Trump's First Year: An Amazing Success

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Lol except that Democrats tried to put forth a bill that would have paid to keep the military going and the Republicans denied it. And there are Dreamers in the military too so there's that. And sorry but the military isn't the be all end all. That was just a talking point that Trump tried to use along with the whole CHIP spin which was also a lie since Republicans didn't fund it for over 100 days when they could have. Oh and let's remember that Trump has been telling us he was all about getting DACA solved and saving this Dreamers. But like always, he's lying. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
True. Trump, who avoided the draft a la Bill Clinton, used the military to try to make those voting against the budget feel non-patriotic.

This whole thing is a farce. So now Congress has another less than 3 weeks to iron out a budget. Good luck!
Sorry but the democrats care more for illegals and the elite than they do ordinary Americans. That blue wave that you think is coming - ain't.

Lol except that Democrats tried to put forth a bill that would have paid to keep the military going and the Republicans denied it. And there are Dreamers in the military too so there's that. And sorry but the military isn't the be all end all. That was just a talking point that Trump tried to use along with the whole CHIP spin which was also a lie since Republicans didn't fund it for over 100 days when they could have. Oh and let's remember that Trump has been telling us he was all about getting DACA solved and saving this Dreamers. But like always, he's lying. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
I may be wrong but I thought contractors had already begun building prototypes.

The wall has not been started. No estimates as to when it will be started. Little money has been allocated to building the wall as of today. In about 9 1/2 months there will be an election and it is very possible that Republicans will lose control of the House. If Trump can't get funding for his wall with Republican control of the Senate, House, and presidency, the likelihood of him getting funding after November becomes less likely.

BTW your little "s'plaination" neglected to address the question as to why we the taxpayers should pay for a wall that Trump PROMISED the American people that Mexico would pay for.
A wall that the majority of the people in this country seemingly do not want. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Sorry but the democrats care more for illegals and the elite than they do ordinary Americans. That blue wave that you think is coming - ain't. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

You guys think people are so stupid. First it was the lies about how much Trump cares and has done for the African American community. Now it's this lie, a lie that has no basis since the Democrats actually didn't put "ordinary Americans" at risk. They tried to fought for the rights of Dreamers, not illegal immigrants. Dreamers who Donald Trump told us were different than illegal immigrants and who he said he wanted to help. Dreamers who over 80% of Americans say need to be helped out. The shutdown was over the weekend so no one was truly effected. If Trump people didn't live in a bubble they would understand that ordinary people like me and my family aren't helped by Trump or Republicans. Ordinary people in the African American and Hispanic community routinely say that the Republicans and Trump are bad for us. So are the ordinary people you speak of only White Americans. And Republicans are the people who care about the elites. They are the ones that gave them a tax break. That's why the Koch Brothers gave Paul Ryan $500,000 after he got the bill through. Koch Brothers are the elite of the elite. Or do you only consider Hollywood entertainers elite? Because they can't stand a person most people in this country can't stand.

You talk about this blue wave, a wave lead by African American women and Latinos. 1) I'm going to go out on a limb and say I know what African American women are thinking better than you do. Actually it's not a limb, I know I know that. And from what I'm hearing, they are still motivated to get Democrats in control of one or both branches of Congress. 2) Organizers for Dreamers have come out and said that they aren't happy about this, but that they know that elections matter, so they need to ensure that those fighting against the Dreamers - Republicans, are pushed out of office so that they can be protected. 3) All of this means nothing because it's January, and we can all but guarantee Donald Trump does something horrible at least twice between now and November that angers the majority of the population and makes them want to see him put in check.

