President Trump is a Liar.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
looks like theres differing opinions here.

Someone asked the House parliamentarian (that's the guy who checks the rules) if the copy of the SOTU given to Pelosi and Pence was an official document. parliamentarian said yes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Someone? Do you have a citation?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Aww Jax, such the tough guy.

Betting your anonymous membership on the election. Not like you can't easily come back as someone else and I'm sure the ownership would easily take your money for premium again.

What's the actual point of the bet other than you thumping your chest. Originally Posted by eccielover
As I recall the fat lying bastard claims all the tough guys support his fat lying ass.. Yet, not a single trump lover has stepped up to backup the fat lying bastards bullshit about winning in 2020.

I’ll offer you the same bet because the other trump lovers can’t seem to find their so called balls. What cha say tuffy ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
so Trump has this habit of tearing up documents hes finished with. they knew this he was going to do this often.

taping up torn/shredded documents????? who does that!!!???

this is really dumb thing on their part not to be smart about it.

have they heard of a copy machine????

all they had to do was make copies of the official record and give Trump the copies. he can tear those up when he's finished and the original would be preserved in its current pristine state. torn up copies gets tossed out.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Then we'd have a Fake Firefighter in the running! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You don’t know me and you know little about my firefighting career. That makes you a Goddamn liar, a pathetic little loser who envies the success of others.
  • oeb11
  • 02-16-2020, 05:56 PM
take the advice j666
Throw your hat in the ring - you made it clear You could beat trump in the Nov 2020 election.

So - Do So!!!
Thank you - and please try to post something more cogent and constructive than "Liar" every time a poster has a different opinion.
it seems it is all the Fascist DPST's have - angry responses with accusations of Liar, name-calling, scatology, and nothing cogent or /and constructive.

Are You all really that limited intellectually and educationally????
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump Releases 2020 Campaign Ad With Completely 'Fabricated' Lie About Biden

As is true of many lies put forth by Trump, however, the false and misleading claims against Biden and his son are based on unfounded conspiracy theories circulating within the right-wing echo chamber. And the president's insistence on spreading them—given all the available documentation and reporting—appears like willful deceit on the part of his campaign.

For Trump followers and Republican supporters, however, it very much appeared successful. Just a quick perusal of right-wing responses to the video included these reactions and countless more like them: "The mainstream media establishment cannot be trusted to report the facts."; "Do not EVER take down this pinned tweet please. God bless President Trump."; and "Please retweet. Many Americans still don't know how corrupt the democrats are."

Meanwhile, those who understand the actual facts around the case, experienced the campaign ad in a wholly different way.

"Not positive," tweeted journalist Judd Legum in response, "but I think this is the world's first political ad that brags about committing an impeachable offense."

But the major issue with the ad? It's entire premise is a big—and very easily discredited—lie.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like theres differing opinions here.

Someone asked the House parliamentarian (that's the guy who checks the rules) if the copy of the SOTU given to Pelosi and Pence was an official document. parliamentarian said yes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Someone? Do you have a citation? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

McCarthy: You know, the Attorney General should actually give an opinion because I asked a question on the floor – to the parliamentarian – was that Nancy Pelosi’s document, or was that the House document. His answer was, it was a House document.

more detailed explanation on pdf
Jaxson66's Avatar
This might be Trump’s worst lie ever

In recent days, President Trump has come up with a new twist on his justification for killing Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, namely that four embassies were targeted. From everything we know now (and from what Congress was told), this is simply made up. The Post reports that embassies themselves were not warned of any such imminent threats:

Trump is “totally obsessed with not letting something like Benghazi happen to him,” the official said, referring to the 2012 attack on a U.S. facility in Libya that has achieved totemic status among Trump allies, who see it as evidence of former president Barack Obama’s alleged weakness in the face of terrorism.
The embassy in Baghdad did not receive an alert commensurate to the threat Trump described, said a person familiar with the situation, who was not authorized to comment publicly. When the U.S. government has specific information about threats to embassies, warnings or alerts are often sent to embassy personnel to be vigilant.

On the Sunday shows, administration officials were pressed on Trump’s dubious claim that four embassies had been under threat. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper conceded he had not seen such intelligence. He offered that Trump only said he “believed” his unsupported claim, not that it was true. It is small comfort to know even Trump’s senior advisers understand that Trump believes things that are not true.
rexdutchman's Avatar
TDS is strong here ,,,,,,,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2020, 07:07 AM
j666 and the Fascist DPST's - believe and broadcast "things that are Not True - but according to their DPST narrative - are "Truth" - and ignore Facts.

Thank you - J666.
Jaxson66's Avatar
j666 and the Fascist DPST's - believe and broadcast "things that are Not True - but according to their DPST narrative - are "Truth" - and ignore Facts.

Thank you - J666. Originally Posted by oeb11
The fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office has lied for years about the 2016 election and Russian military interference. He denies the Russians helped him win even though the GOP Senate Intelligence Committee and all the US intelligence agencies agree it was the fucking Russians.

But I’m the one broadcasting things that aren’t true? Me j666, a guy posting on a provider site is reaching more people than the fat lying bastard standing beside his daddy in Helsinki broadcasting a fucking lie the world.

Your hypocrisy seems to have no limits.
  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2020, 07:42 AM
Too blinded by hate to see your own hypocrisy - j666
such a waste.
The Russians - Still?????
Go ahead and pray to your icon - H... as POTUS

Meanwhile - how is your ftw managed candidacy for POTUS faring????
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump lies about second whistleblower

Trump said : "There was supposed to be a second whistleblower. What happened to him? ...There was supposed to be an informer. What happened to the informer? All of these people disappeared. And when they saw this transcript, they said, 'We got problems.'"

Facts First: There is no evidence anyone has "disappeared" or said "we got problems" upon seeing the rough transcript -- which overwhelmingly corroborated the allegations of the first whistleblower. According to the second whistleblower's lawyer, that person never planned to file a separate complaint, only to provide corroborating information to support the first complaint. Whistleblowers have no obligation to speak publicly, and them not doing so doesn't mean they "disappeared."
  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2020, 02:28 PM
No documentation - the usual j666
Expounding your fantasies.

How is your ftw managed campaign for POTUS doing???
No documentation - the usual j666
Expounding your fantasies.

How is your ftw managed campaign for POTUS doing??? Originally Posted by oeb11
the facts are mere opinion

using muses and wondering of the President given offhandedly and claiming them lies

so the claim is the second leaker, err whistleblower, wasn't hiding , ok so what?

and that is proof of a lie?

the whole post misses the point President Trump was making

that is, the leakers didn't come forth

and President Trump's characterization of the transcript and their reaction to it is opinion and dramatization, not lying, just as the "facts" as this guy presents are supposed positions of the leakers

just so much chaff and smoke and mirrors and blind hate