Obama wire tapped Trump Tower!!!!!


To summarize, reporting indicates that, prior to June 2016, the Obama Justice Department and FBI considered a criminal investigation of Trump associates, and perhaps Trump himself, based on concerns about connections to Russian financial institutions. Preliminary poking around indicated that there was nothing criminal involved. Rather than shut the case down, though, the Obama Justice Department converted it into a national-security investigation under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). FISA allows the government, if it gets court permission, to conduct electronic surveillance (which could include wiretapping, monitoring of e-mail, and the like) against those it alleges are “agents of a foreign power.”

[/COLOR] Originally Posted by I B Hankering
this is reminiscent of the dinesh d'souza affair

obama trying to punish a political opponent any way possible

only worse
Nope. That's alt-right conjecture, no matter how large you write it, SLOBBRIN!

What's quite telling about our (errrr, YOUR) Scheissfuhrer is that with all this so-called evidence, he "just found out" yesterday.

This is a psychopath who lives and breathes conspiracy theories. And he "just found out?"

And why does this shit always blow up over the weekends?

He had a hissy fit in the WH on Friday, ran off to Florida (AGAIN) and started his latest shitstorm.

The Republican Congress will not be able to take advantage of their control as long as the world remains under the "thumbs" of Twitler,

TIck tock, stupid cock! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Go SUCK 20-30 more DICKS, You get a little cranky when you are hungry, Sperm Eater!

bambino's Avatar
Asswipe the cum guzzling pig.
LexusLover's Avatar
Obaminable has stink on his shoes now. Swamp stink!

Swamp Water!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-05-2017, 09:16 AM
This is exactly wtf the Obama admin wanted.....a closer look at the facts!

Obama is like Br'er Rabbit

The admin did not try and cover up what they had done....they tried to preserve wtf they had done. They love that this is happening! They want a full scale investigation....Trump is playing into their hands. They could not have asked for more than Trumps' tweets!

Mark Levin is your/Trump's source!
LexusLover's Avatar
This is exactly wtf the Obama admin wanted.....a closer look at the facts. Originally Posted by WTF
Did Joe Biden's daughter-in-law tell you that when you were fucking her?

Or did you get that straight from the Horse's Ass?

Oh, guess what .... Trump is President now.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-05-2017, 09:43 AM
Did Joe Biden's daughter-in-law tell you that when you were fucking her?

Or did you get that straight from the Horse's Ass?

Oh, guess what .... Trump is President now. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL brilliant observation. Trump is President. How'd you know and when'd ya find out?

I fucked Trump's daughter, not Biden's daughter in law.
Did Joe Biden's daughter-in-law tell you that when you were fucking him?

Or did you get that straight from the Horse's Ass?

Oh, guess what .... Trump is President now. Originally Posted by LexusLover
fixed it for you
JCM800's Avatar
I still didn't see anything that would legitimately support Trumps claim in all this. So maybe Trump would like to turn over this evidence he has then. Seems like a good way to end all the speculation.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I still didn't see anything that would legitimately support Trumps claim in all this. So maybe Trump would like to turn over this evidence he has then. Seems like a good way to end all the speculation. Originally Posted by JCM800
So, the substantive fact that there was a FISA warrant issued to tap a server in Trump Tower isn't enough evidence for ya, but you and your sniveling ilk keep returning to the same, worn out trope about Trump-Putin collusion to "fix" an election for which there is NO evidence and multiple FBI reports stating that there is no substantive truth in the cacophony of noise from the left about such collusion???
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I still didn't see anything that would legitimately support Trumps claim in all this. So maybe Trump would like to turn over this evidence he has then. Seems like a good way to end all the speculation. Originally Posted by JCM800
Don't you think that making the evidence public might compromise national security? Then the democrats would have one more thing to scream about. Don't be an idiot.
If any evidence exists then only certain people are going to be able to see it but you know how it is. Any republican who says I saw the evidence and it is solid will be attacked by the democrat party and the media.

Any in their right mind should be questioning how the information was gleaned against Flynn and Sessions.
LexusLover's Avatar
I still didn't see anything .... Originally Posted by JCM800
.. and you won't, because you don't want to see it.

It's not "Trump's claims." It was the claim of the fool who tried to paint Trump with the same ludicrous label that WTF is trying to do here ... by suggesting that because applications for a FISA wire tap on Trump Tower were filed then Trump must be guilty of something! (Even though neither you, the LEAKER, or WTF have seen the applications (one got rejected and the other accepted) ...


(Let me guess: You agreed with Comey that the FBI didn't have enough evidence to prosecute HillaryNoMore, even though she had classified emails on her private server!!! ...and didn't tell the FBI the truth!!!!)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-05-2017, 11:23 AM
Don't you think that making the evidence public might compromise national security? s. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Trump has made it public you welfare idiot.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump has made it public you welfare idiot. Originally Posted by WTF
No, you dumbass, it was ALREADY MADE PUBLIC IN THE MEDIA!!!!

Just because the first time you saw it was Trump's tweet doesn't mean that was the first time it was made public. You are the welfare idiot! Lying about fucking people. Lying about other posters. Make up shit. And talking about shit you know nothing about!

Go build another house would you?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-05-2017, 11:36 AM

It's not "Trump's claims." It was the claim of the fool who tried to paint Trump with the same ludicrous label that WTF is trying to do here ... by suggesting that because applications for a FISA wire tap on Trump Tower were filed then Trump must be guilty of!!) Originally Posted by LexusLover
I didn't say he was guilty, i said that they convinced a judge there was smoke.

And that fucking bromance Trump had with Putin, was cause enough!

Maybe we should see Trumps tax returns and see how cozy he is with Russia, just like yall wanted to on the Clinton Foundation!

WooHoo, this is gonna be good. Maybe they'll loc'em all up...Trump, Clinton , Obama and the rest of the swamp that is stealing our tax dollars for personal gain!