This pisses me off to no end........

Still Looking's Avatar
something that has kept coming up - is the selection on P411 asking guys what they rank in levels of most importance.
I think it's a great tool on knowing how to cater to your client....the problem I have with it - is that I feel that all but ONE client I have dealt with on p411 since I came back about a month ago - if they have "just icing on the cake" selected for greek.....then they ALWAYS assume they are gonna get it for nada, because they aren't exactly asking for it - but they are saying, "I like it if she does."

Well, yeah - I like it, I like it a lot. But there's reasons that girls ask for a LITTLE bit more to do that.

I don't want to go through the prep work for every "it's icing on the cake" guy - thinking they may want to try. I think it can be a stress put on your body - and messes with the "natural balance" of things in some ways.

Please stop assuming that because I"m a girl that offers greek, and I've been reviewed as liking it and what not - that I'm just gonna beg you to fuck my ass because you have "icing on the cake" marked on your profile.

It's there to SUPPOSIDLY give guys the chance to say that SHOULD a girl be a greek provider, then that is just an added bonus to the session. (and they should clarify if they want it or not.) It's not suppose to be what guys have made it.

I have no idea if I even explained this properly - but are there any girls that have had this experience? Originally Posted by tntangie
Greek... ya several girls and a few guys too! So I've been told!

I'm not sure what the issue is here? If you like Greek... great. If there is an extra charge... OK. But if a guy states its icing on the cake... then you’re unclear about what? If you’re ordering a hamburger and it doesn't come with cheese and your asked would you like cheese... my answer has never been "Well that would just be icing on the cake!" I just say yes or no with the understanding it costs more. I wouldn’t assume I’m getting cheese free because the chef has a cheese slapping fetish?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
As long as its stated somewhere on your site or profile that greek is extra then the guys should not be confused...
Still Looking's Avatar
No, I don't want a dam apple pie! I want a Big Mac, Large order of fries, a 10 piece order of McNuggets with Sweet & Sour sause and a diet coke (Cause I'm watching what i eat!) Oh and if greek is on the menu, I may want it... I'll let you know when I get up to the second window!

Really pisses me off when they try to sell you those dam apple pies!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
No, I don't want a dam apple pie! I want a Big Mac, Large order of fries, a 10 piece order of McNuggets with Sweet & Sour sause and a diet coke (Cause I'm watching what i eat!) Oh and if greek is on the menu, I may want it... I'll let you know when I get up to the second window!

Really pisses me off when they try to sell you those dam apple pies! Originally Posted by Still Looking
then no pie for you!!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I hate when they interrupt me to ask me if I want to combo or just a burger. Dammit it can read if I want a number 2 I would've said a number 2 lmao
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 06-14-2011, 09:53 AM
As far as the "Just icing on the cake", it's a pick list.
You can choose how important the activity is to you and I put JIOC for anything that I may want to try but don't consider it a deal breaker if it's not offered.
For instance, I REQUIRE some kissing so I put Important by LFK, but DFK is just Icing on the cake.
I never dreamed that someone would take offense to that.
Still Looking's Avatar
then no pie for you!! Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
OK... what flavor pie am I missing out on?

Wait for it.......
Sweet N Little's Avatar
OK... what flavor pie am I missing out on?

Wait for it....... Originally Posted by Still Looking
Its not apple !
ElHombre's Avatar

MMMMM....My favorite kind!!!!
Still Looking's Avatar
Its not apple ! Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Best come back I have heard in as long as I can remember!
Glad to see I've found someone who shares my view(at least so far) on the hobby.

Ah Mr. Burkalini I'm going to have to disagree with you! I think it’s ridiculous for any of us to expect providers to be actresses or illusionist! Now if up front before you meet you request the provider call you "THE LOVE DOCTOR" then she should do so. But let’s keep it real. We're here for the sex! If your not then something’s wrong! I treat all providers with dignity and respect as I am sure you do as well. I expect the same from a provider. I don't need or want a provider telling me how big my dick is! I already know its big. (I'm lying!) Being with a provider at its best is like a real relationship only different. In a real relationship its starts you're strangers, you date and communicate, you find there is an attraction and it turns to sex. Then you get married... down the road you get divorced and lose half of your shit! With a provider.. it starts with communication, a small fee is paid and you move to sex. Attraction or no it goes to sex. If the sex is good you keep doing it! If not you get the divorce but get to keep all your shit! Now someone explain the bad here?

