What do you think of Eccie these days?

Little Monster's Avatar
No, I want to hear her side of the story. Come on, now. You know deep down inside that you want to suck and lick the toejam off those feet of hers. Originally Posted by NovTel

Who the hell are you anyway worthless one????
NovTel's Avatar
Ease up there, foot boy. I was only being humorous.
Little Monster's Avatar
Ease up there, foot boy. I was only being humorous. Originally Posted by NovTel
Lord, now you're trying the "you're getting mad reply". You're trying way too hard chief. You're about the 80th person who has tried to get to me with the Foot thing and you'e the 80th person to fail, I wear my foot fetish with pride, always have.

And the whole "you're getting mad" reply is nothing more than a blanket answer for those who have nothing else to come up with or ones who love to dish it out but can't take it in return. You're even dumber than you sound if you think a worthless unheard of handle is gonna have any affect on my mood. But feel free to keep on trying.
NovTel's Avatar
Okay, I'll stop with the foot reference. I like the other one better. What was it? Oh yeah, "Little Whispers."

You better check this thread, chief. You're the one that started dishing it out in the first place by being rude the the ladies on here when they were trying to put in their two cents worth about the topic.

I've also lurked and noticed this isn't the first time you've done this.

Carry on, Little Whispers.
Little Monster's Avatar
Okay, I'll stop with the foot reference. I like the other one better. What was it? Oh yeah, "Little Whispers."

You better check this thread, chief. You're the one that started dishing it out in the first place by being rude the the ladies on here when they were trying to put in their two cents worth about the topic.

I've also lurked and noticed this isn't the first time you've done this.

Carry on, Little Whispers.
Originally Posted by NovTel
LOL well at least you're trying. You said Ladie(s) as in plural. I'm curious, who were the other "Ladie(S)" that I went after. I double checked and can only see one that I went after and I had every right to. Once again we talked it out off the board, if she wants to confirm it would be much appreciated, but if not I won't hold it against her. But who were the other ladies I attacked in this thread?
fun2come's Avatar
... But who were the other ladies I attacked in this thread? Originally Posted by Little Monster
NovTel ???
Little Monster's Avatar
NovTel ??? Originally Posted by fun2come

Very good guess!!!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
All y'all shut up so mebbe Eryn'll show her titties!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Hopefully Erin does put up a great total pic. Yes me and LM did talk it out. That's why it's best to talk to the person in the real world and not just behind a keyboard. Now TITS!TITS!and ok maybe some pussy and ass?
I love the reviews. They are helpful in deciding who to.see. my problem is the anger. So many keyboard tough guys feel the need to call name, insult, belittle and act like Donald Trump. That behavior is uncalled for. The only good thing I can say about then is they are equal opportunity insulter.