mmm Hvaða hlutfall
edit:Wow I translated back to english and that does not come out right at all using the same translation tool.
whats your rate
in Iceland is "Hvaða hlutfall" back its "the percentage". so I try Irish "whats do ráta" use detect and it detected Slovak to "whats in counts". So who are the providers, that charge by the inch?
mmmm deflation more like it. Will lie down for BCD. Lie up for the review, to every ruler is a foot.
Balls cried the queen, and the king laughed for he had two.
Then the queen laughed, for she had his!!!!!!!!
Or to more resent Hilliary tried hard to keep Bill's in a lock box!!!
Gentlemen, Gentlemen, Gentlemen...This is serious business...We must get this discussion back on track...We need to be discussing Rates...Not foreign languages, not inch conversions, not Tampons up our Cow Butts...
Dammit This is serious! The ladies need to know about Rates...Rates so they can decide who amongst us is respectful. Which ones of Us are best qualified to be Babysat. Not which ones of us can convert inches to dollars it would cost to buy Hungarian Cow tampons at bulk rate!!!!