Mr. Burkalini if your frequenting providers that make you feel its all about the money to the point it effects your sexual enjoyment I would certainly move to a different provider. You're laying down your hard earned cash and should enjoy your self. But if your expectation is to control the provider’s feelings…. Well something else might be going on! SillyGirl said it better than anyone to date! “I don’t mind putting my finger in a guys butt hole, I just don’t want any shit on my finger!” In short, if you get a happy face on little Burkalini… put a smile on Big Burkalini, cause it’s a good day!

Just saying…. Originally Posted by Still Looking
eve's Avatar
  • eve
  • 06-14-2011, 03:24 PM
When did my Ex-Wife start being a provider? Originally Posted by Still Looking
HAHA funny one. I am not your ex wife.... Just was putting in my 2 cents... sorry
Still Looking's Avatar
HAHA funny one. I am not your ex wife.... Just was putting in my 2 cents... sorry Originally Posted by eve
And so you should, as was I!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Ah Mr. Burkalini I'm going to have to disagree with you! I think it’s ridiculous for any of us to expect providers to be actresses or illusionist! Now if up front before you meet you request the provider call you "THE LOVE DOCTOR" then she should do so. But let’s keep it real. We're here for the sex! If your not then something’s wrong! I treat all providers with dignity and respect as I am sure you do as well. I expect the same from a provider. I don't need or want a provider telling me how big my dick is! I already know its big. (I'm lying!) Being with a provider at its best is like a real relationship only different. In a real relationship its starts you're strangers, you date and communicate, you find there is an attraction and it turns to sex. Then you get married... down the road you get divorced and lose half of your shit! With a provider.. it starts with communication, a small fee is paid and you move to sex. Attraction or no it goes to sex. If the sex is good you keep doing it! If not you get the divorce but get to keep all your shit! Now someone explain the bad here?

Mr. Burkalini if your frequenting providers that make you feel its all about the money to the point it effects your sexual enjoyment I would certainly move to a different provider. You're laying down your hard earned cash and should enjoy your self. But if your expectation is to control the provider’s feelings…. Well something else might be going on! SillyGirl said it better than anyone to date! “I don’t mind putting my finger in a guys butt hole, I just don’t want any shit on my finger!” In short, if you get a happy face on little Burkalini… put a smile on Big Burkalini, cause it’s a good day!

Just saying…. Originally Posted by Still Looking
We are all here for different reasons buddy....

...some just for the sex

...some just for companionship

...some a little of both

...some want to please the provider

...some want only to be pleased

...some a little of both

...some just want to hear what they never hear from whoever they are seeking tto hear it from

My friend we all have a little something wrong with us, here in the hobby and outside the hobby. This can be a very complex relationship for some and lines getburred on both sides of the fence very easily.

Providers are in this for different reasons as well....
Still Looking's Avatar
[quote=Eccie Addict;1384638]We are all here for different reasons buddy.... I like the fact were buddies!

...some just for the sex Guilty as charged!

...some just for companionship $200-$400 per hour for companionship?

...some a little of both Agreed!

...some want to please the provider Agreed!

...some want only to be pleased Agreed!

...some a little of both Agreed!

...some just want to hear what they never hear from whoever they are seeking tto hear it from Agreed! I like the word yes!

My friend we all have a little something wrong with us, here in the hobby and outside the hobby. This can be a very complex relationship for some and lines getburred on both sides of the fence very easily. Agreed!

Providers are in this for different reasons as well....Agreed![/quote]

Two observations. I always find it interesting when a post is directed at one person, yet another posts a response. The second is your a valued member here and have around for some time. As I go back to many of your posts there seems to be a common theme. You habitually point out that nothing is ever 100%! And every time you do it... you're right. Yet it sounds like you disagree with my position? So I'll make myself very clear, (Brutally Honest) if you can honestly tell me that the very existence of this site and the provider / hobbyist relationship is NOT predominately sexual in orientation, I will drive to Houston, let you pull down your pants, with mods having cameras in hand, and kiss your ass!

And NOTHING would piss me off more than having to do that!