You're already fully aware of all of Trump's shortcomings as well as I am, but you choose to ignore them. Ignorance is a conscious choice. It is neither my responsibility or desire to attempt to educate the ignorant. In my opinion, it a complete waste of time.
You're on your own.
Originally Posted by Lapdog
But you're willing to accept Biden's shortcomings or are you telling us he has none? It may not be a responsibility but trying to educate the ignorant is a noble cause. Forcing one's opinions with punishment and retribution is not a noble cause.
Of course being "educated" especially politically when so many people have no interest in politics and will proudly tell you so and then go vote, demonstrates a lack of intelligence which comes from being un-educated.
Few things more infuriating for a person like myself , than someone who says they are going to vote but can't tell me in specific terms, why they will be voting for that person and yes, I'll accept voting for someone because they aren't so and so, if you can correctly tell me what so and so has done that offends your sensibilities. If one can't, then that is a display of ignorance which as an American, fortunately, one is entitled to.
If you are voting for Biden, you understand his shortcomings and can articulate them and there possible consequences, then you are an educated person who in my opinion is just making a bad choice but I'll respect you as long as you can explain why.
If one tells me they will not vote for Trump and can't tell me why with specifics, I will not respect you.
There are people who actually believe in open borders even when there is practically speaking, no country on earth that doesn't recognize their borders. While the EU has expanded that idea to incorporate a number of countries, the EU still has it's borders and border controls. Any American that can not see the value and necessity of enforcing our borders, is an un-educated fool in my personal opinion.