Biden Family $$$$ Money

... The New Congress Speaker has stated that the Oversight Committee
will surely continue to FOLLOW the MONEY! $$$$$

As will We... Right here.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar
... The New Congress Speaker has stated that the Oversight Committee
will surely continue to FOLLOW the MONEY! $$$$$

As will We... Right here.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Did I miss the part where the new speaker also hired new replacements for Jordan and Comer??

... James Comer and Jim Jordan are being stonewalled by the
FBI/DOJ and by The White House... So more investigations
will have more investigators.

As we surely continue to Follow the Money ... $$$$$

#### Salty
..Hmmmm... We're surely folling the money - $40,000 payment
from Communist China directly to Joe Biden's bank account.
(via Hunter Biden and James Biden)

... More details to come tomorrow!

#### Salty
... Crikey! ... Dissention among the ranks - as the barristers
for Hunter Biden and Tony Bobulinski are at loggerheads and
each making complaints to the Government about each other.

Hunter's people are saying that Tony is lying to the House
Oversight Committee about him - while Tony has INVITED the
Bidens - Joe, James, and Hunter to ALL appear with together
for public testimony to the Committee.

... That-way - the House Committee there can surely hear
both sides of things, and then decide just who is telling
the truth - and who is not.

... What can be more fair than that? ...

#### Salty
... The House Oversight Committee has subpoenaed both Hunter Biden
and James Biden to come and answer questions about their
business finances and the claims of whistleblowers.

... As everyone surely Follows the Money! $$$$$$

#### Salty
... A report coming tomorrow on Hunter's "Artwork Deals"...
WHO may have bought the paintings - and WHY!

... As we surely Continue to Follow the Money! ... $$$$

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Follow the truth.
Follow the truth. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Hee Hee! ... We've surely been doing THAT.
Thanks fer reminding me, mate.

... Just like as we follow the money... $$$$.. We also have
been following the TRUTH. ... With Joe Biden.

Remember when Joe told us that he and his family
NEVER got any money from China?? ... NO truth to that.

Remember when Joe told us that he never met any of
Hunter's business partners?? ... NO truth there either.

... See? ... Following the truth with Joe has surely
got us following the money! $$$$$

#### Salty
Republicans have habit of lying
Republicans have habit of lying Originally Posted by mtnitlion
... Thread hijack? ... Random comment that has nothing
to do with the thread topic? ... Or just sayin' hello?

Please stay on-topic - as WE follow the money. $$$$

#### Salty
... A few of the Art buyers have been revealed.

Kevin Morris... prolly a barrister and a mate of Hunter's.
Surely hope the fellow is a good friend - as he "lent"
Hunter $2 Million... prolly so he could pay back-taxes.

Here's another Art buyer... Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali.
Wonderin' why she perchased the artwork....
Maybe by doing so, President Biden might just appoint
her to a governmental position.

But whatever the case - We'll surely continue to follow the Money! $$$$

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Out of curiosity, why are none of your claims substantiated with documentation, Salty?

This is yet another thread where you could be making things up.

Things might not be as FACTUAL as you always claim. In fact, I’ll venture to say there’s a little wiggle room in your truths.

Honestly, man. are you going to see who else bought food at the grocery store Hunter Biden shops?

Seems like you’ve fallen for the Big Lie again, only this time it’s yours.

Come on, man!
... As I've mentioned before, look about and do some research.
Are YOU saying that the two people I've mentioned DID NOT
perchase any artwork??

... Or are YOU sayin' that The Oversight Committee DID NOT
subpoena Hunter and Jim Biden??

#### Salty