Redistribution of wealth

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  • WTF
  • 02-14-2011, 03:21 PM
30k Salary = 4.5k @ 15% Net 25.5k
100k = 15k @ 15% Net 85k

The person making 30k would now have INCENTIVE to better his situation. However, the current tax code gives that person the ITC, income tax credit, as a bonus for staying in that income bracket. Where did his/her incentive go? The big gvmt advocates, both R and D, took away his/her incentive to better his/her situation

... Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler

If a person is stupid enough to stay in the 30k bracket, more power to him.

I sure have no problem making up what he might have.

I just have no desire to dictate where my wealth goes after I die. The state with its roads and infrustructure will have been more responsible for a person getting rich than his kids ever will. Therefore I believe that it should be plowed back into paying off that debt.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
If a person is stupid enough to stay in the 30k bracket, more power to him.

I sure have no problem making up what he might have.

I just have no desire to dictate where my wealth goes after I die. The state with its roads and infrustructure will have been more responsible for a person getting rich than his kids ever will. Therefore I believe that it should be plowed back into paying off that debt. Originally Posted by WTF
What I hear you saying is, "I'm communist-lite." BTW here is the 2nd & 3rd plank of the communist manifesto.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. uhmmm, your argument is for...

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. again, your argument is for...
atlcomedy's Avatar
WTF, are you day drinking again?
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  • 02-14-2011, 05:51 PM
I'm sick and tired of rich libs who feel guilty about making money in a capitalist system, then complain about the very system that allowed them to amass that wealth. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
And i'm sick and tired of rich conservatives who so strongly advocate an economic system that is designed to lead to the existence of poor people, even requiring the existence of poor people, while at the same time complaining about the fact that there are poor people.

So we're even.
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  • WTF
  • 02-14-2011, 06:29 PM
What I hear you saying is, "I'm communist-lite." BTW here is the 2nd & 3rd plank of the communist manifesto.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. uhmmm, your argument is for...

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. again, your argument is for... Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Do you even slightly understand WTF a regressive tax is?

What you hear anyone that does not agree with you is what Sean Hannity hears. Glenn Beck lite, if you are into labeling tonite.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Do you even slightly understand WTF a regressive tax is?

Do you?

What you hear anyone that does not agree with you is what Sean Hannity hears. Glenn Beck lite, if you are into labeling tonite. Originally Posted by WTF
You are not a very observant person. I've said in thes hallowed walls, I'm not of fan of either of the people in your diatribe. Have a nice day, but nice try. However, you may need to learn how to train that mind of yours to retain information. I suggest laying off the [bleep].
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  • WTF
  • 02-14-2011, 06:53 PM
WTF, are you day drinking again? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Yes, I like to beat the crowds

You are not a very observant person. I've said in thes hallowed walls, I'm not of fan of either of the people in your diatribe. Have a nice day, but nice try. However, you may need to learn how to train that mind of yours to retain information. I suggest laying off the [bleep]. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler

Yes but you tried to call me a commie lite..... Exact same thing him and Sean do.Glenn Beck lite

Funny how you can label and you think I can't.

Last I checked you Tea Party folks have proposed cutting only part of 12% of the budget. Nothing towards Defense, SS, Medicare. WTF kinda shit is that?

If we do not get our spending under control....we are right back to the OP point.
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  • Doove
  • 02-14-2011, 07:14 PM
The median family income (that's a 2 income family) in the US has risen from 21,587 in 1999 to 52,029 in 2008. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
You so mis-read that. The $21,587 figure is/was the per capita income for everyone aged 15 and older in 1999. A far cry from anything resembling median income.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Yes, I like to beat the crowds

. Originally Posted by WTF

You so mis-read that. The $21,587 figure is/was the per capita income for everyone aged 15 and older in 1999. A far cry from anything resembling median income. Originally Posted by Doove
I thought a 2-2.5x jump over a 10 year period was a bit steep, but I've quit taking any figures cited here as gospel....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-14-2011, 07:41 PM

I thought a 2-2.5x jump over a 10 year period was a bit steep, but I've quit taking any figures cited here as gospel.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
We damn sure going to have to pause before we toast what DFWS has to say as gospel!

Naw , Fuc it, let's toast anyway!

Cheers DFWS!
Im exhausted, let's just fuck. Ha
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-14-2011, 10:18 PM
Im exhausted, let's just fuck. Ha Originally Posted by heidilynnla
A redistribution of DNA

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
We damn sure going to have to pause before we toast what DFWS has to say as gospel!

Naw , Fuc it, let's toast anyway!

Cheers DFWS! Originally Posted by WTF
FU, I didn't say it was my fact I said it was median family income. The facts come from the Census bureau. Doove is correct and I was wrong, it is per capita. Which is still on poverty scale on the low end. It still doesn't negate the fact that you are still an ideolog. Nor does it negate the fact that they, the low end, are still being paid the ITC as an incentive to stay poor.
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  • 02-15-2011, 06:23 PM
Nor does it negate the fact that they, the low end, are still being paid the ITC as an incentive to stay poor. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
The notion that anyone would prefer to be poor rather than not, in order to qualify for the EITC is absurd. But that's not even the biggest hole in your argument.

The biggest hole in your argument is the simple fact that the EITC isn't necessary only because people are working low wage jobs. It's necessary because someone is paying a poor man's wage. And if Steve "betters" himself and leaves that job to improve his situation, someone else is only going to replace him. So someone is going to be poor in that job, and in need of the EITC. So really, what difference does it make if it's the same person for 7 years, or 7 different people over the course of the 7 years?
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
The notion that anyone would prefer to be poor rather than not, in order to qualify for the EITC is absurd. But that's not even the biggest hole in your argument.

The biggest hole in your argument is the simple fact that the EITC isn't necessary only because people are working low wage jobs. It's necessary because someone is paying a poor man's wage. And if Steve "betters" himself and leaves that job to improve his situation, someone else is only going to replace him. So someone is going to be poor in that job, and in need of the EITC. So really, what difference does it make if it's the same person for 7 years, or 7 different people over the course of the 7 years? Originally Posted by Doove
Your going to sit there and say with a straight face that there aren't some lazy f**ks out there that would rather suck off of a gvmt teet? You got a serious fantasy world going on there. I've seen all types of races beg for more programs while popping out kids to get more money while doing absolutely nothing, but sitting on their couchs sucking the cherry juice from a bonbon.

I know one person right now who deals [beep] while collecting welfare and foodstamps for his 4 kids and he refuses to get a job while qualifying for the EITC. You are a fool to believe there aren't lazy people who don't even try. I know another guy who is collecting disability and shoots pool 4 to 5 days/nights a week with a "bad back". He isn't trying to better his situation and the money he wins shooting pool isn't being reported. He doesn't want a job because everyone will piss test his ass and he isn't giving up the [beep] he smokes. To them it's free money, they don't have to do a thing for it and they damned sure take advantage of it and the people who actually pay taxes.

Edit: adding additionally the reason there is low income jobs is to give people a start. Everyone knows that teens start at low income jobs, it's a way for them to learn. Its foolish to think everyone should start at a median income when they have no experience in the job market. You work, you learn, you excel, you move up; that's the way it works. Pay your f'ing dues.