KC community going down hill/eccie insiders support it

cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
Elena: On second thought, I think I'll exercise my right of free speech.

Why do I care?

1. The thread was about rooting out troublemakers who bring negativity to the board, and if what DD said was true (Not saying you are, but I'm reading BOTH sides and merely asking questions), then you would be one of them and it would be fair game to identify you as such.

2. I have as much right to express my opinions and ask questions as you do. In fact, I'm about 200 miles MORE relevant that you.

3. Just trying to keep up with what's being said.

4. Did it ever occur to you that by asking about you, I was concerned and trying to defend, not defame your honor by rooting out the truth?

Maybe the truth about your involvement scares you? I don't know. I just see how defensive you've been.

Thanks for the opportunity to be heard.
Moved this thread to the Sandbox as the discussion has deteriorated from discussing Ari's original premise.
Elena: On second thought, I think I'll exercise my right of free speech.

Why do I care?

1. The thread was about rooting out troublemakers who bring negativity to the board, and if what DD said was true (Not saying you are, but I'm reading BOTH sides and merely asking questions), then you would be one of them and it would be fair game to identify you as such.

2. I have as much right to express my opinions and ask questions as you do. In fact, I'm about 200 miles MORE relevant that you.

3. Just trying to keep up with what's being said.

4. Did it ever occur to you that by asking about you, I was concerned and trying to defend, not defame your honor by rooting out the truth?

Maybe the truth about your involvement scares you? I don't know. I just see how defensive you've been.

Thanks for the opportunity to be heard. Originally Posted by cuddlyteddybear
I apologize and typed it in the "moment."

1. The "root" of all this goes back a little further than I'm sure you're wanting to go and read.

2. Yes, you do. But, a matter of miles doesn't count as I travel to KC often.

3. I wish you luck with keeping up, but it truly isn't worth keeping up with.

4. Thanks, but no need to defend nor flame me. WK's aren't looked upon kindly. lol

5. The truth doesn't scare me because I put the truth out there in my post.

Have a wonderful day.
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
E: You're a class act. You have NOTHING to apologize for. We were both just kind of trying to sort it all out.

WK? No prob. I'll accept with honor the title of defending women being attacked, regardless of how it's perceived. I was raised in the old school. In doing so, I don't mean to suggest you, or others, can't defend yourselves, because you obviously can. Just how I'm wired.

Thanks for the sweet reply.
boardman's Avatar
My work here is done...
KenMonk's Avatar
Unless you have a masters in fucked up shit trying to figure out everything that goes on here is pretty much a waste of time.
dirty dog's Avatar
If you think that your insults are hurting me, all they're doing is making me laugh and driving more business my way. My bank account thanks you. Originally Posted by MsElena

Okay then I want 20%, I will send a guy around to pick it up.
DD - I got the gist of the thing from someone else that you PM'ed . . . sorry my PMs are down right now.

Bottom line; We're cool.

The rest goes without saying - I know you know how I feel, and what I would say if I were there to say it.

Email me if you ever need anything. Seriously.


- Jackie
dirty dog's Avatar
DD - I got the gist of the thing from someone else that you PM'ed . . . sorry mine are down right now.

We're cool.

The rest goes without saying.

Email me if you need anything.


- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Sorry, I was still editing when you quoted me - LOL.
And as Walter Cronkite used to finish his broadcast...."And that's the way it is, Thursday May 3rd, 2012.......

I'll slip you 21%
notanewbie's Avatar
I skimmed thru this but, is this another thread about DD getting himself some DP on the DL?

This should be moved to the "another realm".... DD don't be ashamed.
  • mike2
  • 05-03-2012, 09:30 PM
Well as Scotty said in the last "new" Star Trek I like this ship!

WOW!! Have not seen this much cat fur flying I quite a while.
Another thread about me...

...And a couple of weeks ago you had no clue who I was.

Fucking Awesome!

Ari, Good luck with that new board thing....Let me know how it works out for you.

How's this for a non-negative post? Originally Posted by boardman
I bet you have a small dick, are a bad experience, and someone us providers laugh about behind closed doors. Can't imagine that any self respecting hooktard would have anything to do with you. You think it's the words...lmao..running mental circles around you....fucktard!