Does the hobby vernacular ever sneak into your RL?

bigjimt52's Avatar
Saw a license plate a while back that had the letters RCG .......and this morning DSL.... made me smile. Originally Posted by schertzguy
I saw an RCG license plate while stopped at a light the other day and a smile and vision of numerous providers came to find.....
BD1969's Avatar
I've actually been meaning to ask a similar question. I was out on a date with a guy I met in real life at a restaurant. He asked me out and we met for drinks.

So, during the date, the topic of girls "working the bar" at certain places came up. Nothing odd about that, but instead of calling them hookers, escorts, call girls, prostitutes, etc...he called them "PROVIDERS!" I've never heard that terminology in real life. Am I wrong to assume he's a "hobbyist?" Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Id say he knows your a provider but is afraid to let you know he knowa. LOL
Mynx....he has to be a hobbyist.

I have a male friend who is friendly with a provider that isn't local. (He doesn't know about me) He still refers to her as his "hooker friend" when she comes up in conversation.
Guest010619's Avatar
Was filling out my insurance and found I have a new Provider.
remeer's Avatar
My friend is a nurse, and when she recently mentioned attending a class for BLS (Basic Life Support) certification, my immediate thought was "you can get certified for that!?"
nushi's Avatar
  • nushi
  • 10-14-2014, 08:48 PM
Attachment 358816

Alas, it wasn't even porn.
Nushi, that is hilarious!
BD1969's Avatar
I drive down I 35 to work everyday. . There is a billboard that says "Hollywood"... yep reminds me of somone on here.
mwsatx's Avatar
There's a little Asian place up in Arlington called the "Ho Ho Kitchen". One of these days, I'm going to stop in and see what's on the menu
I guess that the iPhone AutoCorrect feature is intuitive and learns from the user's history. At least it must be with mine. Now when I mis-type the word "the," AutoCorrect pops up the suggested substitution of "GFE."
I guess that the iPhone AutoCorrect feature is intuitive and learns from the user's history. At least it must be with mine. Now when I mis-type the word "the," AutoCorrect pops up the suggested substitution of "GFE." Originally Posted by PDid

My autocorrect is a nasty, nasty boy.... Lol
My auto correct is pretty screwed up too....

I have to double check work related emails.
Mayor's favorite player...

I'm working with a woman in IT who has a "Certificate in Management" in enterprise data. Yes, she's verified CIM.
Precious_b's Avatar
Pho Ha Long noodle shop on Ingram/410