we do not have a communist party in our country.They are not real communists.
as much as we dislike them and im not crazy about either party, they are not communist
again people should go live in a communist country and see.
ive been to china, our democrat party is nothing like that crap over there
and the republicans spend more than ever now, shit they are the democrats on steroids with their spenindg
our deficit is gone, forget it, were done Originally Posted by Missburger
They are/were trying to posture themselves as literal anti-Trumpers.
If people like Ayanna Presley, Alexandria Cortez, Bernie, Pocohantas, Ilhan Omar, or Rashida Thalib ever got a taste of communism they would shit on themselves.
Most of them are just Trump haters, moslem lovers, anti-law and order scumbags, abortionists, anti-2nd amendment delusionists, man-haters, globalists and oddballs who resent the Christian religion and the United States of America in general.