean and disrespectful which is why u see way more women under 30 going for that bs the largest chunk being 18-25 then they get smart.
ebonyvixen23's Avatar
PPM is not a sugar baby and that is the confusion. If youre doing ppm ur going to make more but that is NOT sugar dating which is a weekly or monthly allowance. so i just dont understand why sugar babies dont understand that? then guys get mad hiring non professional providers and get scammed because again they are not real workers.
pmdelites's Avatar
I also have a rule where if ur giving another girl more then me and im giving u a chunk of my time i'll just block you with no word, ... Originally Posted by ebonyvixen23
how do you find out that the guy is giving another provider/sd/girl more money for less time than he is giving & staying w/ you ?

i would guess that a lot of guys (and people in general) would rather get more for less.
so why cut off a source of income cos it's not what someone else is getting?
pmdelites's Avatar
PPM is not a sugar baby and that is the confusion. If youre doing ppm ur going to make more but that is NOT sugar dating which is a weekly or monthly allowance. so i just dont understand why sugar babies dont understand that?

then guys get mad hiring non professional providers and get scammed because again they are not real workers. Originally Posted by ebonyvixen23
1. cash is cash, regardless how one earns or receives it (ppm or allowance).
dangle money in front of someone and logic flies out of their brain & out the window.
that shouldnt be difficult to understand, sugarbaby or prostitute.

2. i think guys get scammed for similar reasons - dangle in front of them the possibility of having sex w/ a woman and the blood rushes to their cock. resulting in logic flying out of their brain & out the window.
it has nothing to do w/ the woman being or not being a "real" worker
imho, they're really getting mad at themselves for messing up and not thinking it thru (due diligence).

my suggestion - observ as others make mistakes.
then learn AND apply the lesson so as to not make the same mistake.
PPM is not a sugar baby and that is the confusion. If youre doing ppm ur going to make more but that is NOT sugar dating which is a weekly or monthly allowance. so i just dont understand why sugar babies dont understand that? then guys get mad hiring non professional providers and get scammed because again they are not real workers. Originally Posted by ebonyvixen23
I'd have to disagree with that part. In my experience, many start as a pre-meeting agreement, and eventually, if they last, it becomes more like traditional dating, but he'll provide assistance as needed. One reason is it's safe for both parties. Would you agree to see a guy 4 times a month and get $2k at the end of the month? Or as a guy, would you pay a girl you barely know $1k up front because she promises to see you once a week?

In an ideal world, maybe you could sign an agreement and the money is held in escrow until both parties fulfil their contract, but I can't see any court in America upholding that one
nobody_home's Avatar
honestly most sugardaddies are cheap. Most guys dont want to even pay the minimum Originally Posted by ebonyvixen23
1. Thank you for contributing to the discussion. You didn't have to, but you went out of your way to provide some valuable perspectives. right on.
2. i believe SB/SD are missing the point (and value) entirely if its just a transaction they're seeking. It so easy to vet the worthless potential babies when they come to me with their "Santa list" of wants. If the only thing of value they bring to the table is their body, they aren't ready (worth) for this kind of partnership. If its ONLY "pussy on retainer" then its no different than just being a ho. As a daddy, I'm offering something way more valuable than JUST money. I ought to be providing a much needed financial resource, a sanctuary for her femininity --> when she's with me she is free from judgment, obligation, responsibility...she no longer has to take on masculine roles (that is toxic to her femininity). She's going to be cherished, adored, desired, nurtured, protected...etc. Now, when she's provided all that, if she's worth one spec of shit as a woman, she would be SHINING what she's worth back onto me as her daddy. She will want to show her appreciation, she'll express her language of love and affection back onto her 'king'.
If that isn't in you, as a woman, you're just a 'ho fo sho'and you have zero value as a 'baby'. Conversely for the men, if its just sex and thats it, you're not getting the full value out of these relationships and you're being a really poor 'daddy'.
3. to establish the trust between the two, its gonna start as PPM . I've had some only go one meet before we both were comfortable with full allowance where I was taking care of her $$ plus any additional because we were both in synch with the roles we're playing. The daddy has to LEAD and be the pace setter. If all you can offer, as a man, is money then you'll be stuck with greedy little street piranhas