So what all that means... I don't think there is a blue wave, we've seen in it Virginia, NJ, Alabama, in Wisconsin, and all over. We've seen Republicans in California (which is the key to the House) retiring instead of losing their seats. Again DACA is a motivator there and the Republicans just helped there. We've seen in Pennsylvania that their court struck down racially drawn maps that will make them draw the lines correct and could mean 3-4 more Democratic seats. We know that in off years after a presidential election, the winning President always loses seats. Add that to the hate people have for this president and that's adding to the wave. The blue wave will be strong as long as Trump is who he is, so in November we will see.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I may be wrong but I thought contractors had already begun building prototypes. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Prototypes have been built. "The wall" has not been started.
Ok, but don't you have to get a prototype before you start to build? That's a lot of money to waste if they didn't think that they were going to do the job.

Prototypes have been built. "The wall" has not been started. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Actually, I think African American women are smart.
Here's a lady I admire.

You guys think people are so stupid. First it was the lies about how much Trump cares and has done for the African American community. Now it's this lie, a lie that has no basis since the Democrats actually didn't put "ordinary Americans" at risk. They tried to fought for the rights of Dreamers, not illegal immigrants. Dreamers who Donald Trump told us were different than illegal immigrants and who he said he wanted to help. Dreamers who over 80% of Americans say need to be helped out. The shutdown was over the weekend so no one was truly effected. If Trump people didn't live in a bubble they would understand that ordinary people like me and my family aren't helped by Trump or Republicans. Ordinary people in the African American and Hispanic community routinely say that the Republicans and Trump are bad for us. So are the ordinary people you speak of only White Americans. And Republicans are the people who care about the elites. They are the ones that gave them a tax break. That's why the Koch Brothers gave Paul Ryan $500,000 after he got the bill through. Koch Brothers are the elite of the elite. Or do you only consider Hollywood entertainers elite? Because they can't stand a person most people in this country can't stand.

You talk about this blue wave, a wave lead by African American women and Latinos. 1) I'm going to go out on a limb and say I know what African American women are thinking better than you do. Actually it's not a limb, I know I know that. And from what I'm hearing, they are still motivated to get Democrats in control of one or both branches of Congress. 2) Organizers for Dreamers have come out and said that they aren't happy about this, but that they know that elections matter, so they need to ensure that those fighting against the Dreamers - Republicans, are pushed out of office so that they can be protected. 3) All of this means nothing because it's January, and we can all but guarantee Donald Trump does something horrible at least twice between now and November that angers the majority of the population and makes them want to see him put in check.

So what all that means... I don't think there is a blue wave, we've seen in it Virginia, NJ, Alabama, in Wisconsin, and all over. We've seen Republicans in California (which is the key to the House) retiring instead of losing their seats. Again DACA is a motivator there and the Republicans just helped there. We've seen in Pennsylvania that their court struck down racially drawn maps that will make them draw the lines correct and could mean 3-4 more Democratic seats. We know that in off years after a presidential election, the winning President always loses seats. Add that to the hate people have for this president and that's adding to the wave. The blue wave will be strong as long as Trump is who he is, so in November we will see. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sorry but the democrats care more for illegals and the elite than they do ordinary Americans. That blue wave that you think is coming - ain't. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
That is total BS. DACA will pass with support from both sides. This is not an all or nothing issue. Nothing Obama did while in office negatively affected my position in life. To whom are you referring when you mention "the elite"? Certainly not the rich if you say Democrats support them. The recent tax bill certainly enhances the position of the elite.

If the blue wave isn't coming in November how can you rationalize the recent Senate vote in Alabama? Even if Strange had been the Republican candidate he wouldn't have come close to the victory margin posted by Trump in Alabama in 2016.

It's too early for either you or I to make realistic projections as to what will happen come election day in November. I can give several reasons why 2018 will be good for Democrats, history being one of them.

The latest 2018 midterms polling looks extremely good for Democrats

The latest tests of the generic congressional ballot — essentially, a poll question asking whether people would vote for a Republican or Democrat congressional candidate next year — have shown mostly double-digit leads for Democrats.


