...those of you who are new to knowing anything about black history or who wait for it to be spoon fed to you may want to consider gathering PROACTIVE information. On second thought, nah, effort towards an end not having a not-so-well-hidden agenda would be involved.
This "Oh, golly, gee whiz, who'd a-thunk it" fake amazement that such OLD FUCKING NEWS has suddenly come to light just because Beck or some other pointy-headed "fact pimp" brings this up for fill content to make the 20 minutes his internet tv show runs AND it winds up on YouTube is reason enough to 1) think, make that KNOW, it's bullshit or 2) it's an older than the hills chestnut - the case here.
Just excatly how many of you budding political and history theorists have even cracked a "modern" (post 1985) high school or freshman college history book or done the assigned reading? That's what I thought. And, you might also cast a thoughtful eye towards who buys text books for school districts. That would be the local school boards through a buying group - not the Federal Government - a little inconvenience called "local control." Now, you TPers quit arguing FOR the feds or some other "outside" entity to come in and dictate what should be taught in public schools. Or, you might reconsider your stance on teaching black history to white kids (a recommendation of the US Dept of Education - *gasp*). Your fatuous, ill-informed and mis-reasoned BOOLA-SHEET-AH is another reason to take the matches away from you. The reason you folks of this part of the country don't know much is because the right-thinking protectors of the "good old days" are on school boards across this wonderful (ha) state. Critical thought, things you don't just "know" (wink*wink) and differing viewpoints don't play too well deep in the heart of Texas.
Being exposed to thinking through controversial subject matter at an early age serves well as an innoculation against whatever it is you TPers have contracted from Beck, Faux Noise, the Cock Broz PAC, and other fair and balanced sources of ,ahem, "truth, justice and the Mellican Waaaaay."
You geniuses may now continue on your mission to spin ever more out of control with your spasms of "outrage" at something which has been well documented since roughly 1900. Too bad for you, as well as a comment on where you're coming from, that this is a new thing. Well, just because it's NEW TO YOU doesn't make it new anymore than an infant finding out that a stove is hot.
And, BTW, just for the hell of it - the Rev Al and other "leaders" of the black community made the big deal about this in the 1970s and 1980s. There was even a big push to get this information out during the height of the Civil Rights Movement in the late 1950s and 1960s. But - I know, I know - most of you were in the throes of of incoherency, or overt, southern racism, or waiting on becoming a gleam in your daddy's eye back then.
Party on, dumb sh*ts, you've almost mastered filling up space without using content.