They do. A fact that's been pointed out to you on numerous occasions. A fact that you continue to ignore. A fact that's not going to go away simply because you refuse to acknowledge it. Originally Posted by Doove
Do all libs have cognitive problems? I'll type slower so you can keep up. The question referred to f-e-d-e-r-a-l i-n-c-om-e t-a-x-e-s. Payroll taxes, such as Social Security, Medicare, etc. were passed and sold the the public as "contributions" for a specified benefit. They are not supposed to be used for any other purpose. (You can thank Lyndon "Great Society" Johnson for any variation of that purpose.) Therefore payment of payroll taxes are not intended for the general maintenance of the government.
The lower two quartiles pay payroll taxes, but not federal income taxes. In fact they get back 5.6 percent more than they put in. You are obfuscating the issue with this continual reference to the irrelevant. If you want to change it, let's revise the entire tax structure and make it honest.
This is the last time I will honor this with an answer.