And here is the latest, dated today. Democrats with a 60.3% chance to win a majority in the House :

I know that you have a history of not responding to posts that prove you to be either wrong or hold a minority opinion but I'll ask you to give us the opinions of others that support your position. Not the opinion of Trump or other Republicans. 3rd party please.
Actually, I think African American women are smart.
Here's a lady I admire. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

African American women are smart. That's why they voted strongly against Trump in 2016. That's why they continue to vote for Democratic nominees in the elections since then. And that's why they continue to be the demographic overwhelming disapproving of Trump in every poll since his election. So yes they are very smart and they are very much against Trump and his policies.

And that lady is in an extreme outlier in the African American community and definitely within African American women.

They aren't going to vote for Trump in 2020 and they aren't going to vote for Republicans in November. That's why the blue wave will have momentum. But thanks for acknowledging they are smart. Unless you only think the ones who like Trump are, then you are saying like 97% of them aren't.
That is total BS. DACA will pass with support from both sides. This is not an all or nothing issue. Nothing Obama did while in office negatively affected my position in life. To whom are you referring when you mention "the elite"? Certainly not the rich if you say Democrats support them. The recent tax bill certainly enhances the position of the elite.

If the blue wave isn't coming in November how can you rationalize the recent Senate vote in Alabama? Even if Strange had been the Republican candidate he wouldn't have come close to the victory margin posted by Trump in Alabama in 2016.

It's too early for either you or I to make realistic projections as to what will happen come election day in November. I can give several reasons why 2018 will be good for Democrats, history being one of them.

The latest 2018 midterms polling looks extremely good for Democrats

The latest tests of the generic congressional ballot — essentially, a poll question asking whether people would vote for a Republican or Democrat congressional candidate next year — have shown mostly double-digit leads for Democrats.


And here is the latest, dated today. Democrats with a 60.3% chance to win a majority in the House :

I know that you have a history of not responding to posts that prove you to be either wrong or hold a minority opinion but I'll ask you to give us the opinions of others that support your position. Not the opinion of Trump or other Republicans. 3rd party please.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

They also like to pretend that those California Republicans and many others in swing districts or slightly Republican districts aren't retiring at higher numbers than normal. They know what's happening. They can see it way more in their districts than we can. They get the calls and the people showing up with the distain for this president and their party. But the Trump cult will just say it's nothing and their isn't a wave in as they drown in it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ok, but don't you have to get a prototype before you start to build? That's a lot of money to waste if they didn't think that they were going to do the job. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yes, you do. But prototypes the size that were built cost a few million dollars, money that was not appropriated for the wall but rather "reprogrammed money" within US Customs and Border Protection. There has been no money appropriated thus far by Congress for the wall. The only way it seems that Trump will get sufficient money is by holding other bills hostage. Give me the money or I won't support DACA. Forget the FACT that the majority of American people want DACA and don't want the wall.

"A lot of money to waste". Chicken feed compare to the money that is wasted by the federal government every day.
Speedracer, what are you talking about? I respond to posts.

They also like to pretend that those California Republicans and many others in swing districts or slightly Republican districts aren't retiring at higher numbers than normal. They know what's happening. They can see it way more in their districts than we can. They get the calls and the people showing up with the distain for this president and their party. But the Trump cult will just say it's nothing and their isn't a wave in as they drown in it. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Crap sorry, wrong one.

Speedracer, what are you talking about? I respond to posts. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
The wall is an intelligent idea the will be VERY effective.

As long as nobody invents the ladder.
Or tunnels.

Plus it won't cost taxpayers a penny.
Trump/Pence 2020!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Crap sorry, wrong one. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
In the past whenever you've been painted into a corner you move on without responding.

Such as I asked you how the new tax plan will affect you since you think it is a fantastic deal for all Americans.

If you believe otherwise,, reply to my post asking for support for your OPINION that the 2018 elections will not put a Democratic majority in the House. I have given 2 independent sources stating that Democrats currently have the advantage.